Renowned academic and practicing cardiologist and internist Dr. Peter McCullough joined the Dark to Light Podcast on Aug. 11 to set the record straight on COVID-19. McCullough has produced 46 peer-reviewed publications on the virus and "has reviewed thoughts of reports, participated in scientific congresses and has been considered among the world's experts on COVID-19," according to his bio. He has published:
"The first two breakthrough peer-reviewed protocols on how to treat COVID-19 at home to prevent hospitalization and death. Studies support it, suggesting if you use drugs together in combination will reduce hospitalization and death by 85%."
McCullough discussed a broad range of important topics; preventative immune supplements, therapeutics that heal, the potential harms from the jab, and his wealth of knowledge from treating and healing patients over the past year and a half.
An Ounce of Prevention: A Healthy Immune System
One of the most important takeaways is that a healthy immune system will successfully fight the virus in the majority of cases. A healthy immune system will also provide better immunity to the virus than will the jab. Individuals who pay attention to their intake of nutraceuticals like Vitamin D, Liposomal C, Zinc, Selenium, and proper oral and nasal care will be much more likely to successfully fight off the worst effects of the illness—even in those who are elderly or have co-morbidities.
McCullough has been sounding the alarm on preventative care and therapeutics since the early days of the pandemic. He appeared before Congress in November of 2020 to emphatically communicate the "critical need for early ambulatory treatment for COVID-19."
Translated, the earlier in the disease an individual gets treatment, the more likely the individual will avoid hospitalization or death. Per Dr. McCullough, once a patient is admitted to the hospital, it is "way too late" in many instances to save the patient.
Preventative and Early Treatment Protocol
Many groups, including early adopters like Dr. Didier Raoult in France and Dr. Zelenko in Monroe, NY, have "galvanized under early treatment protocols," McCullough explained. One of the several providers Dr. McCullough mentioned, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC Alliance), founded by Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik have published updated and recommended protocols for preventative and early treatment below:
Additionally, McCullough explains there is a growing body of evidence indicating that COVID-19 and its Delta Variant are highly treatable in the early stages if neutraceuticals alone fall short. This early treatment packet is among the most comprehensive available. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Ivermectin, nebulized steroids, Regeneron monoclonal antibodies and medications to address the vascular complications due to the spike proteins are all on the list of treatments that have seen great success. President Trump received Regeneron as part of his treatment regimen during its experimental phase when he contracted COVID-19 in October 2020. On Friday, Governor Ron DeSantis set forth a plan to encourage Floridians to be treated with the Regeneron antibodies. McCullough discusses the Regeneron therapeutic treatment below: "Seniors need to find out in their town, does the major hospital have the monoclonal antibodies. They really need to know this. The Regeneron Monoclonal antibodies are the first part of the protocol. These are fully FDA, emergency use authorization approved (EUA) and seniors should demand it of their doctors—demand they make a phone call to the ER, arrange an infusion. All the ER's have treatment rooms. Come in as an outpatient, just as President Trump did, get an antibody infusion and go home." "The U.S. pre-purchased 500 million doses of these antibodies. They are sitting on the shelf, unused because patients don't know about them. The government agencies are offering no access to them. There's no 1-800 number. The nursing homes aren't featuring it. The urgent care centers, the major medical centers, are not making it obvious that it's available. And so, Americans need to demand treatment.." "If doctors don't have the courage or the knowledge or the skill to do this, patients need to very quickly go to the telemedicine services. Important resources are the Association of the American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), download the home treatment guide and the directory of treating physicians. Another website is the Truth for Health Foundation and the America's Frontline Doctors" website. With recent recommendations to get the shot even if previously recovered from COVID-19, it makes little sense to many in the medical community to recommend getting the shot—especially if an individual has recovered from COVID-19. One of the best interviews on the vaccine and the pandemic is one featuring Dr. McCullough from May. Once infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the body's immune response is much sturdier than what is afforded by the shot. Critical information from Dr. McCullough begins at the 23-minute mark of the podcast. McCullough succinctly explains the "vaccine" and the body's immune response to both the virus and the vaccine in the excerpt below: "We have IGA antibodies in the mouth. We have lymph nodes in the mouth. We have T cells, natural killer cells and we fight the whole virus. So we fight the nucleocapsid, the polymerases, the spike protein and so we're fighting the virus from the get-go in the mouth and throat. The body's immune system is fighting this every step of the way and we're getting pretty limited exposure to the virus and the spike protein." "But compared to the vaccine?! The vaccines all give the body a substantial dose of genetic materials. This is the first time we've used gene therapy as a vaccine! And the body is getting a mainline of the genetic materials and lipid nanoparticles and gets distributed to all the organs in the body, including the brain, the heart and critical organs. And then, the gene is inserted inside the cells—the RNA coding for the spike protein or the add new viral DNA, which then codes for the RNA which makes the spike protein. And then the cells, a mosaic of cells—not all of them—but a mosaic of cells, in an uncontrolled manner produce the spike protein. So the spike protein itself is dangerous. We know that. It's expressed on the cell surfaces and then the body attacks its own cells because it recognizes the spike protein as being foreign. Cells start to be injured and die within those organs and then the spike protein liberates and it circulates in the bloodstream for an uncontrolled fashion for two weeks. Now in a paper from Harvard by Ogata and colleagues that demonstrated that. And then the second shot of the messenger RNA the antibodies tamp down the circulating spike protein." "But our great fear now is that this process occurs within cells and the spike protein is produced locally in tissues for more than two weeks, maybe more than a month—maybe several months. And you can imagine having your body now has the genetic code to produce a dangerous spike protein that's not supposed to be there! This is a foreign protein that was manipulated in a lab in China. Now the human body has the genetic code for this—producing this by protein, causing damage in organs and this is really in a sense it's diabolical to think about it." Conventional vaccines like the flu shot, tetanus, and childhood vaccines are very different from the COVID-19 jab. Vaccine types are listed on the Department of Health and Human Services Website here. Notably, the time to market for the COVID-19 jab has been markedly compressed, as evidenced by its Trump administration's coined name "Operation Warp-Speed." A typical timeline for vaccine development is 5-10 years. This has caused many to be hesitant to comply with vaccination. A timeline for vaccines, including the ones used for SARS-CoV-2, can be found here. McCullough explains: "We either use an inactivated protein like tetanus. So you get a protein and your respond to it. The protein is just injected into your arm. It doesn't get in your cell and your body responds to it. Or we use a chilled virus—same thing—the virus doesn't get your cells. Your body just responds to it outside the cells. OR, what's called a live, attenuated virus. That means the virus is alive, but it's been activated, so it can't invade your body." "We've never used a vaccine that actually gets inside your cells and kind of hijacks the cell's machinery to start using the spike protein. So it's a hijacking that goes on. That spike protein is not supposed to be in your cells. It is the first time we've ever given a vaccine where now something wrong is inside your cells and if we don't know what shuts off the production of this spike protein. It's alarming. We've never given a vaccine that just cranks in the body for two weeks." The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was put in place in 1990. Per the Open VAERS report website, "It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (see the Lazarus Report) of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at" As of July 30, 2021, there have been 543,337 COVID vaccine adverse event reports. The significance of Dr. McCullough's statements above cannot be ignored. With the growing evidence that the foreign spike proteins are circulating in the bloodstream, many worry that miscarriages, organ damage, including brain injury, spinal cord damage, vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) in women and strokes in younger people—especially males. The CDC denies that vaccines cause miscarriages, doubling down on Wednesday. The European Union reporting system, EudraVigilance, released numbers on July 9 that were not favorable to the COVID-19 "vaccine". 282k serious reactions were reported. However, as Smalley explained below, 23 percent of the reports are from the Netherlands, representing only 5% of the total vaccinated. "If the whole EU reported at the Netherlands rate, there would be 1.4 million ADR's of which 39k are fatal." Smalley also compares COVID deaths prior to vaccine rollouts vs. after the rollout. Deaths seem to be significantly higher post-vaccine rollout. As many in the scientific community are beginning to vocalize, why get a shot for a disease that is highly treatable if caught early and for a disease which, in the majority of cases, survival rates are high? In Israel, an Aug. 13 report does not bode well for vaccinated individuals hoping to avoid getting infected with SARS-CoV-2. Per "Over half of Thursday's confirmed cases, 53%, were identified in individuals who had been vaccinated for the disease, the Health Ministry said, while 43% of those who tested positive were unvaccinated. Two percent were in the process of inoculation, while 1% had already recovered from the virus. None of the new cases were identified among individuals who had recovered from the virus and received at least one dose of the vaccine." According to Health Ministry data released Friday, Israel now has 44,188 active cases of the virus. There are 462 people in serious condition, the highest number Israel has seen since mid-March. Seventy-five of those in serious condition are on ventilators." Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) of infection is a safety concern for vaccine strategies, per a recent Aug. 9 published study in the Journal of Infection. UncoverDC has reported extensively on the subject of vaccines and their effectiveness. They may not only be ineffective, but the jabs may also be dangerous because of their propensity to encourage ADE and cause "a global catastrophe." Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, Ph.D., is a vaccine expert and independent virologist from Belgium. On Thursday, he posted a paper commenting that mass vaccination campaigns will only cause immune escape, causing more infectious variants of the virus to emerge. This could cause all individuals, immunized or not, to experience suppression of their natural antibodies (Abs). Vanden Bossche sent a letter to the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) at the end of July, warning that the worldwide mass vaccination campaigns will exacerbate the pandemic because of immune escaping variants, like the Delta Virus and more. There are historical instances of rewards for participation in vaccine programs—seen in drives to push HIV/AIDS care or childhood vaccines in poverty-stricken countries. While there is a difference between being threatened to get the jab (coercion) and being encouraged to get it, it may be, to many, a distinction without much of a difference. The number of programs incentivizing the jab, however, is unprecedented. The instances included here are a fraction of the reward/punishment programs easily found on the internet. Many are now being threatened with the loss of their jobs if they do not comply. Students are not able to fully participate in campus activities if not masked or vaccinated. Hospitals and even corporations are now moving toward mandatory vaccination. And, if you are fired for failing to comply, you may not qualify for unemployment. Some are saying the unvaccinated should be charged or fined when tested. Credit card companies are partnering with employers and government agencies to incentivize vaccination. offers incentives such as free childcare and free rides for vaccine appointments. Airlines have offered incentives for the vaccinated. United Airlines is the first major carrier to mandate vaccines for its employees. New York City has fully launched its still voluntary digital Excelsior Pass app. Per the website, it is: "New York’s voluntary and secure way to retrieve proof of COVID-19 vaccination or negative test results. Excelsior Pass empowers New Yorkers to retrieve and easily store a digital form of vaccine or negative test credentials so that you don’t have to worry about misplacing or damaging your CDC vaccination card or other paper records." New York City will require proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter indoor restaurants, gyms and performance venues starting Aug. 16. California celebrated re-opening with a vaccination lottery, Vax for the Win, "that gave away $1.5 million each to 10 people who had received the coronavirus vaccine." Ohio's Vax-a-Million lottery that started in May announced the final set of winners in June. Each winner raked in a cool $1 million. In other cases, as with Pakistan, people are being punished for failing to comply. Per reporting by the Wall Street Journal, "Authorities in this country of 220 million threatens those refusing to accept the shot with punishments from cutting off their cellphone connections to withholding their salaries." McCullough is not the only person trying to sound the alarm about the pandemic. With the government's overreach in almost all aspects of life and the complicit mainstream media's complicity, it is almost impossible to find solid information. Some organizations are stepping in to help Americans filter through misinformation. Daniel Bobinski, on his Idaho-based radio show The Voice of Conservative Values, discusses the "vaccine" mandates and their infringement on individual liberties. He also addresses information from the CDC's own website, the definition and purpose of vaccines. "The COVID-19 shot," he explains, "Does not do what a vaccine does by definition of the CDC." Many hospitals in the state are threatening to fire medical workers if they do not get the shot. He interviewed a nurse and a psychologist, who are organizing groups to communicate with the legislature to stop "vaccine" mandates, and instead allow informed consent and choice. The nurse, Victoria Stump, quit her job to start an organization called Take A Stand Now to supply representation and support to individuals who wish to retain their individual liberties. Notably, Bobinski highlights the July 7, Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) updated guidelines that distinguish between vaccinated and unvaccinated and allow probative questions about one's vaccine status. Bobinski believes that OSHA is partially behind the push to mandate vaccines. The fines for non-compliance are substantial. Texas Right to Know (TRTK) published a document called the Omega Brief. TRTK "is a coalition of various advocacy groups with services designed to inform and connect people in a community regarding local and state legislative issues that affect their basic necessities of life and how they can get involved and influence the laws they live under." The Omega Brief is a fluid document that provides updated information that offers: "A consolidation of evidence of criminal activity provided by national and international expert witnesses, revealing bad actors who are responsible for the coronavirus pandemic. Federal agencies established treatment guidelines, based on a chosen narrative to direct the actions of state medical boards, physician and hospital treatment options, and state and local Departments of State Health Services." Legislatures are also beginning to wake up. The Aug. 6 executive order issued by Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee prompted all members of the state House of Representatives to request on Aug. 11 that the Governor called an extraordinary session to "address misdirected and mandated responses to COVID-19 by local entities and officials." With the opening of schools, many school boards in the state are now mandating masks for K-12 students.
Is The COVID-19 Shot Really a Vaccine?
Reports of COVID-19 Vaccine Injury
Open VAERS Report/July 30, 2021 - COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events
The Vaccinated Are Getting Sick
Vanden Bossche/Aug. 12 - The Everchanging Official Narrative on COVID-19
Vanden Bossche/Aug. 12 - The Everchanging Official Narrative on COVID-19
Vanden Bossche/Aug. 12 - The Everchanging Official Narrative on COVID-19
Incentives to Get the Jab
Information Warfare
OSHA Guidelines/July 7
The Omega Brief/TRTK