Dr. Fauci: As Corruption Claims Mount, New Bill Seeks to Reduce Salary to Zero

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

A new bill introduced in the House this week by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) seeks to issue a subpoena to Dr. Fauci—the highest paid government official—regarding alleged lies and corruption throughout the entire COVID-19 pandemic. The bill, H.Con.Res.71, also aims to reduce his salary as the Dir. of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Chief Medical Advisor to Joe Biden to $0.00. 

In a statement issued after introducing the resolution, Gosar noted that Dr. Fauci "testified under oath before the United States Senate that the National Institutes of Health has not funded gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology yet a report by Project Veritas proves that Dr. Fauci did, in fact, fund research in Wuhan, China and at several sites across the United States." He added:

"Dr. Anthony Fauci has repeatedly lied to Congress and the American people throughout the entire COVID-19 pandemic." 

Dr. Fauci has given contrary advice regarding the source of the virus, the transmissibility of the virus, the virulence of the virus, the efficacy of masks and vaccines, the efficacy of social distancing, and has demeaned anyone in the public health community that disagrees with him. Dr. Fauci has continuously and deliberately misled the public at every turn."


GOP Oversight Committee Releases "Never Before Seen" Emails Exposing Corruption

In January, the Republican House Oversight Committee released a collection of "never before seen emails showing Dr. Fauci may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the Wuhan lab & intentionally downplayed the lab leak theory." The emails, which support an article written by UncoverDC last July, give credibility to allegations that American's top doctor is guilty of concealing critical information about COVID-19 from U.S. citizens. They also reinforce the assertion Fauci intentionally downplayed and misled the public on the role of the Wuhan lab in Communist China.



Numerous Prominent GOP Senators Demand Answers From Fauci

The claims of repeated corruption and sincere distrust for Dr. Fauci includes two distinguished members of Congress, Kansas Sen. Roger Marshall (a physician and scientist) and Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member of the Committee on the Judiciary. Following a tense conversation about gain-of-function research with Dr. Fauci during a Senate Health Committee hearing on Jan. 11, Sen. Marshall remarked to R&F, "People know when they're being lied to. And I think this web of deceit (is) growing. This is why, in January of 2020, I was the first person in Congress to get up on the House floor and say something is wrong here." Marshall added:

"There's an appearance of a cover-up. The first question is what they are covering up. Dr Fauci has lost his reputation. These emails conclude what America decided months ago, (which) is that we cannot trust Dr. Fauci."

When asked if any of the scientists who "changed their tune" on the origins of SARS-CoV-2 after their Feb. 2020 secret teleconference with Fauci received grants from the NIH, Marshall replied, "Dr. Fauci hands out over $5 billion of grants every year for decades. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. He's had so much power over these grants for years. There has to create some type of conflict of interest. As these scientists flip-flop, they've received grants from Dr. Fauci in the past, and they'll be receiving them in the future." Rep. Jim Jordan chimed in on the funding fiasco, adding:

"Drs. Kristian Anderson and Robert Gerry believed the virus did not come from nature and may have escaped from a lab (and) reversed their position after speaking with Dr. Fauci at the outset of the pandemic. Months later, in May 2020, they received $8.9 million in grant money from Fauci."

Sen. Rand Paul joins Rep. Jordan, Sen. Marshall, and other GOP colleagues in steadfastly holding Fauci accountable for alleged corruption during the pandemic. For months, Sen. Paul has been seeking answers from Fauci over the coronavirus. In July, he announced that he referred Dr. Fauci to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for criminal investigation for allegedly lying to Congress.

During the Jan. 11 exchange between Fauci and Marshall, the COVID-19 pandemic chief was heard calling the senator a "moron" on a hot microphone after insisting his financial portfolio was accessible to the public. Following the name-calling, on Jan. 12, Sen. Marshall sent a letter to Dr. Fauci formally requesting his financial disclosures for the fiscal years covering the pandemic. He pressed Fauci, asserting, "Several of my requests for information from your office have required months for a response or are still outstanding. Please provide these disclosures by 5:00 pm Friday, Jan. 14." 

Declaring Fauci was incorrect when he stated at the hearing that his financial records were online—on Jan. 14, Marshall announced plans to introduce the Financial Accountability for Uniquely Compensated Individuals (the FAUCI Act). He explained the act would make it easier for Americans to find out the salary and financial disclosures of top government officials. As the highest paid federal employee of the federal government, Fauci must publicly disclose financial statements.

Fauci Releases Unpublished Financial Reports

Admitting his $10.4 million financial portfolio wasn't as "transparent" as he intimated to Sen. Marshall at the hearing, Dr. Fauci—who makes more than the president—produced previously unpublished financial disclosures before the Jan. 14, 5 pm deadline in the senator's letter. The financial disclosures contain a wealth of previously unknown information. In a press release on Jan. 15, Marshall shared the financial documents and reiterated his disdain for Dr. Fauci, remarking:

 "Dr. Fauci lied to the American people. He is more concerned with being a media star and posing for the cover of magazines than he is being honest with the American people and holding China accountable for the COVID pandemic that has taken the lives of almost 850 thousand Americans. 

Just like he has misled the American people about sending taxpayers dollars to Wuhan, China to fund gain-of-function research, about masks, testing, and more, Dr. Fauci was completely dishonest about his financial disclosures being open to the public—it's no wonder he is the least trusted bureaucrat in America. At the end of the day, Dr. Fauci must be held accountable to all Americans who have been suing and requesting for this information but don't have the power of a Senate office to ask for it. For these reasons, I will be introducing the FAUCI Act so financial disclosures like these are made public and are easily accessible online to every American."

Dr. Fauci's financial records reveal that during the pandemic year of 2020, he and his wife Christine Grady, the chief bioethicist at the NIH, shared a household income, perks, benefits, and unrealized gains totaling $1,776,479. This figure includes federal income and benefits of $868,812; outside royalties and travel perks totaling $113,298; and investment accounts increasing by $794,369.

Additionally, the financial statements expose that Biden's top medical advisor held investments in companies in China through a fund named Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund. Breitbart reports the Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund fact sheet, published in Sept. 2021, revealed the fund has invested 42.7 percent of its investors’ money into companies in China and Hong Kong. Among the companies listed is the enterprise named Wuxi Biologics Cayman. Headquartered in China, the Wuxi Biologics Cayman is in the pharmaceutical business.

corruption Screenshot / www.openthebooks.com

Quote by Anthony Fauci, MD during an International AIDS 2020 press conference on July 9, 2020

To officially address Dr. Fauci's lies and corruption, Gosar's Feb. 9 press release explains his resolution calls on Congress to subpoena Fauci to "investigate the extent of any corrupt activities he may be party to regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, including funding gain of function research, as well as his numerous lies, deception, and misinformation provided to the United States Congress and the American people throughout the pandemic."

His resolution also demands that the Speaker of the House "provide expeditious consideration of legislation that reduces Dr. Fauci's salary to zero. Dr. Fauci needs to be held accountable for his repeated lies, and my resolution does exactly that," concluded Rep. Gosar.

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