As the world enters the nineteenth month of the WHO-declared global COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of adults in many Western countries have now received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Currently, despite wide recognition that the dangers of COVID-19 to young people are extremely low, the focus has shifted intently on the mass vaccination of the world's children. A recent PubMed paper titled "Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19" takes an in-depth look at issues related to injecting children with experimental mRNA "vaccines."
The study researchers (who refuse to call the jabs "vaccines") point out that historically, inoculations were given on a priority basis, with first responders, health workers, and "the frailest elderly" first in line. After that, the campaign would begin to include lower age groups. Right now in the U.S., COVID-19 injections have been approved for children 12-17 years old, with a massive effort by the White House to get the shot in the arm of as many kids as possible as school gets underway.
Next, in an effort to reach even more children, on Sept. 20, Pfizer announced its clinical trial results on 5-11-year-old children. The pharmaceutical giant stated it would soon request Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the FDA to vaccinate children in that age category. The company also announced that readouts for the other two age groups from the trial—children 2-5 years of age and children six months to 2 years of age—are expected as early as the fourth quarter of this year.
The Current Situation on COVID-19 Deaths
With the global mass-vaccination campaign in its eleventh month, over 6 billion shots have been administered worldwide, and over 28 million jabs are given each day. In the United States, nearly 55 percent of the population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, as defined by the CDC.
According to the CDC's website, almost 681,000 deaths in the U.S. are officially due to COVID-19, and a little over 15,000 deaths have been reported to VAERS as of Sept. 17, 2021. Managed by the FDA and the CDC, VAERS is a passive reporting system that has essentially been shown to report approximately 1 percent of actual vaccine adverse events.
Jessica Rose, Ph.D., Adverse Events Reporting in VAERS
It is well documented that most "official" COVID-19-attributed deaths occur in the elderly with comorbidities. Meanwhile, deaths per capita in children are negligible. Likewise, the majority of deaths following COVID-19 vaccination happen in the elderly with comorbidities, and post-vaccination deaths in children are insignificant in clinical trials.
In early July, as reported by UncoverDC, a comprehensive and significant COVID-19 study was released in the U.K. The study's researchers, who reviewed hospitalizations for every COVID case involving children and young people in the first 12 months of the pandemic, found that just 25 children aged 0 to 17 died of COVID. Of these 25 deaths, 19 (76 percent) occurred among patients who had pre-existing "chronic comorbidities" and/or "life-limiting" medical conditions. Only 24 percent of COVID deaths occurred among children with no "underlying health conditions."
Jessica Rose, Ph.D., Adverse Events Reporting in VAERS
Framework of COVID-19 Death Count
Elaborating on the official CDC death count, the researchers point out the number has been disputed for several reasons. First, "before COVID-19 testing began, or in the absence of testing, after it was available, the diagnosis of COVID-19 (in the USA) could be made [simply] by the presumption of the healthcare provider that COVID-19 existed."
Second, once testing started, the primary diagnostic used was the RT-PCR test. The test was performed at very high amplification cycles ranging up to 45. In this range, "very high numbers of false positives are possible."
Third, most deaths assigned to COVID-19 were elderly with high comorbidities. As previously mentioned:
"Attribution of death to one of many possible comorbidities or especially toxic exposures in combinations is highly arbitrary and can be viewed as a political decision more than a medical decision."
The study points out that for more than 5 percent of the estimated 681,000 deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. On average, deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19 had four additional causes per death. The researchers declared:
"These deaths with comorbidities could equally have been ascribed to any of the comorbidities. Thus, the actual number of COVID-19-based deaths in the USA may have been on the order of 35,000 or even less, symbolic of a mild flu season."
Fig. 1. COVID-19 Deaths per capita by age in the United States (as of Jun. 5, 2021). Population-based on U.S. CDC WONDER Bridge-Race Population Estimate 2019. Data obtained from on 6/15/2021. Provisional COVID-19 deaths based on CDC data provided by the National Center for Health Statistics for the period 1/1/2020 – 6/5/2021. Data obtained from on 6/10/2021.
Where is the Data to Justify Vaccinating Children?
Data in Fig. 1, above, shows no evidence that would justify the inoculation of children. But in the U.S., the Pfizer shot is approved for children 12-17, and as previously mentioned, the company is on a fast track to inject its experimental "vaccine" in children as young as six months by the end of 2021. Furthermore, as the in-depth study explains, clinical trials are problematic, considering "17.4 percent of the participants in the Pfizer clinical trials were over 65, and 4.4 percent were over 75."
Since the experimental "vaccines" were only tested for a few months, very short-term adverse effects are all that could be obtained. The study explained, "It is debatable how well even these short-term effects obtained from the clinical trials reflect the short-term effects from the initial mass inoculation results reported in VAERS." Expounding on the later phases of the trials, which began in late July 2020, the study remarked:
"When the later phases of the trials started in late July 2020, the managers knew the COVID-19 age demographics affected from the July 2020 analog of Fig. 1. Rather than sampling from the age region most affected, they sampled mainly from the age region least affected! And even in the very limited sampling from the oldest groups, it is unclear whether they selected from those with the most serious comorbidities. Our impression is that the sickest were excluded from the trials, but were first in line for the inoculants."
Indeed, the experts maintain the clinical trials utilized a "non-representative younger and healthier sample to get the EUA for the injection." Once the pharmaceutical giants received the EUA, "the mass inoculations were administered to the very sick (and first responders) initially, and many died quite rapidly." However, because those who died following COVID-19 jabs were frail and elderly with multiple comorbidities, their deaths could have easily been attributed to causes other than the injection. The authors maintain this should have been the case, but instead, these deaths were unjustly attributed to COVID-19.
Fig. 2. Post-inoculation deaths per dose of inoculant. 7-day COVID-19 vaccine deaths per inoculation by age in the United States (as of 5/28/2021). Data shown includes the total number of all deaths up to 7 days after receiving the vaccine for both those administered 1 dose and the complete series of doses by age in the United States as of 5/28/2021 reported in VAERS (updated on 5/28/2021). COVID-19 Vaccinations (Inoculations) based on CDC data provided by ISSInfo up thru 5/28/2021. Data obtained from on 6/10/2021. COVID-19 Vaccinations Deaths based on CDC WONDER VAERS Database as of 5/28/2021, obtained from;jsessionid=4B5522C8D1DA68F1A364646B0DA5 on 6/9/2021.
Additionally, the study suggests that the recipe for the spike protein—the central ingredient in the mRNA vaccines—"will produce a product that can have three effects." Two of the three effects happen with the production of antibodies to the spike protein. These antibodies could allegedly extend protection against COVID-19 (although with all the "breakthrough" cases reported, that is doubtful), or they could suppress severe symptoms to some degree. They could also cross-react with human tissue antigen, leading to autoimmune issues.
The third effect occurs when the injected spike protein recipe enters the bloodstream and circulates extensively. This movement through the entire body, including passing through the blood-brain barrier, is aided by the highly vascular injection site and the PEG-2000 coating in the vaccine. PEG-2000, which is in both Pfizer and Moderna mRNA jabs, has not been used as an excipient in vaccines until now. Describing their apprehension surrounding injecting the ingredient in children, the study experts affirm:
"This allows spike protein to be manufactured/expressed in endothelial cells at any location in the body, both activating platelets to cause clotting and causing vascular damage. It is difficult to believe this effect is unknown to the manufacturer, and in any case, has been demonstrated in myriad locations in the body using VAERS data. There appears to be modest benefit from the inoculations to the elderly population most at risk, no benefit to the younger population not at risk, and much potential for harm from the inoculations to both populations. It is unclear why this mass inoculation for all groups is being done, being allowed, and being promoted."
Jessica Rose, Ph.D., Adverse Events Reporting in VAERS
Conclusions - Is Vaccinating Children Worth the Risk?
The graphs in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show that the "frail injection recipients"—already suffering from an impaired immune system due partially or entirely to a lifetime of toxic exposures and an unhealthy lifestyle—obtain an insignificant benefit from receiving the vaccine.
The study asserts the COVID-19 virus will either trigger the impaired immune system into over-reacting or under-reacting, leading to poor outcomes, AND the COVID-19 injection will do the same. Moreover, "if the trial subjects hadn't died with COVID-19, they probably would have died from the flu or any of the other comorbidities they had." It is unclear how many deaths were carelessly ascribed to COVID-19 in the presence of other complicated comorbidities.
Pfizer's own biodistribution studies—analyzing a single injection—have shown the spike protein recipe can be found in various crucial organs throughout the body, "leading to the possibility of multi-organ failure." Multiple injections and booster shots could have snowballing effects on organ concentrations of the vaccine ingredients of those receiving the shots. The spike protein was observed in alarmingly high concentrations in the ovaries. Without a doubt, the clinical trials—which "used a non-representative younger and healthier sample to get EUA to begin giving out the shots"—left many unanswered questions, such as what the death numbers in the intermediate and long-term following COVID-19 vaccination will be. These insufficient clinical trials lacked crucial analysis and further study on issues like blood clots, which have been reported to VAERS. The health complication resulted in severe symptoms and deaths but "gave no indication of the enhanced predisposition to forming serious clots in the future with a higher base of micro-clots formed because of the mRNA intervention." The experts stated: "The latter is particularly relevant to children, who have a long future that could be seriously affected by having an increased predisposition to multiple clot-based (and other) serious diseases resulting from these inoculations. Now the objective is the inoculation of the total USA population. Since many of these potential serious adverse effects have built-in lag times of at least six months or more, we won't know what they are until most of the population has been inoculated, and corrective action may be too late." Finally, a recent opinion in the BMJ summarized the hypothetical assertion that vaccinating children against COVID-19 will protect adults. The experts also raise the critical question of ethics—"should society be considering vaccinating children, subjecting them to any risk, not for the purpose of benefiting them, but in order to protect adults?" Assuming the unproven notion that vaccinating children does protect adults, they elaborate further, stating: "The number of children that would need to be vaccinated to protect just one adult from a bout of severe COVID-19—considering the low transmission rates, the high proportion of children already being post-COVID, and most adults being vaccinated or post-COVID—would be extraordinarily high. Moreover, this number would likely compare unfavourably to the number of children that would be harmed."
Limited CDC data on hospitalized or fatal COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases reported to CDC as of Sept. 13, 2021. The CDC notes:
*This table separates all reported vaccine breakthrough infections that resulted in hospitalization and/or death into two columns. While most deaths were also among hospitalized individuals, a small number were not.
**Includes cases in which the patient did not have symptoms of COVID-19 or their hospitalization or death was not COVID-related. For example, people may be hospitalized for reasons other than COVID-19, such as an auto accident, and test positive when screened upon hospital admission.