
The Conversation: Politics, Family and Healing
Let me tell you a story. One that is deeply personal that I think needs to be told to help others. I hope the story leads to more people finding forgiveness and healing of familial relationships and fr... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow October 27, 2023
Rutabaga’s foreign policy adviser Jake Sullivan boasted about how great the admin’s Gaza policy was before the murder-fest. Then he EDITED the Foreign Affairs piece to completely change it...... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow October 26, 2023
And shocking numbers from New York, where since 2020, Trump is gaining big among black voters (4% to 19%), women (27% to 45%), and suburbanites (36%-44%)...... Read More.
Cochise County Sheriff Coordinates Efforts to Put Cartels on Notice
Cochise County Sheriff announced he will coordinate a cohesive, organized effort to stop cartels, crime, and illegal aliens from crossing the southern border in Arizona because the Biden administration... Read More.
Missouri v. Biden: SCOTUS at Odds Over Stay
The SCOTUS has decided to take on the temporary injunction in the Missouri v. Biden case. However, they have extended the STAY (hold) on the temporary injunction, which bars the government from working... Read More.
The Disenfranchised Rural Voter
Do you ever wonder why rural voters complain about the coastal elites running our federal government? ... Read More.
Street Thugs and Transnational Criminals Stole Billions from Americans During Pandemic
Pandemic fraud and waste cost Americans billions of dollars per the Oversight Subcommittee on Pandemic Fraud. Violent criminals and transnational crime organizations were involved.... Read More.
Dark to Light: Missouri v. Biden with a Monday AM Vibe
Happy Monday! Just a reminder that this is the ONLY D2L this week, and we made it a good one! First, the REAL story of Missouri v. Biden at the SCOTUS that no one else is telling you, and THEN, a bit o... Read More.
Dark to Light: The House and Music
Today's show was a whirlwind! We start with Sidney Powell, wind our way through Jim Jordan pandering, move on to health news, and end with an absolutely BREATHTAKING performance sent to us from listene... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow October 19, 2023
There was an absolute insurrection at the Capitol yesterday, interrupting official proceedings. Pro-Hamas protesters invaded, and some 300 were arrested. Now, will they be subject to years in prison li... Read More.
Dark to Light: Kangaroo MMA with Your Morning Coffee
How is it possible to do the news, talk about an MMA fight with a Kangaroo, and ALSO slip in some dirty jokes? We found a way! Today's show goes over the house debacle (again) and includes some informa... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow October 18, 2023
President Trump tells Michigan gathering with UAW members, “I’ve risked it all to defend the working class.” Meanwhile, Nick Knack Paddywhack Give a Uke a Bomb risks it all to defend Ukraine.... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow October 17, 2023
Noah Smith writes that a war over Taiwan is a real possibility, and we ain’t ready. Yeah, you know, soldiers in high heels and transoid officers really make for a crack fighting force.... Read More.
Dark to Light: News With a Smile
We are doing the news with a smile today! We had some great stuff happen over the weekend, with Jeff Landry winning governor in Louisiana and a runoff in November for Attorney General...... Read More.
Misinformation and Disinformation or is it Just Propaganda: What is a Ruralite to Do?
The internet has become the penultimate Library of Alexandria, as there is no telling what the future will hold. But how do you control all that information? In essence, you can't. ... Read More.

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