People Are Talking About Geomagnetic Reversal - Does it Matter?

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 05/30/2024
"The only thing that matters is right now. We could sit here and tell you a story of the world ending or a story of tragedy and fear. We could tell you the story of the poles shifting on the planet or about fire, brimstone, disease, and despair. It would be quite a story… But is this your story?"


Have you ever heard of the theory of resonance? Everything on the planet emits energy, vibrating. As we have discussed, our brains emit wave patterns in the form of energy that correlate to different states of consciousness. 

Take this concept at its core and extrapolate it to the entire world. Think about where you are resonating. What are you in sync with? I pondered all this while discussing the recent shift I have witnessed among people.

In around September of 2023, I began to act. I was pulled in my core to start trying to help people remember joy. I chose to attempt this for an hour a few times a week with a podcast that was strictly funny videos, music, and heartwarming stories. It resonated with many people. Time constraints stopped me after a while, but the fact remains that I had been feeling the overwhelming call that something was in the air—that people were beginning to long for more joy, laughter, love, and peace than they had been before. They needed a break. They needed to remember the truth of who they really were. I know this to be true because it was happening to me.

This led me to ask, "Why am I here?" "Who am I?" "What am I supposed to be doing?" This is an existential point in many people's lives right now, and I see it all the time on social media.

I didn't realize until much later that I had been asking that question for a long while, and it was interspersed with certain parts of my life experience where I was absolutely certain what I was supposed to be doing.

I always did what God called me to do, and I have never wavered from that. I mentioned on the podcast today that in my spare time, I follow several different esoteric content creators. I find the world and all the things in it—known and unknown—fascinating, so I spend what free time I have on things I enjoy.

Several weeks ago, I mentioned to my husband, "Everyone is going to Egypt." So many of these people I watch are picking up and making a pilgrimage to Egypt to visit the pyramids, with many arranging private tours.

So, my interest was piqued when I began to see several other prominent academics and scientists now talking about the pyramids in earnest. For a long time now, I have watched "Suspicious Observers" on YouTube. His name is Ben, and he covers space weather. He has been forecasting a pole shift on planet Earth for quite some time now. But now, not only does he predict a pole shift on Earth, but he notes a galactic shift going on.

I highly respect Ben Davidson's work (on X @SunWeatherMan). He has noted that electromagnetic changes in the Earth's atmosphere were what caused so many to be able to see the northern lights recently. He has an entire playlist on YouTube that you can view here that will explain everything for you.

And then, I saw that @EthicalSkeptic, an account that I came to follow intently during COVID and in the aftermath, had also begun talking about a pole shift on Earth and the relationship between this event, events of the past, and the pyramids in Egypt. Ethical Skeptic is a genius. Some of what I will share from him below is above my head. I am learning more and more every day. Please check out some of the links here. They are in the next post.

Some have taken the theories I have discussed above and also added to the Antarctic/South African anomaly first documented on VentuSky by @In2ThinAir. These "anomalies" are now so widespread that VentuSky (a site that models wave heights, among other things) has removed its entire forecast model to "fix" it.

Couple this with the extreme weather we are seeing, and the picture gets interesting. Or maybe it doesn't. Is it all connected somehow? We may never know. But that is the point. We won't *know* anything until it happens. But I do *know* one thing. More and more on this planet, people are beginning to seek answers to the question, "Why am I here?" THAT resonates widely. It has led me to approach how I view the UNIVERSE differently, and it's led me to ask more questions.

From here on out, raise yourself 30k feet. We were all down here like little ants, not resonating with one another in any positive way, fighting, arguing, burning things down, giving our power away, and losing sight of who we really are. Then, suddenly, that began to change. More and more of us started asking questions and resonating with something different. So, whoever the "power brokers" are, try to ratchet up the fear and anger more. 
Disease X, political nonsense, you name it, you should definitely be SCARED. Be scared to eat, be scared to live, be scared to vacation, be scared to talk to people who don't agree. LIVE. IN. FEAR. But it is getting absurd. It is becoming impossible to keep ourselves from the truth about anything, including who we really are. I can tell you that we didn't choose as spiritual beings to inhabit the human body and be in a negative resonance all the time.

That is why you feel bad when you do resonate that way. That is why stress makes our bodies sick. It's why worry upsets our stomachs. It's why we know things in our GUT. It's why we are striving to be healthier now than ever before. Our soul is innately connected to this human body, but it is not SOLELY of this human body.

These are just questions I have – theories – take from them what you will. We have proven that our consciousness can explore even when we are in deep states of sleep…

What if people realize what and who they really are, and do so simultaneously, as the Earth, space, and the atmosphere undergo these vibrational/frequency changes? Sounds crazy, I know. But look around at what is happening. I don't know if the poles will shift today, tomorrow, or in 50-100 years. I don't know if massive floods will wash us away. I don't know if the sun will emit a solar flare that wipes out electricity across the planet. BUT THAT IS THE POINT. We use our consciousness to perceive every single situation. I have shown you that science has proven that the mere act of the human observation of matter impacts how it behaves. We have total and complete control over how we act right now. And we are powerful.

So, do you want to continue to wield that without direction, or do you think it's time, mainly because we don't know what will happen even a moment from now, to start focusing on the NOW moment and wield it intentionally at least the parts we can control? Would you rather be in control of your power, or would you rather give it away to some suit sitting in some ivory tower? Would you rather create a ripple of what you want to see in the world or aimlessly wander, feeding the resonance of what you do not want?

Do you want to get right with God before we leave for home? Do you want to live the way that He intended we live now, or do you want to forsake all of that so that you can get one last "gotcha" nasty comment on the person who commented on your post? Do you want to resonate with kindness, happiness, joy, love, and compassion? Or do you want to resonate with fear, anger, guilt, shame, and despair? I don't know when the world will end—today, tomorrow, next week, month, or year. I am still unsure what I am here to do right now, but I know how I want to spend my time in the now. What kind of story do you want to tell yourself?

"The only thing that matters is right now. We could sit here and tell you a story of the world ending or a story of tragedy and fear. We could tell you the story of the poles shifting on the planet or about fire, brimstone, disease, and despair. It would be quite a story… But is this your story?"


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