News from Around the Web for May 23, 2024

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 05/23/2024

News From Around the Web

#10 ‘Greater Idaho’ Measure Passes in 13th Oregon County - Devan Markham for News Nation, and State Secession on X

Residents in Crook County, Oregon, approved the “Greater Idaho” measure Tuesday that would require the county to proceed with efforts to secede from the state and join Idaho. Voters passed the measure with 53%, making it the 13th county in eastern Oregon to approve it. “The voters of eastern Oregon have spoken loudly and clearly about their desire to see border talks move forward.  With this latest result in Crook County, there’s no excuse left for the Legislature and Governor to continue to ignore the people’s wishes,” Greater Idaho Executive Director Matt McCaw said in a statement...

#9 Pro-Life Advocate Heather Idoni Thrown in Prison for 24 Months for Protesting Abortion - Steven Ertelt for Life News, and Fr. David Nix, and Epoch Times on X

Joe Biden successfully got another pro-life advocate thrown in prison for years today. Heather Idoni has been sentenced to 24 months in federal prison despite her lawyer begging for home detention due to Heather’s serious health issues. The sentence comes after Biden officials charged her with bogus charges for allegedly violating the FACE Act. If Idoni was an environmental activist or a leftist supporting Hamas, her sit-in at an abortion business would have earned her a misdemeanor charge and maybe a small fine. But because she is a pro-life advocate protesting abortion, the Biden administration used the FACE Act to prosecute her for supposedly blocking access to abortion...

#8 DOJ Targets Pro-life Activists With New Lawsuit, but Two GOP Lawmakers Are Fighting Back: ‘Biden’s Two-Tiered Justice System' - Chris Enloe for Blaze Media, and Precious Life, and Secular Pro-Life on X

he Justice Department is targeting more pro-life activists using a controversial law. On Monday, the DOJ announced a lawsuit against two pro-life organizations, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and Red Rose Rescue, and seven pro-life activists — Laura Gies, Lauren Handy, Clara McDonald, Monica Miller, Christopher Moscinski, Jay Smith, and Audrey Whipple — on allegations they violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act nearly three years ago. The FACE Act is a controversial law that President Joe Biden's DOJ is using to target mostly pro-life activists...

#7 Overreporting COVID-19 as an Underlying Cause of Death Inflated Mortality Numbers During Pandemic: Analysis - Megan Redshaw, J.D. for Epoch Health, and Epoch Times on X

A new analysis suggests COVID-19 was reported more frequently than it should have been as an underlying cause of death, inflating COVID-19 mortality numbers and attributing deaths from other causes to the virus. In a preprint paper published in Research Gate, researchers aimed to identify who truly died “from” COVID-19 versus who died “with” COVID-19 but were included in U.S. COVID-19 mortality numbers. To determine if COVID-19 was overreported as an underlying cause of death, researchers calculated the overreporting adjustment factor and compared the ratio of reporting COVID-19 as a multiple—or contributing—cause of death versus an underlying cause of death on death certificates from 2020 to 2022. They also examined how “pneumonia and influenza” were reported on death certificates from 2010 to 2022...

#6 Existing Home Sales Unexpectedly Tumble as Homebuyer Confidence Hits Record Low - Anthony B. Sanders Confounded Interest and Zerohedge on X
After (unexpectedly) tumbling in March, existing home sales were expected to rise modestly (+0.8% MoM) in April. Analysts were wrong, as March’s data was revised marginally up from -4.3% MoM to -3.7% MoM, and April printed -1.9% MoM (a big miss). That left existing home sales down 1.9% YoY, pushing the existing home sales SAAR back near COVID lockdown lows. This really should not come as a surprise because, while homeBUILDERS remain optimistic that things will pick up, homeBUYERS are the least enthusiastic they have ever been about buying a home… going back almost 50 years…

#5 Are Immigrants Voting Part 2 - Andrew F. Morrison for The Washington Pundit

(Spoiler alert: if the alien thinks they are a citizen, then they can vote without punishment. Citizenship is just a state of mind). I was going through my social media feeds and ran into this clip of Marjorie Taylor Greene questioning traitor Alejandro Mayorkas: While the headline focuses on the murder of Laken Riley (who cares about a dead white girl? Certainly not Mayorkas), the buried lede is that holier-than-thou profitable non-profits are encouraging illegal aliens to vote. That’s so weird because I hear all these news reports that illegal aliens are not voting in federal elections. How could that be? After all, places like the AP would not lie to me. Why, they have their integrity on the line. Take this headline from the AP: “Noncitizens voting isn’t an issue in federal elections, regardless of conspiracy theories. Here’s why.” In the article, the AP concedes that some legal aliens have voted but excuses this by saying that the aliens thought they had a right to vote...

#4 Amid Portland’s Surge in Crime, Homelessness, and Decay, the Soros DA Is Out - Olivia Murray for American Thinker and End Wokeness, and Andy Ngo on X

Another Soros-backed DA went to the woodshed, but this time, it’s in Portland, Oregon. From a report by Mary Lou Masters at the Daily Caller yesterday: "Voters in Multnomah County, Oregon, which encompasses Portland and its surrounding area, could boot left-wing District Attorney Mike Schmidt on Tuesday. Prosecutor Nathan Vasquez, a Republican-turned-independent who works under Schmidt, could oust the district attorney in the head-to-head nonpartisan primary if he secures over 50% of the vote. Schmidt would be the latest left-wing prosecutor, funded by groups linked to George Soros, to not secure another term after critics argued they were soft on crime...

#3 Rick Scott Launches Second Run to Replace McConnell as GOP Leader - David Sivak for The Washington Examiner and Vivek Ramaswamy on X

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) is launching a second run for GOP leader, according to a letter sent to his colleagues on Wednesday. “I have decided to run for Senate Republican leader because I believe now is a moment we need dramatic change,” Scott said in the letter, obtained by the Washington Examiner. “I believe that our voters want us to use this leadership election to make a choice to upend the status quo in Washington.” His entrance into the race to succeed Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who announced his retirement from leadership in February, gives the right flank of the conference a candidate to rally behind. Scott is up against two Republicans regarded as McConnell’s natural successors: Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-SD) and Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), a former whip...

#2 Biden Administration Allows State Sponsor of Terrorism Cuba to Tour Miami Airport TSA - Christian K. Caruzo for Breitbart and Lady Tigress on X

Five officials from Cuba’s communist regime — a U.S.-designated state sponsor of terrorism — conducted a secret guided tour of Miami’s International Airport on Monday hosted by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The secret tour, which reportedly lasted approximately five hours, is part of alleged “law-enforcement cooperation” between both countries and saw Castro regime officials visit the TSA’s control facilities in Miami’s airport, which contain some of the agency’s sensitive computer systems.

#1 FBI Agents Raid Business Owned By Mississippi District Attorney - Jeff Charles for The Daily Caller and Owen Gregorian, and Ashton Pittman on X

Federal agents raided a business owned by Hinds County District Attorney Jody Owens, according to local reports. The raid, conducted Wednesday morning, targeted the Downtown Cigar Company in Jackson, Mississippi. FBI spokeswoman Marshay Lawson told WLBT that the bureau is serving “federal search warrants at multiple locations” but stressed that “[t]here is no threat to public safety.” Lawson also explained that the “affidavit in support of the search warrants has been sealed by the court” and that she could not comment on the reason for the raid. A source told WLBT that FBI agents also went to City Hall “where they spoke to Mayor [Chokwe] Lumumba’s chief of staff, Dr. Safiya Omari.”


And Now for Something Special smiley

From Good News Movement on X

"I didn’t have a father, and there weren’t many father figures in my community, but God didn’t leave me without. The ice cream man showed up every day at the same time for over 25 years. For a child who experienced a lot of trauma, having that consistency was incredibly healing. Research shows that having a daily routine and set schedule can be very beneficial for a child recovering from trauma. He always greeted me with the same love and excitement every time he saw me. As a child without much money, getting a free ice cream every single day really meant a lot—and it still does."

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