Sowing Hunger & Reaping Profits: The Grassroots Battle Against The “Food Crisis”

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

Like many other facets of The Great Reset, the COVID-19 pandemic unlocked the door for the global elites to accelerate their planned consolidation of the commercial production of food, or agri-food, around the world. With an intentionally engineered food crisis underway, the food-takeover agenda calls for total control over the world's food by destroying small-scale local farmers and their farms. The crisis has now moved on to be driven by climate change. Yet, as pointed out by activist and author Vandana Shiva, the frantic trend of life-threatening emergencies is nothing more than a desperate attempt to regulate our lives. 

According to Vandana, the food crisis of 2022 is the third one in fifteen years. And it is not driven by food scarcity, supply chain breakdowns, or the war in Ukraine. In reality, as reported by Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), when looking at global food inventories, the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES), all acknowledge there is currently "no risk of global food shortages." Instead, Cummins declares:

"In reality, there's plenty of food for everyone, including the 840 million poverty-stricken people who will be going to bed hungry tonight. The wicked root of the crisis, as Vandana states, are those "sowing hunger and reaping profits."

The current "disaster," like all "disasters," is being used as an opportunity by billionaires like Bill Gates and the GMO lobby to push biosynthetic food and genetic engineering technologies onto humanity. Indeed, as we witness the manipulation of Klaus Schwab and the billionaire members and government minions of his World Economic Forum (WEF), Vandana repeats what many now notice—billionaires break social rules and sabotage democratic governance to grow their empires. She explains that reversing the trend is not only possible but essential if humanity wants to experience a future of freedom. In an interview posted on Navdanya, Vandana speaks of the task at hand to stop the corporate food takeover, adding:

"Citizens must become aware of the illegitimate power of corporations over our governments and our lives. We must use all the possibilities in our societies and countries to roll back corporate power, as was done in the U.S. in the 1930s when the Rockefellers' monopoly on oil through Standard Oil was dismantled. And we must create new possibilities to channel the power of the people through mobilizing, organizing, researching, and nurturing alternatives free from corporate control, as we did with seeds, food, and agriculture."

VIDEO: "Gates to a Global Empire" Report Launch and Online Conference

Big Tech/Big Data Joins Agribusiness to Control Agri-Food

Indeed, as the corporate food takeover race heats up, established agribusiness giants like Bayer, Cargill, Syngenta, and Corteva are now contending with competition from big tech and big data cartels like Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and Google as they firmly plant themselves in the game. Besides having a platform to inflict their GMO food and farm models onto the world, the big tech/big data group—which already censor humanity's online presence in favor of the Great Reset—controls the world's cloud services. This control gives them a considerable advantage, meaning they already have access to critical Agribusiness farming data, from which they can ultimately profit. 

As reported in Grain, the most prominent agribusiness players have gone digital and designed apps that cover millions of hectares of farms, giving them a head start over Big Tech in the agri-food race. In exchange for advice and discounts on the application of their environmentally unfriendly products, farmers supply agribusinesses with critical farming data. For example, Bayer, the world's largest GMO seed and pesticide company, notes that its app is already being used on farms spanning over 24 million hectares in the United States, Canada, Argentina, Europe, and Brazil. Grain believes the game between agribusiness and big data/big tech will culminate in a powerful union, commenting:

"The logic then, which we are already starting to see play out, is towards an integration between the companies that supply products to farmers (pesticides, tractors, drones, etc.) and those that control the flow of data."

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The World Needs an Organic Reset, NOT a Great Reset

The negative ramifications of the union between agribusiness and big tech/big data related to the takeover of the world's food are obvious. Instead of the WEF's "technocratic dystopia," the world needs something truly geared toward the health of humanity. According to Cummins, we need an Organic Reset. And he is right. Cummins notes that he believes the world needs "a regenerative food and farming revolution rooted in agroecology, food sovereignty, and Fair Trade/commerce, a participatory resistance and reset carried out by the global grassroots, North and South, farmers and consumers, urban and rural." Undoubtedly, like restoring election integrity in the U.S., local awareness and involvement are the first steps to taking control of our current food dilemma. 

As Vandana explains, agroecology does more than just increase farmers' incomes. It also improves nutrition and health while rejuvenating the soil, water, and biodiversity—and guess what? It mitigates climate change. According to Vandana, to achieve restorative farming practices and slowly chip away at the agribusiness empire, neighborhoods and cities must create Local Food Systems and Biodistricts based on economic democracy. These networks should include educational programs and farmers' markets that link local organic farmers with the entire community. Likewise, citizens must advocate for the support of local governments and institutions to lay the groundwork to halt the massive corporate food takeover at the local level.

Earth's Bleak Future if The WEF & Bill Gates Succeed

A recent in-depth article in Global Research entitled "Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order" by Colin Todhunter ponders why Bill Gates doesn't support agroecological farming approaches. After all, various high-level U.N. reports have supported the method, which would leave small, local farmers both intact and independent from the new agri-food monster. The answer, simply, is that agroecology runs counter to the ultimate control goals of the WEF, Gates, and the corporations he supports.

Meanwhile, as agribusiness spreads its tentacles, digital platforms make no provisions for small-scale farmers and vendors that resist poisonous pesticides and GMOs. Yet, with family farmers producing over 80% of the world's food in terms of value, they should be at the center of all discussions about feeding the world. There should be no question that agri-food platforms should be designed to help this vital component of global farming. Yet, helping small farmers and vendors is not in the financial interests of the agri-food beast as it seeks to destroy them. Therefore it is increasingly important that those aware of the sinister plan strive to preserve the earth's farmland from ending up in the hands of communist China or Bill Gates. Offering a bleak view of what the future of farming would look like if Bill Gates gets his way, Todhunter writes:

"The Gates Foundation promotes a corporate-industrial farming system and the strengthening of a global neoliberal, fossil-fuel-dependent food regime that, by its very nature, fuels and thrives on unjust trade policies, population displacement, and land dispossession (something which Gates once called for but euphemistically termed "land mobility"), commodity monocropping, soil and environmental degradation, illness, nutrient-deficient diets, a narrowing of the range of food crops, water shortages, pollution and the eradication of biodiversity."

Screenshot / Grain

The "Poison Cartel" Aiding and Abetting Bill Gates & The WEF

By now, awareness of who is facilitating the Great Reset is spreading, but the particulars are worth repeating often. Along with Bill Gates, the sinister creators of the food crisis—aptly summed up by Cummins—are the international bankers, food and grain hoarders, and financial gamblers, assisted by what he appropriately calls the "Poison Cartel." Or, more specifically, "the global economic elite making "killer" profits from toxic food and (manipulated) rising food prices, destroying public health (much to the benefit of their Big Pharma allies) and exacerbating U.S. and global poverty." 

OCA, founded by Cummins in 1998, advocates on behalf of the estimated 95 million organic consumers in the U.S. and works to promote sound food and farming through grassroots lobbying. The group calls for a global moratorium on genetically engineered foods and crops, the widespread use of pesticides in food production, and the inhumane treatment of animals. OCA has been vocal against The Great Reset and all it entails. A couple of paragraphs from Cummins' cut-to-the-chase summary of the current "food crisis" are spot on and worth quoting:

"Institutionalizing the criminal insanity of this degenerative "profit-at-any-cost" food, farming, and land use system are 80 years of indentured, corrupt politicians subsidizing chemical and GMO food and industrial agriculture, highly processed (highly profitable) synthetic food, and so-called "Free Trade," systematically undermining the livelihoods of small farmers and ranchers, especially those utilizing traditional/organic/agroecological farming and animal husbandry practices.

Were it not for the greed and compulsive lust for power of out-of-control corporations such as Bayer/Monsanto, Cargill, Amazon, Wal-Mart, and Nestle; trillion dollar investors like Black Rock and Vanguard; Big Pharma profiteers like Moderna and Pfizer, and would be global dictators like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, exploiting an engineered pandemic, fear-mongering, orchestrating a disastrous demolition of small business, farmers, and local/regional markets, there would be no food crisis, nor talk of a technocratic "Great Reset."

The Predictable Narrative of the Great Reset

At this point, the narrative of the global elite is predictable. As part of the recent Davos Agenda and Great Reset fear-mongering, the WEF reported that nearly 40% of the world's 3 billion population could not afford a healthy diet. Instead of feeding them healthy food from small farmers—which they could afford to do—the billionaires preach this calamity of famine over and over. All while there exists enough food to feed the world. Continuing with the message of doom, the WEF report warns that by 2050, the U.N. estimates the global population will grow by an additional 2 billion. Therefore, because of "climate change" and "creeping deforestation" (undoubtedly caused by big corporations), the report—which was authored by the CEO of Syngenta, J. Erik Fyrwald—declares the solution to the "daunting challenge" of feeding the world is "with the right support from governments, companies, and responsible NGOs." 

It is worth noting that communist China's state-owned ChemChina purchased Syngenta in 2017 for a staggering $43 billion, making it the largest overseas acquisition by any Chinese group. With Syngenta's help, China is leading the world in gene-edited seeds. Plants that have been edited and/or genetically modified are dangerous and destructive to our natural world. They can outcompete biological species and create broad monocultures of crops, increasing the risk of crop failures. According to Fyrwald, Syngenta's GMO crop business is booming in China, raking in roughly $2 billion in 2020.

Putting the Brakes on the Great Reset

Clearly, the WEF's solution to the fraudulent food crisis they've created is genetically engineered crop science and digital tools from agribusiness. The bottom line—they and members of their "multi-stakeholder ecosystem"—prosper exponentially and accomplish a complete global redesign. Mirroring the ineffective U.N. multilateral system, the global elite world takeover club currently has over 45 international multi-stakeholders groups that set benchmarks and create guidelines and rules. With the controversial 2019 Strategic Partnership Framework formally established between the WEF and U.N., there is genuine cause for concern. Armed with a far-reaching ally in the Great Reset's tyrannical bid to remove individual sovereignty, Klaus Schwab said of his new U.N. partner:

"Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals is essential for the future of humanity. The World Economic Forum is committed to supporting this effort and working with the United Nations to build a more prosperous and equitable future."

As explained by Harris Gleckman, a senior fellow at the University of Massachusetts, the multi-stakeholder groups consist of private stakeholders (big corporations) who "recruit their friends in government, civil society, and universities to join them in solving public problems." With real-world implications for how global food systems are organized, these self-appointed stakeholders shaping the future of humanity have zero democratic accountability. Indeed, under the Great Reset, "the government voice would be one among many, without always being the final arbiter." After all, the Great Reset originated from the WEF's Global Redesign Initiative, which Gleckman calls "the most comprehensive proposal for redesigning global governance since the formulation of the United Nations during World War II." 

Putting the brakes on the Great Reset is a daunting task. But there is hope. Groups like FIAN International are fighting for grassroots communities and global movements that notice the real motive behind the agri-food push—lucrative investment opportunities that use propaganda to scare people into being under their control. FIAN works in over 50 countries to expose the injustice behind the world's food systems and stop the corporate capture of the world's food. The group, joined by 550 other concerned organizations, sent an open letter to the secretary of the UN, António Guterres, expressing concern over the rapid food supply takeover moves being made by agribusiness.

In a nutshell, organizations like FIAN, Navdanya International, and OCA that promote actual issues surrounding the global "food crisis" need our support. In a straightforward way, these groups highlight where individuals and communities can focus their energy and resources to make real change at the grassroots level. It is at this level that action must originate to stop the unprecedented global elite plan to destroy the individual ability to control one's food and, ultimately, one's health. As part of its common sense mission, FIAN articulates the essence of what must happen for the great Organic Reset envisioned by Cummins, declaring:

"We expose the social injustice behind our food systems, from growing and harvesting to procurement. The issue is not only what you eat, but how it is produced.

We struggle for an egalitarian distribution of resources, so people can feed themselves. We don't provide food.

We fight for fair access to food. We don't promote the increase of food production. There is already enough food to feed the entire world.

Affected communities tell us what the problem is and we bring their voices to policy spaces. We don't speak for them. They know best!

We see food as something more than to keep us alive. We see food as part of our own identity and cultural legacy.

We encourage the mobilization and organization of people who want to change the world."

VIDEO: Re-Thinking Food: Transforming Food Systems for People and Planet | Frank Eyhorn | TEDxIHEID

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