Stop the Shot… The Rest of the Story

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

On August 4, 2021—launching a crusade of the voiceless who have been discounted, dismissed, and silenced—an international team of physicians, scientists, attorneys, religious leaders, and patient advocates convened a town hall conference to discuss critical information related to the experimental COVID-19 "vaccines" being administered under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). The experts presented medical information, scientific data, and vaccine risks that have been kept hidden from the public by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institute of Health (NIH), other government-run agencies, and even some of the world's largest health systems.

The online press conference, called "Stop the Shot... The Rest of the Story," was hosted by LifeSite and Truth for Health Foundation and was led by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, President and Chief Executive Officer of Truth for Health. The world-class panel included Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Jose Trasancos, Attorney Thomas Renz, Pastor Stephen Broden, Rev. William Cook, and Sister Diedre Byrne. Breaking information was shared by the lead attorney in a U.S. suit against the Biden regime’s HHS regarding VAERS, adverse events, under-reporting deaths, and injuries. The presentation included an update on the CDC Whistleblower affidavit, which indicates more than 45,000 actual deaths have taken place following the COVID shot, versus the VAERS reports of only 11,000. Several speeches are highlighted in this article, and the entire conference is immediately below.

Before the conference got underway, Dr. Vliet addressed the current lawsuit filed by Baylor Scott & White Health against Dr. Peter McCullough, Cardiologist and Chief Medical Advisor for Truth for Health. Filed on July 28, 2021, the brief, which seeks a temporary injunction against Dr. McCullough, alleges he falsely affiliated himself with Baylor “dozens, if not hundreds, of times” after reaching a “bargained-for confidential separation agreement” back in February 2021. In a statement shared with MedPage Today, Clinton Mikel, McCullough's attorney, called the action "a politically motivated attempt to silence Dr. McCullough as he saves countless patient lives from COVID-19 and from ancillary actions related to COVID-19.” On behalf of the Truth for Health Foundation, Dr. Vliet expressed unwavering support for Dr. McCullough in the unconscionable action against him by his own health system, declaring, in part:

"If our medical and scientific advisors are threatened for presenting accurate information to the public, that is direct interference with the foundation's fiduciary responsibility to the public, and we will not tolerate it. They are threatening the public good in a most egregious and dangerous way."

"Medical censorship is the greatest danger to truth for health that I have seen in my career. This is especially true when we have critical information on deaths and escalating medical risks with these experimental COVID shots that we have a duty to release to the public to save lives."

Pointing out the blatant hypocrisy of the ongoing crisis at the U.S. southern border—which is being fueled and facilitated by the Biden administration—local resident Dr. Vliet spoke of her firsthand knowledge of our government "escorting illegals [who are] unscreened and unvaccinated by our own military planes with our own department of Homeland security, carrying them into the Heartland of this country, infecting others," while insisting American citizens must be vaccinated with an experimental drug in order to "live, work, and board a plane." 

Highlighting the Speakers

Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. McCullough, who has over 600 peer-reviewed publications in the national library of medicine, with over 45 of them dedicated to COVID-19 and several on sequenced multidrug therapy for COVID-19, remarked he felt compelled to embark on this mission to speak for the silenced because there is an enormous void surrounding COVID-19. Dr. McCullough—who was interviewed on August 11th by UncoverDC editor-in-chief Tracy Beanz—shares the belief held by many that our government has not acted swiftly enough to provide sick Americans and people around the world with essential treatment to avoid hospitalization and death. Talking about the cloud of censorship over alternative and early treatments for COVID-19, he shared:

"Can it be treated to prevent hospitalization? Yes. Is the treatment supported by high-quality studies and clinical trials to prescribe the drugs that I did? Absolutely. Am I supported by institutions and organizations that support early treatment? Yes. The Association of American Physicians & Surgeons, frontline critical care consortium, AFLDs, and now Truth for Help. These organizations strongly support early treatment. And they're filling a gap where the FDA, NIH, CDC, NIAID, AMA, and many other organizations have failed to recognize that early treatment can prevent hospitalization and death."

With no available information on vaccine safety, Dr. McCullough pointed out that the VAERS database shows over 100,000 Americans who have either died or been hospitalized after the vaccine. And our government is telling us nothing about these cases. He hopes the conference will get people motivated to demand adequate information from their government officials and hospital representatives. Right now, there is nothing to suggest these vaccines are safe and effective. If the media is saying they are, they are providing false information. We almost see a wholesale failure of the vaccine program.

Dr. Michael Yeadon

Dr. Yeadon is the Chief Scientific Advisor for Truth for Health and former Senior Vice President at Pfizer Pharmaceutical. A professional research scientist of the highest caliber, Dr. Yeadon has spent his career in drug discovery and holds a degree in biochemistry and toxicology and a research-based Ph.D. in respiratory pharmacology. He worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 32 years and was the founder and CEO of his own biotech (Ziarco), which was acquired by Novartis in 2017 “for hundreds of millions of dollars.” He added, "So, I believe I am at least as qualified as any of the scientists and doctors advising the U.K. governments and others.” Dr. Yeadon explains why he is speaking up:

"So what's my motivation for speaking out. I have some significant concerns about policy responses to COVID, and in particular, today, serious concerns about the safety of these gene-based vaccines against COVID. So, really one sticking out is “you’re being lied to, I am being lied to, we are not being treated like adults, and the authorities are not giving us full information about the risks of these products.”

In a non-science presentation, Dr. Yeadon laid out the three concerns about the impact of these experimental vaccines—reproductive health, fertility, and pregnancy. Speaking of the thalidomide disaster in 1950, Dr. Yeadon said, “The first thing is still obvious that you'll agree with me when I tell you, and that's we never, ever give experimental medicines to pregnant women.” The incident led to over 10,000 birth malformations in newborn babies and revealed that, despite current at the time thinking, babies are not protected inside the uterus during pregnancy. Emphatically stating, "you never, ever give inadequately tested medicines, medicinal products to a pregnant woman," Dr. Yeadon added:

"In fact, babies are a miracle of minute development with critical stages, especially in the early stages, where, if there is interference with biochemical or something else, it can change the course development for that child irreparably.”

Nonetheless, governments are urging pregnant women and women of child-bearing age to get vaccinated. To Dr. Yeadon, the push to vaccinate these women represents "recklessness" and a complete lack of care from the authorities. Even more troubling to Dr. Yeadon are the results of a Japanese study on how the Pfizer vaccine is distributed through the body of the study subjects. After reading and interpreting the report, Dr. Yeadon said that from a toxicology standpoint, he is extremely troubled seeing how the Pfizer vaccine is distributed through rats. Speaking of the results, Dr. Yeadon remarked:

"And to my horror, what we find is the vaccine doesn't just distribute around the body and then wash out again, which is what you hope. It concentrates in [the] ovaries of rats. And it concentrates at least 20 fold over the concentration in other background tissues or muscles. What is it doing there? Well, I don't know, but you don't want this product in your ovaries. It's certainly not necessary to induce immunity to have a vaccine in your ovaries. And as it's concentrating in the ovaries—getting higher concentrations over time—they have not even defined what the maximum levels are when that occurs.

So, now we've got a second problem that the vaccine at least interacts/distributes into the ovaries. And I'll tell you, a general rule of thumb in toxicology is if you don't have any data to counter contradict what you've learned, that's the same assumption you make for humans. So my assumption at the moment is that that's what's happening to every female who's been given these vaccines—they are concentrating in [the] ovaries. That's very worrying. We don't know what that would do, but it cannot be benign and it could be seriously harmful because the vaccines will then express the coronavirus spike protein. And we know that there are unwanted biologies from that spike protein."

Dr. Yeadon spoke specifically of organizing a petition to the European medical agency several months ago with a German doctor that revolved around an experiment in females. Among their numerous concerns, of significance was that the spike protein is "faintly similar to an essential protein in your placenta—something that is absolutely required for both fertilization, formation and maintenance of the placenta. You can't get pregnant and have a successful pregnancy if this protein is damaged in any way."

Concerned over the similarities in the proteins, Dr. Yeadon petitioned that experiments be done to hopefully rule out the possibility that a vaccinated person (who then makes spike proteins and develops an immune response against the spike proteins) doesn't also produce "an 'echo,' a faint signal that would potentially bind this similar protein in the placenta." Unfortunately, the study, which started a few weeks ago, confirmed that what Dr. Yeadon is troubled about is happening. He strongly recommends that females of child-bearing age and younger do not accept these COVID-19 vaccines. He explained the study further:

"Fifteen women are given the Pfizer vaccine. They drew blood samples every few days, and they measured antibodies against spike protein, which took several weeks to appear. They also measured antibodies against the placenta, and they found that within the first one to four days, an increase of two and a half to three times—300% increase—in the antibodies against their own placenta in the first four days. I’m sorry to say this, but that is a vaccine-induced autoimmune attack—an attack on their own placenta. And I think that you can only expect that that is happening in every woman of childbearing potential. She is generating antibodies against this critical protein required for fertilization and a successful pregnancy."

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Dr. Bhakdi is a leading German immunologist and an expert on the new data on the widespread natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2. After graduating from medical school in Germany, Dr. Bhakdi specializes in infectious diseases and immunology. For twenty-two years, he chaired the department of medical microbiology and hygiene at the University of Mainz. With the desire to "give the most precious gift in these days of grief," Dr. Bhadki explained the world believes that SARS-CoV-2 is new, and therefore, our immune system cannot react to an infection in time to save our lives. Consequently, the requirement to vaccinate everyoneDispelling that myth, Dr. Bhadki speaks of "amazing news" to eliminate that belief:

"Amazing news coming from the USA and Denmark put an end to this narrative. It is now clear that to the immune system, SARS-CoV-2 is unmistakably a coronavirus, just as a newborn baby is unmistakably a human being. Now, everyday coronaviruses are the most common causes of respiratory illnesses. So the immune system of everyone is trained to recognize and control all infections, including SARS-CoV-2."

This discovery indicates the vaccination is not needed to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2 because our bodies already have these antibodies "kept in a treasure trove of your immune system and can be mobilized at will, just as the money you have in the bank can be taken out to the bank when you need it." He declared that virtually everyone is already immune to SARS-CoV-2, adding, "herd immunity is there, but it is latent and cannot be seen unless you call for it. This is why SARS-CoV has never lived up to its name as a true killer virus. This is why it is now known to be less dangerous than seasonal flu."

Dr. Jose Trasancos

Dr. Transancos is the Executive Director of Children of God for Life. He is a member of Truth For Health Advisory Council and Catholics for Preservation of Life Initiative, a pro-life non-profit corporation dedicated to the exploitation of aborted children. Speaking as "a Catholic, a husband, a father, a son, and a fiercely patriotic American," Dr. Transancos said he felt, as the news became saturated with the talk of vaccine development after the pandemic got underway, his organization might have a real chance to unite the pro-life community and religious leaders to have a solid voice in the ethical development of the coming vaccines. He continued:

"Heavy-handed politics, propaganda, and fear-mongering served to dash those hopes in weeks to come. Research supporting these vaccines was completed, prepared for publication, and patents filed in unheard-of time. government agencies and the media have been remarkably one-sided."

Dr. Transancos noted that the obligation to take the vaccines for the sake of the common good, with some calling it a patriotic duty or an act of charity while ignoring or actively attempting to discredit alternative treatment protocols that have been proven to be beneficial, is disheartening. He pointed out that, sadly, many religious organizations have participated in promoting the experimental vaccines.

Dr. Roger Hodkinson

Dr. Hodkinson, MA, MB, B.Chir. (Cantab), FCAP, FRCPC, a leading Canadian pathologist, a graduate of Cambridge University, and Chairman of an American Biotech company in DNA sequencing. He is a fellow of the American College of Pathologists and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Dr. Hodkinson had some very important messages for humanity resulting from "this unprecedented horror show," which he described as "the worst in medical history," with the ludicrous masks, social distancing, and lockdowns. Angry about this "totally unnecessary, grotesque human tragedy," he declared:

"My first message is this—believe nothing you are being told. It's all been a pack of lies from start to finish. Pure propaganda. This is nothing more than a bad seasonal flu with a slightly increased risk for older people with co-morbidities. 

My second message is that more than anything, this is a pandemic of fear. Fear that was intentionally driven by two major factors. Then-notorious PCR test and the viciously effective silencing of any counter-narrative. The PCR test creates over 95% false positives in perfectly well people and drives the graphs in the morning paper where these false positives are called cases. They are no such thing; you are being lied to.

The second driver of fear is the brutal silencing of the truth from the three sources you would normally rely upon to form your own independent judgment—politicians, the media and physicians. Particularly MDs, who by their cowardly silence, have decided to put income ahead of ethics we physicians are supposed to hold dear—first, do no harm, and informed consent.

So my third message is simply this—read my lips—nothing works except effective prophylaxis with vitamin D and early treatment with Dr.Mccullough's protocol. This is just politics playing medicine, and that's a very dangerous game. They dressed themselves in the flag, demanding that only they can protect you from all of life’s risks. It can't be done. I can tell you with categorical certainty as a pathologist; death happens, life is risky.

We must simply accommodate respiratory viruses in ways we have done most effectively in past flu epidemics—with liberal doses of the cheapest, most effective medicine there is—common sense. Flip flop Fauci created COVID-19 when his gain of function research escaped from the lab in Wuhan. You shouldn't be forced to put your life and your child's life on the line by getting vaxxed just to solve the problem he created. That is government tyranny and indescribably offensive.

So for God's sake, don't let them scare you into getting vaxxed. Tell them to stop the shot. Thank you."

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