Court Reverses Order, Pauses Lindell Suits

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

UncoverDC previously reported that the court had denied Dominion's request to pause proceedings in Lindell v. Dominion and MyPillow v. Dominion in Minnesota pending results in Dominion v. Lindell & MyPillow in Washington D.C.

That order was explained extensively when signed and filed by Judge David T. Schultz, referred by Harvard graduate and Bush appointee Judge Patrick Joseph Schiltz. The court found no compelling argument that the cases were similar enough to burden the court to continue. It instead saw the cases as "legally distinct."

Schiltz, who has supersessory authority by virtue of his position as the case's Assignee, trumped Schultz's prior decision with a new order that included a much more brief explanation. The stay would avoid supplemental briefs that Schiltz saw as "inevitable" and would add "expense and delay for the parties."

The order came in MyPillow v. Dominion, and a similar order was subsequently filed in Lindell v. Dominion. Schiltz is Assignee and Schultz is the referee on both cases. The Minnesota case, Lindell v. Dominion, also includes Smartmatic and others as Defendants. Judge Schiltz clarified that Lindell's side can proceed with service on that portion of the case. The stay applies only to proceedings as it relates to Dominion, being listed in multiple suits, and therefore alone carries burden from duplicity, or overlap, among cases.

Donald Trump appointee DC District Court Judge Carl John Nichols presides over the Dominion v. Lindell & MyPillow case, which awaits a decision on a Motion to Dismiss from Lindell's side.

Lindell Updates

Alan Duke is a 3rd party 'Fact checker' contracted by Facebook to determine which posts are flagged as containing or potentially containing information it deems false. Wednesday's Dark to Light Podcast discussed his Tuesday appearance on Steve Bannon's War Room. Lindell joined War Room to respond as well. Duke has committed to cooperating on a review of the data Lindell has that he believes shows proof of election fraud. Lindell quotes Duke as having said, "I don't believe your data is correct," and says that Duke has never even seen the data. So he wants a public apology:

"The only way I would do this is if he would do a public apology to the world on national T.V., including FOX News... right next to Mark Suckerbuck from Facebook, they can apologize together... the damage they've done to our country... but he can sit there and at least apologize..."

Lindell said that the review with Duke will occur before the Cyber Symposium in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He also announced that all money from his Lindell Legal Fund will now be directed to the recently announced televised Symposium.

Lindell went on OAN last Friday and Dinesh DeSouza last Thursday to discuss the Symposium. The Symposium will have forensics experts and white hat hackers exhibiting and explaining all of the evidence he has, including packet captures.

Check out the links below where you can find UncoverDC reporting on Lindell v. Dominion / Smartmatic:

Intro> | Explanation for Non-Lawyers | Lindell’s Public Statements | Complaint Summary | Exhibits 1-4 Breakdown | Exhibits 5-7 | Exhibits 8-9 | Exhibit 12 | Exhibits 10-11 & 13-17


6/29/21 Dominion Motion Denied; Televised Cyber Symposium Announced

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