Lindell v. Dominion/Smartmatic: Exhibit 12 Forensics

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

More readable than the typical lawsuit and interspersed with quotes from dystopian literature such as George Orwell's "1984" and E.M. Forster's "The Machine Stops," Michael J. Lindell v. U.S. Dominion, Inc., et al. claims that defendants U.S. Dominion, Inc., Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., Dominion Voting Systems Corporation, Smartmatic USA Corp., Smartmatic International Holding B.V., and SGO Corporation Limited, have weaponized the litigation process.

As Plaintiff in the suit, Mike Lindell takes the position through this document that the Defendants' actions are intimidation that suppresses evidence, silences political dissent, and violates his First Amendment rights by threatening suit and Cease and Desist to anyone who would speak of potential evidence that their voting machines were manipulated to affect outcomes of the November General election.

The Lindell case has 17 evidentiary exhibits provided to support the allegations of wrongdoing made by plaintiff Lindell. UncoverDC previously reported, former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne had obtained and released the primary Complaint from the lawsuit and had pointed to "Exhibit 12" as a "MOAB."

Exhibit 12 includes data alleged to be a summary of forensically recorded evidence that proves foreign interference into the 2020 General Election through electronic voting machines. The tables show IP addresses, the number of votes switched, and the country of origin in each breach incident. Byrne stated on Telegram, “I vouch for that data." He also linked to a video on Patrick Byrne Community ( with the statement, "It’s like having the DNA of the murderer at the crime scene.

As Byrne describes in Friday's Dark to Light Podcast, Exhibit 12 shows a grand total of 555,864 votes alleged switched through manipulation of the voting machines. 202,657 in Michigan; 188,078 in Pennsylvania; 70,524 in Wisconsin; 47,372 in Arizona; and 47,233 in Georgia.

The exhibit goes on to show a table of incidents that were captured by an anonymous hacker who is featured in Mike Lindell's recently released informational video Absolutely 9-0. Each incident is listed by Date, Time, IP Address, Country of Origin, County and State targeted, intrusion type, and how many votes were switched. An abridged version of the table is below:

According to this chart, the top 5 largest breaches listed appear as having originated in China, which targeted Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia. South Korea, Ukraine, India, Iran, Brazil, Germany, and the United Kingdom are also listed as having switched votes, all in Michigan.

Claims that Dominion machines are vulnerable to a variety of vote manipulation attacks are not novel to this case. Johns Hopkins Information Security Institute and Princeton Center for Information Technology Policy have both produced reports that are also used as exhibits in Lindell's trial.

Joshua Merritt is a hacking expert who contributed to the Allied Security Operations Group Forensic Report used in Bailey v. Antrim County in Michigan. The report concluded that “the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.” He appears with host David K. Clements to explain on Episode 7 of the Professor's Record, Dominion Machines Exposed by Hacker, released April 2, 2021.


UncoverDC will continue in-depth reporting on Lindell v. Dominion & Smartmatic et al.

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