The egregious issues associated with the 2020 Fulton County election are laid out in the more recent amended supplemental response dated July 22, 2024. In July, the SEB agreed to discuss the fate of 2023-025 on Aug. 6. Moncla sent the following letter of notice to the SEB in preparation for the Aug. 6 meeting, reminding them that "he and Rossi had provided them with evidence of intentional election fraud, a new development." Moncla says he proved the fraud was intentional and that alone warrants further investigation. The board has tried repeatedly to assert that this case has already been adjudicated. With this new development in the case, they are duty-bound to investigate and can no longer sweep the complaint under the rug.
SEB Chairman John Fervier repeatedly objected to Johnston's motion, trying to quash it by saying it had "already been adjudicated" and was "out of order." He then called for an individual voice vote. Johnston prevailed with a second from newer board member, Janelle King. Board member Ghazal voted no with Chairman Fervier.
At one point in the Aug. 7 SEB meeting, Fervier also commented, "We are putting the board in legal jeopardy" by entertaining Johnston's motion. Dr. Jan Johnston has consistently shown more grit and determination than anyone else on the board. In her proposal, Johnston asked the AG to get back to the Board in 30 days. If the "AG is unwilling or unable to investigate," she said the Board should "seek outside legal counsel that can conduct the investigation."
When it comes to making elections great again, Georgia citizens are showing America how it's done. Persistent, gritty, and data-driven, many unsung heroes have worked tirelessly since the 2020 election to hold Georgia's election officials accountable. President Trump called out Johnston as one of those heroes at the Georgia rally on August 3.
It is truly unbelievable the lengths to which Kevin Moncla, Joe Rossi, Garland Favorito, David Cross, Mad Liberals, Kim Brooks, Jan Johnston, Catherine Engelbrecht, Julie Adams, and countless other persistent citizens have gone to ensure material issues with Georgia's elections are fixed before early voting starts on Oct. 15. Favorito is particularly important to the battle in Georgia because of his long-standing persistence and his support for other's efforts. Moncla told UncoverDC that "without Garland, 2023-025 would not be in the hands of the AG."
Because she is on the SEB, Johnston is one of the few in the state who has the position to move the ball. Like a dog on a bone, she has publicly called her colleagues to task on the data found on the Fulton County 2020 election. Johnston has repeatedly addressed and questioned allegations of clear violations of state laws, issues with chain of custody, egregiously inaccurate vote reconciliation, and Secretary Raffensperger's confounding resistance to investigate the claims.
Joseph Rossi spoke about some of the referred violations in a citizen's press conference on Tuesday following the very long Aug. 6 SEB hearing. Many citizen activists from both parties had already spoken during the time set aside for public comment. Rossi believes Trump's claims about the 2020 election have been vindicated. He also made it a point to ask Governor Kemp to continue to look at the facts of the case as he did in November 2021.
While the 2020 election had a litany of problems in almost all of Georgia's 159 counties, Moncla and Rossi are most focused on the following issues for the Fulton County 2020 General Election. It is important to note that the goal here is not to relitigate the 2020 election; rather, it is to ensure the same things do not happen in the 2024 General Election.
Moncla and Rossi Are Focused on a Few Key Datapoints
Number one, Fulton County is missing 17,852 ballot images and according to Moncla, "they didn't just happen to lose them." In other words, there are "17,852 recorded votes for which there are no corresponding ballot images," according to the SEB2023-025 complaint. Number two, as of July 2022 there were in Fulton County "at least 3,125 ballot images counted in the 2020 General Election that have no corresponding paper ballot. Inarguably, there were 3,125 additional votes for which there were no voters; therefore, 3,125 voters were artificially and unlawfully given credit for voting." Number three, there was missing documentation for 10 mystery tabulators. And, number four, according to Rossi, Fulton County violated the law, "once for the hand audit, twice for the machine count, and now for the 3,930 ballots that we can prove were intentional human intervention."
The Duplicate Ballots: Intentional Human Intervention (Fraud)
Notably, in the process of their investigation, the numbers changed. Mad Liberals joined the team, creating a program to look at how those duplicates appeared. UncoverDC spoke with Joe Rossi on Wednesday evening to confirm that the 3,125 ballots have now jumped to 3,930 ballots that were scanned and counted twice. Rossi told UncoverDC we "can take that 3,930 ballot number to the bank." At the Aug. 7 citizen's press conference, Rossi stated unequivocally, "This duplication of ballots was NOT an administrative error. But was due to intentional human intervention, also known as the predicate for election fraud." Former general counsel for Raffensperger, Ryan Germany said there was no double scanning of the ballots. But Rossi and Moncla allege Germany's statement is a total lie.Whether Georgia's election officials care to look into it or not, it is unequivocally true that ballots from the batches that had been scanned days earlier were specifically selected to create a new batch which was then scanned. This process was repeated over and over until they reached the desired number of ballots to make up for the shortfall. The graphic and post below show the fraudulent duplicating process discussed by Rossi on Aug. 7. Notably, the stacks of ballots were not randomly selected.

How do we know the behavior was intentional? Moncla explained that it comes down to "the rule of large numbers."
"Ask Ted over at Rasmussen how they poll. When they poll 4 or 5 million likely voters, you don't call 4 or 5 million people. You call 1000 or so, right? Because of the rule of large numbers, let's say you will know that approximately 80 percent were voting for Biden and 20 percent were voting for Trump. So if you were to call 5 million, you would come up with the same number, give or take. However, in the case of the duplicate ballots, they came in at 50/50, meaning they were trying to hold the status quo without having an effect. They were not trying to stack the race one way or another. They were backfilling a pre-determined result to reconcile the numbers."
Translated, Moncla is saying that they were just trying to fill the deficit so that no one would notice. A 50/50 result is pretty close to a mathematical impossibility. According to Moncla, the actors who duplicated the ballots did not want to raise any red flags or cause further scrutiny. Rossi recounted events as they unfolded because of the shortfall: "On December 2nd, 2020, Wednesday at midnight, Fulton County came up short. The former director of Fulton County, Richard Barron, called the Secretary of State on Thursday to break the news."
Almost analogous to the famous call between President Trump and Raffensperger, Rossi said that "Raffensperger told Barron he had 24 hours to reconcile. On Thursday, Barron emailed Ryan Macias an attachment with the batches loaded report that showed 511,xxx ballots." Ryan Macias had worked with Dominion in Georgia to validate the state's voting machines. Rossi continued, "There was no further explanation for the batch report in the body of the email, so they may have discussed the shortfall by other means of communication. So between midnight on December 2nd and about 8:00 PM December 3rd, that Thursday, they came up with approximately 17,000 more ballots, a portion of which were the duplicated ballots." At the 14-minute mark in the Dec. 4 meeting with the Fulton County Election Board, Barron admitted the shortfall.
What Has Happened Since the May 7 SEB Hearing?
On Wednesday, UncoverDC followed up with Moncla to understand what has transpired with his complaint since we last spoke in May. It was at the May meeting that Charlene McGowan and Chairman Fervier managed to ensure that neither Moncla nor Rossi would be heard in a rebuttal, even though it was what the board committed to.Through various questionable maneuvers, McGowan was allowed to hold court with the SEB almost unopposed—except for some courageous objections and fact-checking from Dr. Johnston. McGowan proceeded to deny every single claim in the complaint. Moncla says the "AG cannot and does not have the will to investigate the complaint because he will claim the investigation is a conflict of interest." He also believes Johnston knows what the AG's response will be and expects the investigation will go back to the Board where they will hopefully seek outside counsel. Commenting on the fraud that is now confirmed, Moncla says the Secretary of State owes Georgians an explanation:
"As far as the facts are concerned—double scanning and counting of thousands of ballots, missing ballot images—and no records, chain of custody or otherwise for ten tabulators and the 20,xxx ballots attributed to them—there needs to be a finding of fact for each. For example: Yes, 3,125 (3,930) ballots were scanned and counted twice—adding 3,125 (3,930) false votes to the total.
Yes, there are 17,852 ballot images missing, etc." said Moncla, "We have done that investigation. We need confirmation from the Secretary of State. His office needs to verify. An investigation is then necessary to determine who committed the fraud and why."
Yes, there are 17,852 ballot images missing, etc." said Moncla, "We have done that investigation. We need confirmation from the Secretary of State. His office needs to verify. An investigation is then necessary to determine who committed the fraud and why."
Moncla also reminded UncoverDC of Rossi's equally important complaint. He said, "The AG was supposed to investigate 2021-181 (the Rossi complaint) but did nothing with the evidence given to him." Rossi said the response to SEB2021-181 was insufficient by stating:
"The Secretary of State did nothing to investigate the data that was provided to them. Instead, they came to a consent agreement with Fulton County, admitting they violated an election law. There were no further penalties. It was a slap on the wrist and they told them not to do it again. Soon after the SEB Chair, Bill Duffey stepped down."
UncoverDC reported these events in columns published on Sept. 9, 2023 and Jan. 4, 2024.
Dr. Jan Johnston Has Been a Courageous Advocate for Georgia Voters
Since UncoverDC last reported on the Fulton County shenanigans, Dr. Johnston has been very busy. She has doggedly pursued the data and begged top election officials to investigate. At one of the SEB meetings she commented in frustration that "somebody is moving heaven and earth to not allow anyone to get to the paper ballots. I don't know why. This is about the data. This is about the documents, nothing more. It's about the proper counting of votes. And I would love for Fulton County to show me every single thing..."Johnston also voiced her disdain at another SEB meeting about the fact that Fulton County's solution to its election violations was to have Ryan Germany put together a "monitoring team" for the 2024 election when no one has ever investigated the claims put forth in the 2023-025 complaint. Johnston said the monitoring team was "ill-considered from the start." The monitoring agreement was signed by Charlene McGowan on July 9th and adopted by the Fulton County board on July 11. According to Moncla and others accounts the AG was involved behind the scenes "trying to force a monitoring agreement."
Liz Harrington, Spokesperson for President Trump, added her two cents by stating on her X account: “In response to SEB2023-025, Fulton County and Raffensperger’s office are trying to ram through a ‘monitoring team’ that would put those who helped cover up 2020 in charge of observing Fulton County in 2024. The list includes Ryan Germany, Raffensperger’s general counsel in 2020 Matt Mashburn, former SEB member who sicced the FBI on the author of the SEB2023-025 complaint Monica Childers, who worked on the hand count audit for Voting Works, whose software ARLO included fraudulent entries amounting to at least 4,081 false Biden votes.”
Johnston's commitment to Georgia's voters is undeniable at this point. McGowan would not give her the ballot images so she spent the better part of two weeks in July going to Secretary Raffensperger's office to comb through data and ballot images. McGowan and the Secretary of State had tried to get Johnston to agree to give up on 2023-025. According to Moncla:
"At one point, McGowan said 'We will be happy to give you the ballot images if you agree to drop the case.' But Johnston refused to do that. Instead, she demanded that she have access, so they gave her access in their office. And that lady went up there for two weeks straight into the fire, into the lion's den and counted those ballot images in the office of the Secretary of State.
And you know what she found? Charlene McGowan told Dr. Jan they found some of the missing ballot images, referencing the 17,852 detailed in our complaint. However, we had subpoenaed the County and they said they had about 518,xxx, not 527,925. McGowan was trying to convince us her office had found some missing ballot images to make the numbers look better. But Johnston went through all of them and they did not have 518,xxx—they still only had about 511,xxx. In other words, our 17,852 number still stands. So basically after all of this, the office of the Secretary of State lied to Dr. Jan."
A screenshot of the SEB2023-025 complaint alleging 17,852 missing ballot images is pictured below:

These battles have been hard won in Georgia. It is truly remarkable to see the progress Georgians have made in the face of some very stiff headwinds. Volunteers have been intimidated, called election deniers, have been sued, and denied access at almost every turn. However, they have produced some miraculous results. In addition to finally getting the investigation of 2023-025, the SEB has voted to accept a variety of new rules, including a rule requiring counties to preserve voting machine memory cars containing ballot images and audit logs. The board also approved a safeguard rule allowing officials to look into discrepancies before certifying an election. Fervier also tried to stop that rule as well before it was passed.