
Dark to Light: Something is Happening
It’s a different sort of a Friday show today. It’s one that we hope you can settle in and enjoy. From the Georgia Guidestones to a video that changed everything for Beanz, we discuss important greater ... Read More.
Vault 7 – What’s the Real Deal? Joe Pags and Tracy Beanz Discuss
Tracy Beanz from UncoverDC explains Vault 7 and what might happen with Julian Assange with Joe Pags. They also discuss Pfizer, Covid-19 Vaccine, and more... Read More.
Abbott’s Border Invasion EO Falls Short of Meaningful Action
Governor Abbott's new Executive Order(EO) on the border disaster falls short of meaningful action. However, the good news is he seems to be pointedly responding to pressure from local elected officials... Read More.
Court: University Cannot Silence Law Students’ Religious Views
A federal court ordered the University of Idaho to rescind no-contact orders against a professor and three law students who expressed views on marriage as being between one man and one woman. On June 3... Read More.
Americans Suffering from Insane Policies: Rise and Turn the Tide
Americans are suffering record-high prices at the pump as our government sends more than 5 million barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve to Europe and Asia. Americans weren't told either.... Read More.
Something is Happening. Can You Feel It?
I woke up this morning, and it was like any other day. I rolled over, picked up my phone, and got to work. First site? Citizen Free Press, a place I go every morning to check up on what has happened in... Read More.
Austrian Minister of Health: Doctors are Liable for Jab Injuries
Austrian MP Mag. Gerald Hauser recently posed demanding questions to the country's Minister of Health Johannes Rauch concerning liability surrounding the COVID-19 jabs. Rauch's responses indicate that ... Read More.
Texas Counties Declare Local State Of Disaster
Several Texas counties declared a local state of disaster on July 5 in Brackettville, Texas, because of the invasion on the southern border. They blame Biden's negligent open-border policies for the ca... Read More.
Dark To Light: They’re Eating Themselves
Today’s show is a trip around what’s happening from the terrible tragedy over the July 4th holiday outside of Chicago to the way feminists are getting super angry, to a general news round-up, and COVID... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow July 6, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) Monmouth reports that only 10% of the country thinks we are heading in the right direction, 88% say “wrong track.” 33% say inflation is... Read More.
Dr. Pierre Kory: There is Hope Against the March Toward Totalitarianism
Dr. Pierre Kory recently delivered the opening address at the 2nd World Congress of the World Council for Health and Doctors for Life in Brazil, declaring that we are currently undergoing a historical ... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow July 5, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) A whackjob, tattooed so-called rapper shooter killed six in an Illinois parade yesterday, now is in custody. Read More.
From Boxers to Brawlers: How Rush Limbaugh Turned the Reagan “Morning in America” Crowd into MAGA Marauders!
I miss Rush Limbaugh every day, particularly Monday through Friday at 9:00 Arizona time when his show would come on here. My engagement with Rush started sometime around 1989 or 1990, and I stuck with ... Read More.
Military Purge Due to Vaccine: Guardsmen Fight Back in Tennessee
The military is discharging thousands of able-bodied service members because they refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Moreover, soldiers are being discharged for misconduct. Tennesee's Governor Bill L... Read More.
United We Stand; Divided We Fall
Consider the following statement: “There is no bravery picking one of two sides in a narrative that’s been constructed for you.” It’s sad, but true. We, The People, are easily duped. Even when the choi... Read More.

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