
Silent War: China is Deadly Serious About Infiltrating America
China is now decades into the infiltration of America, waging a silent war without firing a single shot. Many Americans fail to fully grasp the dire threat to their security and livelihoods. There is s... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow August 2, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) Classic Trump: he endorsed “Eric” for the open Missouri Senate seat but didn’t say whether it was Eric Schmitt or Eric Greitens. -Prett... Read More.
The Real Story Behind the Grassley FBI Whistleblowers
Chuck Grassley has been sending lots of letters to the DOJ. Any reporting about these letters has been limited to surface-level discussion about their contents; whistleblowers have come forward from wi... Read More.
Dark To Light: The Targeting of Ron Johnson
UncoverDC’s Tracy Beanz is back, and boy is this show jam-packed. From the FBI whistleblowers coming forward to Grassley and Johnson, Bannon’s conviction, Monkeypox, vaccine injury and excess deaths, a... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow August 1, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) The Rutabaga, who has been vaxxed, vaxxed again, boosted, and boosted again, now tests positive for the China Virus a second time. Gee,... Read More.
Sowing Hunger & Reaping Profits: The Grassroots Battle Against The “Food Crisis”
Like many other facets of The Great Reset, the COVID-19 pandemic unlocked the door for the global elites to accelerate their planned consolidation of the commercial production of food, or agri-food, ar... Read More.
CDC and Big Tech are Colluding to Censor Speech
Concrete evidence of collusion between the CDC and Big Tech has again emerged in documents released by America First Legal (AFL) on Wednesday. According to an email sent out by AFL, "the Biden White Ho... Read More.
Investigative Journalist Tracy Beanz is Exposing the Swamp Creatures in DC
Investigative Journalist Tracy Beanz is Exposing the Swamp Creatures in DC Kristi Leigh and Uncover DC's Tracy Beanz talk about independent journalism, exposing the lies of the global elitists and the ... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow July 29, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) Hmm, have you heard this? Republicans in the state of Washington are eyeing control of the state house and senate. https://mynorthwest.... Read More.
Historic Spending on Climate Crisis: The Inflation Reduction Act 2022
Historic spending on the climate crisis and tax loopholes are the focus of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, passed by the House on Wednesday. Essentially a renamed Green New Deal, the bill raises t... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow July 28, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) Machin-on-a-Hill does it every time: he votes with the GOP on a few issues, then stabs them with the big ones. He has struck a deal to ... Read More.
“Trusting the Science” Leads to Stunning Evidence of Fraud
For those who haven't noticed, the concept of "trusting the science" regarding one's health is rapidly deteriorating in the United States. Besides the absolute failure of COVID jabs, three specific ins... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow July 27, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) Grand Moff Garland has opened an investigation into President Trump and his alleged “efforts to overturn the election results.” -This w... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow July 26, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) In his speech to Turning Point Action, President Trump said “We are now a beggar nation.” -He ain’t wrong. 2) Oops. An internal Pentago... Read More.
New York Victory on “Quarantine Camp” Law is a Huge Win for America
In a victory for freedom-loving citizens in New York—that could eventually touch all Americans—a New York attorney has won a significant case against Gov. Kathy Hochul and her subordinates in their pur... Read More.

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