
Kate Starbird: The Superstar of Mis/Disinformation
Kate Starbird left Twitter ostensibly because of Elon Musk. Who is Kate Starbird, you ask? Well, she sits on the Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Misinformation and Disinformation Subcommittee f... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow December 2, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) More DemoKKKrat fraud—you know, the kind that the Hoax News says never happens—as two Louisiana DemoKKKrats are sentenced to 12 months ... Read More.
Pags and Beanz: How Deep Does the Censorship Go?
Tracy Beanz and Joe Pags break down the case against the central government and its work with big tech to shut down freedom of speech. This is a big deal. Missouri vs. Biden. Read More.
Fauci’s Pandemic Update
On November 27, 2022, The ScienceTM Dr. Anthony Fauci provided his latest update on the COVID virus pandemic in an interview on CBS's "Face The Nation with Margaret Brennan." Below are highlights: The ... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow December 1, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) DemoKKKrats, constantly looking for ways to rub it into Republicans’ noses, have giv... Read More.
Montana Attorney General Knudsen Challenges Biden’s Gun Regulations
Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen believes the Biden administration has launched multiple rulemaking and data collection campaigns targeting gun owners in the United States with "unprecedented sp... Read More.
Dark To Light: What Is CISA REALLY Doing
A very busy Wednesday show starts off with some newly released emails from discovery in the Missouri v. Biden case that give us an idea of what CISA is actually doing with our tax dollars. Then we move... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow November 30, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) Shocker. In Pennsylvania, white evangelicals stayed home in the mid-term. Trump got 81%, Wizard of Oz, 73%. Read More.
Election Certification? Bring Back Elections We Can Trust
The delay of election certification is not as straightforward as one might think. Yesterday, I wrote a column on the certification process in Arizona in two counties and another in Pennsylvania. The co... Read More.
American Exceptionalism Part 2: ‘Merica Talkin’
This is the second of a three-part series, with part 1 appearing on "War Room." Laureys a Castro - A Sea Fight with Barbary Corsairs Prior to the War of 1812, American leaders had struck out on a new ... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow November 29, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) Well, this is progress: 62% of Americans want Hunter Biteme investigated, and nearly the same percent say Rutabaga was “likely” comprom... Read More.
County Boards of Supervisors in AZ and PA Delay Certification
County Boards of Supervisors in Arizona met on Nov. 28 to certify the results of the Nov. 8 election. Several members of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors struggled mightily with the question of c... Read More.
Dark to Light: The Transcript You Have to See to Believe
We have a super busy show for your Monday today as we kick off with more discussion of the Missouri v. Biden case and an overview of the transcript that was released in a filing late Friday. For once, ... Read More.
Judge in VA Takes Rhee to Task on Psaki Deposition in Censorship Case
The judge in VA Takes Rhee to Task on Psaki Deposition in Censorship Case. Tracy provides commentary and an overview of the State of Missouri et al. vs. Biden Case.  This is a  brief update and reading... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow November 28, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) Since it isn’t a real story, I will not be addressing whom President Trump had dinner with or without. 2) The Fifth Circuit has vacated... Read More.

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