
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow November 8, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (Hottie-Hawaii), who has found He-Sus, says doctors who mutilate kids’ bodies for transoid surgeries... Read More.
Missouri SOS Ashcroft Says No to DOJ Monitoring of Local Polls
Cole County elections in Missouri were featured in a tweet from the Missouri Secretary of State, John Ashcroft, on Sunday. The Cole County clerk had received an email from DOJ officials on November 3 r... Read More.
Dark to Light: Pre-Midterm Podcast
It's a pre-midterm election podcast, and we discuss the DeSantis/Trump rivalry, how to keep conservative values in conservatism, the state of the races across the country, and which state they are most... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow November 7, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) When the Washington ComPost is warning you you’re about to get drubbed, you’re about to get drubbed. 2) While the New York Slimes says,... Read More.
Engelbrecht and Phillips Out of Jail: Incarcerated for Refusing to Reveal Sources
Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote (TTV) and OpSec founder Gregg Phillips were released from jail Sunday evening. The pair has been in jail since October 31 because they refused to give up their so... Read More.
MI Lawsuit Alleges Unlawful Signature Verification in Zuckerberg Funded Relia-Vote Machines
A Michigan lawsuit, Karamo v. Winfrey, was filed on October 26 by Michigan GOP secretary of state candidate Kristina Karamo. It calls into question absentee ballots cast in Detroit because of the city'... Read More.
Dark To Light: Missouri v. Biden, and a News Roundup
It’s a Friday show, and we hit the most important details of the new order in the Missouri v. Biden case, some culture with Kanye and Kyrie, a bit of the occult, and midterm elections. It’s a really go... Read More.
The Extent of the Big Tech-Government Collusion is Shocking!
Big Tech and Big government have been working together to push a narrative and shut down any other voices. It's pretty sick.. and very extensive. Tracy Beanz spells it out with Joe Pags. https://rumble... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow November 4, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) A new poll has Herschel Walker leading in Georgia with 51%, meaning he would avoid a runoff. 2) DemoKKKrats in a panic as the Republica... Read More.
Tennessee Election: Newly Redistricted County Voted with Wrong Ballots
Some Tennessee voters in Davidson County, the second largest County in the state, voted with the wrong ballots in early voting for the 2022 midterms. 212 ballots were incorrectly cast in early midterm ... Read More.
Missouri v. Biden: Judge Smacks Down Government Attempt to Avoid Deposition
The Missouri v. Biden case will go down in history as one of the most important civil liberties cases ever tried in a United States court. A ruling was issued yesterday, and while it would be considere... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow November 3, 2022
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) Rutabaga’s dementia is getting worse. He “fumbled” twice during a campaign trip in Florida and has, for the second time, said his son B... Read More.
Cells Don’t Lie: Cancer is on the Rise Due To mRNA Injections
"The spike protein is a toxin," says pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole and it is also almost certainly causing cancer in many cases. "We know that the spike protein can induce cancer pathways. It's happening. ... Read More.
ICAN: CDC’s V-Safe App Omitted “Adverse Events of Special Interest”
In an October 26, 2022 press release, Del Bigtree's Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) announced it has discovered that the CDC's v-safe program—launched in December 2020 to offer Americans a way t... Read More.
Dark To Light: Pandemic Amnesty, Midterms, and the Pelosi Narrative Today’s show starts with some updates on the Pelosi crazy, and then we move on to dissect a plea for “Pandemic Amnesty.” From there, it’s some chattin... Read More.

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