We had a fantastic Independence Day and spent the beginning of the show today talking about the crowds, the speech, the media attempting to downplay it all, and what it meant to us. We shared some clip... Read More.
It is the day before Independence Day and the show today is a really fun, laid back conversation about everything going on both culturally and politically. Frank and Beanz tackle all of the issues in t... Read More.
Welcome to the Monday edition of the Dark to Light Podcast, where we spend the episode talking about the horrific attack by Antifa on journalist Andy Ngo and what the hypocrisy from the liberal media a... Read More.
Welcome to the Friday edition of the Dark to Light podcast! Today, we are focused on one thing and one thing only — the Democrat debate from last night. The great thing is that as we go through listeni... Read More.
It’s the Wednesday edition of the Dark to Light podcast and it is a jam packed show for sure! We jump right in and start talking about Frank’s interview with Jeffrey Peterson on his show last night, as... Read More.
Welcome to the Monday edition of the Dark to Light Podcast, where we hit a myriad of issues on this, the first day of Beanz on “vacation.” First, we talk about a clip of the President Trump talking abo... Read More.
We bring you several awesome stories today on the Dark to Light Podcast, and end off with some lighter fare. We start the show with pleasantries and then its right down to business. Frank has been cove... Read More.
This is probably one of our most important shows yet. We get right down to business. Beanz tells us about the FBI whistleblower Scott MacDonald, whom she spoke to yesterday regarding his observations o... Read More.
Welcome to Monday and a good time to talk about all of the things that have happened since Friday! We start off the show with some Beanz’ pet peeves. What is with toilet paper manufacturers lately and ... Read More.
Friday’s show is a fun one and we just let the breeze take us throughout the news. We start with a discussion about an awesome email we received and move into the Oberline College victory and the Sandm... Read More.
Today’s show is a smorgasbord of news! We talk about Jonathan Winer and Frank’s psychic abilities. What was Winer’s role in all of this? How does it tie back in to Iran, Libya, Blumenthal, Shearer, and... Read More.
We definitely have a case of the Mondays today on the Dark to Light Podcast! We just jump right into it and Beanz begins by attempting to explain a very complicated story about the original Guccifer, w... Read More.