Begin at 42:00 to hear the discussion with Editor-in-Chief of UncoverDC, Tracy Beanz and Chris Stigall about how she reported on the Wuhan Lab Leak more than a year ago with this article: https://uncov... Read More.
A politician who has shown up as a regular part of the ensemble cast in some of my articles about my hometown is our city’s—Rochester, New York—mayor, Lovely Warren. Other than her unique name, her mos... Read More.
In Ohio, the Stark County Board of Elections voted to purchase 1,450 Dominion ImageCast X voting machines last December, but Republican commissioners refused to approve funding this March. The Ohio Sup... Read More.
Project Veritas (PV) released a new set of documents and interviews Wednesday in the #ExposeFacebook series, and one of the two whistleblowers in that release has now been suspended by Facebook and rem... Read More.
The forensic audit in Windham, New Hampshire is over, but the momentum to keep it alive is just getting started. Late Thursday, Marilyn Todd of NH Voter Integrity Group made some bombshell discoveries.... Read More.
When constituents in Luzerne County, PA, cast their ballot in the May 18 primary, some voting locations reported that when Republicans voted at the machine, an introduction screen said "Official Democr... Read More.
Senate President Karen Fann was confronted by reporter Kyung Lah from CNN in the Senate parking lot on Wednesday about the legitimacy of the ongoing forensic audit of the 2020 Election. The anchor for ... Read More.
On Friday evening, May 21, UncoverDC published an article I wrote based on the account of a restaurant manager in Amenia, New York, that struck people as being hard to believe, possibly false news. Bei... Read More.
Thursday is the final day of the forensic audit in Windham, New Hampshire. Despite being chosen as a team, computer programmer and voting machine hacker Harri Hursti has managed the last remaining days... Read More.
Click Arrow to Listen You can also download a PHONE APP to listen without interruption: Subscribe to Dark To Light With Frank & Beanz on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, Google Play, the iHe... Read More.
Three months before the U.S. Presidential election on Nov. 3, 2020, Governor Steve Sisolak signed a 100-page bill into law that changed Nevada election and voting laws. He justified his signing by sayi... Read More.
In Oct. 2020, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai posted four screenshots on Twitter from a collection of emails that allegedly showed Secretary of State William Francis Galvin and Elections Director Michelle Tassinar... Read More.
Nothing in the entire universe of Social Justice Warriorism has come close to damaging the Christian church like the China Virus has. From the moment the “Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve” was launched, ... Read More.
After Project Veritas' James O'Keefe announced he had landed the lead role in an off-broadway outdoor production of 'Oklahoma!,' a teaser on his Telegram said, "Fasten your seatbelt, Mark Zuckerberg. T... Read More.
On Monday, auditor Harri Hursti was interviewed by CNN, where he shared his surprise at the level of confusion being spread about the audit, as well as the "deliberate trolling" taking place. Hursti ca... Read More.