I had a chance to catch up with Richard Baris, America’s top pollster. We did a round-the-horn survey on a number of topics and where he sees the U.S. public today. First, Joe Biden’s poll numbers: 60%... Read More.
Friday marks day four of the forensic audit in Windham, NH. Day three came to a close, leaving election integrity advocates, once again, with mounting concerns over the "chaotic" process and with a bur... Read More.
A scathing letter from Senate President Karen Fann was sent to Maricopa County on Wednesday seeking "assistance and cooperation" concerning certain routers and passwords associated with the November 20... Read More.
John Spiropoulos is a veteran newsman—"a three-time, Emmy-Award-winning TV News reporter and producer with more than 40 years experience." Spiropoulos is now officially retired. However, when not spend... Read More.
Pennsylvania State Representative Seth Grove released 'A Comprehensive Review of Pennsylvania's Election Laws: How Pennsylvania Can Guarantee Rights and Integrity in Our Election System' based on state... Read More.
In 2018 Eric Swalwell had a more conventionally formidable challenger than he’d faced in 2016 with Danny Reid Turner. 2018’s Republican candidate Rudy L. Peters Jr. would do the door-to-door canvassing... Read More.
The DC Patriot reports that the FBI has released a new batch of documents to attorney Ty Clevenger from his client's FOIA request for documents concerning Seth Rich and brother Aaron Rich. These 121 pa... Read More.
CBJ Real News Podcast Show: Special Guest Tracy Beanz A Great Discussion that touches on Tracy Beanz' Beginnings as a journalist and Editor in Chief of UncoverDC Listen HERE... Read More.
The forensic audit in Windham, NH, is off to a rocky start, with ballots and machines arriving Tuesday at Edward Cross Training Center in Pembroke, NH. According to SB43, the team of three auditors has... Read More.
There is an election integrity case quietly working its way through the courts that could make some headway in the state of Georgia. Michael Daugherty, who is a healthcare entrepreneur who started an o... Read More.
The U.S. will consider pilot programs for Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Digital Dollars from the Digital Dollar Foundation (DDF) and private sector interests. One market actor involved is Accent... Read More.
On the New Book of Daniel Podcast for May 12, 2021: - Parents want to call the "shots" in Connecticut - Epidemiologists say the CDC is DRAMATICALLY overstating outdoor transmission - Comments about the... Read More.
A group of House Republicans announced two bills on Wednesday that will fully defund Critical Race Theory at the federal level. The legislation will keep “Critical Race Theory out of our schools, feder... Read More.
Rochelle P. Walensky, the Director of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), assumed her position on Jan. 20, 2021, under the Biden Administration. With an impressive resume, she is also... Read More.
Click Arrow to Listen You can also download a PHONE APP to listen without interruption: Subscribe to Dark To Light With Frank & Beanz on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, Google Play, the iHe... Read More.