The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has partnered with the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Agency (CISA) to roll out a terrorism advisory and, with it, a series of "graphic novels" called "The... Read More.
Last year, Pfizer made nearly $37 billion in sales from its COVID-19 "vaccine." The drugmaker's annual revenue has doubled to $81 billion—more than the GDP of most countries. And 2022 aims to be anothe... Read More.
Beanz flies solo today and boy, is it a busy show. The global narrative is changing and we take a walk down the long pathway of the how and why including some breaking reporting from and ... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) A new Civiqs poll has the Rutabaga at just 34% approval. -In polling lingo, this is known as the level at which one assumes room temper... Read More.
As the world enters year three of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) held a roundtable discussion on Jan. 24 to take a closer look at the reality of where we are in the ongoing crisis. Th... Read More.
A former executive of the EcoHealth Alliance has come forward as a material witness to claim "numerous unethical and criminal behaviors" took place during his tenure there. Andrew G. Huff, Ph.D., MS is... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) Another corrupt politician, Jamie Raskin, allegedly failed to report a $1.5 million stock sale. -What party, do you ask? Why DemoKKKrat... Read More.
Today, Frank and Tracy Beanz cover everything from what is happening at the Olympics, the Canadian truckers and GoFundMe, to people now feeling empowered to speak about vaccine issues, and so much more... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) Biteme blabbers complete gibberish for 11 seconds. -Remember, they can’t get rid of him till they find a way to remove Kampuchea Harris... Read More.
On the February 3rd Keep the Republic show (view it here), host and UncoverDC writer Daniel Bobinski hosted Idaho Senator Christy Zito and UncoverDC investigative journalist Michelle Edwards to discuss... Read More.
We talk about a few different topics today. We tackle what journalism SHOULD have always looked like, Alexander Vindman, the Vaccine, the newly released data from Renz, and so much more. It is an infor... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) A well-deserved censure motion against RINO backstabbers Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger has advanced through the RNC’s resolutions commi... Read More.
In its "Trust Principles," news organization Thomson Reuters pledges its obligation and commitment to "supply unbiased and reliable news services" to the many outlets it serves. Mr. Jim Smith represent... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) She’s ruuuuunnning part 12, Cankles beats the Rutabaga in Florida, leading some to predict she will run in 2024. https://conservativebr... Read More.