The highly dangerous gain-of-function (GoF) research and funding managed by EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), "began before Fauci's NiH or NIAID became involved," says whistleblower, Andrew Huff, Ph.D., MS who... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow 1) The White House cries “Uncle” on the China Virus, announcing it is no longer a “crisis.” -Hard to believe. The whole Rutabaga administration has been a c... Read More.
We hit a bunch of topics today from Canada to SpyGate to transhumanism and more in this wide-ranging show that is full of detail and information. Please don’t miss it and always please make sure to che... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow 1) House DemoKKKrat #30 announces her retirement. -Droppin like flies, folks. 2) Another corrupt DemoKKKrat Milwaukee’s juvenile judge pleads guilty to chil... Read More.
On Oct. 13, 2021, at 7:27 pm, beautiful Grace Schara—an inquisitive young woman with Down-Syndrome—died a tragic and preventable death at a Wisconsin hospital. Rather than using treatments proven to co... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) The popularity of almost all leaders in the West, save Modi in India and Obrador in Mexico, has tanked. Most are in the 30s according t... Read More.
On the February 10 Keep the Republic TV show, host and UncoverDC writer Daniel Bobinski interviewed Dr. Karladine Graves to discuss early COVID treatment. He also spoke with UncoverDC investigative jou... Read More.
Today, Frank and UncoverDC’s Tracy Beanz are honored to bring you an interview with journalist Celia Farber, who followed the HIV epidemic and all of its pitfalls through the ’80s and 2000s. Celia has ... Read More.
As a skeptic or contrarian—someone who doesn’t blindly accept the pronouncements of public health officials as the gospel truth—I’ve long questioned the validity of the statement that flu vaccines were... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) The popularity of almost all leaders in the West, save Modi in India and Obrador in Mexico, has tanked. Most are in their 30s according... Read More.
A new bill introduced in the House this week by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) seeks to issue a subpoena to Dr. Fauci—the highest paid government official—regarding alleged lies and corruption throughout the e... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) We could do this virtually every day: the Rutabaga’s polling has hit a new low, now averaging under 40% in the RealClearPolitics poll. ... Read More.
There's little question Western New York State has been an ideal home to the mafia. There are enough memoirs in circulation written by regional mobsters to make the case. Every couple of years, it seem... Read More.
Whistleblower, Mary Ellen Belding, is an interview subject you come to reluctantly. Read through some of her Twitter posts, and you'll have a sense of the overwhelming number of loose strands she can l... Read More.