According to the lawsuit, the Report of Death Investigation from the Bradford County"/> According to the lawsuit, the Report of Death Investigation from the Bradford County" }

Watts Family Sues DOD For Willful Misconduct in Groundbreaking COVID Vaccine Case

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The family of George Watts, Jr. "who died unexpectedly," is suing the DOD, claiming "willful misconduct" because the DOD allegedly misled the public about the safety of the vaccine, according to The Defender, a publication of the Children's Health Defense (CHD).

According to the lawsuit, the Report of Death Investigation from the Bradford County Coroner's Office "clearly document[ed] Mr. Watts' vaccine-induced death and the proximate causal connection," calling the "Primary Cause" of death "COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis."

Watts Lawsuit/ Bradford County Coroner's Report/

Watts received two doses of Pfizer vaccines, "an unlicensed product produced under the auspices of the DOD," according to the lawsuit. The obituary and VAERS report below show the details of Watts' deadly reaction to the mRNA vaccine.

The groundbreaking case contends the DOD rushed production under Operation Warp Speed (OWS) "while engaging in a deliberate and calculated mass-deception campaign specifically designed to obfuscate the fact that OWS' vaccines weren't licensed "safe and effective," was merely experimental, and legally could only be characterized as "maybe effective" but could not be pronounced safe," according to the lawsuit. The lawsuit notes that OWS was later transitioned to HHS and was "renamed HHS-DOD COVID-19 Countermeasures Acceleration Group (CAG)."

According to the lawsuit, the DOD "intentionally blurr[ed] the line of the critical distinction between 'licensed' and 'experimental," and therefore "duped millions of Americans" into participating in the "largest medical experiment" in "modern history."

Simultaneous Licensing of Comirnaty While Extending EUA for Pfizer-BioNTech Mislead Public

More specifically, the lawsuit centers around the simultaneous licensing of the "interchangeable" Pfizer Comirnaty COVID vaccine while extending the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. According to a Sept. 7, 2021, article in The Defender, the FDA violated federal law, pulling a "classic bait and switch" when it licensed Comirnaty. According to the lawsuit, Pfizer originally "formally received an Emergency Use Authorization ("EUA") from the FDA for its unapproved medical product on Dec. 11, 2020."

An earlier lawsuit filed by CHD in August 2021 alleges the FDA effectively duped the public into believing they were taking a safer "licensed" vaccine (Comirnaty) when in fact, it was the experimental Pfizer-BioNTech EUA vaccine they were receiving. The distinctions are grounded in law and are important.

The EUA designation authorizes "medical products for use in emergencies," and those products may be used only when "there is no adequate, approved and available alternative to the product for diagnosing, preventing or treating such disease or condition." Importantly, EUA-authorized drugs exempt drug manufacturers from legal liability. Moreover, few Americans knew Comirnaty was not available in the U.S. then. Only small quantities of the licensed vaccine became available in the U.S. in August 2022.

The confusion over Comirnaty may have tricked people like Watts into taking "two injections of the unlicensed Pfizer-BioNTch COVID-19 vaccine"—injections that may have ultimately caused his death. Sadly, according to The Defender article, Watts "waited for a vaccine he thought was 'safe and effective.'"

The Defender/Watts Case

DOD Cared More About Maximizing Vaccine Uptake Than Human Lives

The DOD's primary focus was "to maximize vaccine uptake" in the population while engaging in life-threatening deceptive practices, according to the lawsuit. Attorneys in the case assert "the DOD [is] liable to [Watts'] Estate for willful misconduct under PREP." PREP (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness) "provides blanket immunity for covered persons such as the DOD with a sole exception for willful conduct."

The lawsuit asserts neither Pfizer nor the government "had complete confidence in the vaccine they jointly developed" because they purposely released the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under the protection of the PREP Act to protect themselves from liability. Moreover, the DOD egregiously extended their deceptive behavior by joining with social media platforms and captured media to counter "disinformation" that might dissuade Americans from believing the mRNA jabs were anything but "safe and efficacious."

Watts Lawsuit/Safe and Efficacious/

According to an email from Attorney Michael Baum, this case is historic because of its broader implications. He wrote it "may provide a path for other COVID vaccine-injured individuals to seek recovery for their injuries."

Baum/Email/Watts Case/

The Watts family hired health freedom attorney Ray Flores to sue the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin lll. The case was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on May 31, 2023. CHD is funding the lawsuit.

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