IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) The hits keep comin’ for the “fine people” at CNN: Another CNN producer is now exposed as a pedophile.
" /> IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) The hits keep comin’ for the “fine people” at CNN: Another CNN producer is now exposed as a pedophile.
" /> IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) The hits keep comin’ for the “fine people” at CNN: Another CNN producer is now exposed as a pedophile. 2) … raising the question, how much did CNN bigwigs know and when did they know it? It now"/> 2) … raising the question, how much did CNN bigwigs know and when did they know it? It now" }

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow December 16, 2021

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow


1) The hits keep comin’ for the “fine people” at CNN: Another CNN producer is now exposed as a pedophile.

2) . . . raising the question, how much did CNN bigwigs know and when did they know it? It now turns out that fired CNN producer John Griffin had devices seized 17 months before sex trafficking on other complaints.

-If it is determined to go down this road, maybe CNN should hire members of the George Lincoln Rockwell Project, who seem to have a lot of experience in these matters.

3) Speaking of the “fine people” at the George Lincoln Rockwell Project, it turns out they are bankrolling the hapless Liz Cheney.

4) Lin Wood cleared in Georgia election.

5)  It looks like members of the Trump administration aren’t the only ones fed up with the Patriot Day committee’s subpoenas: New York Slimes and Washington Compost photojournalist Amy Harris is suing the committee over its “invasive and sweeping subpoena.”

6) With the Build Back Boondoggle tied up by Senator Joe Manchin-on-a-Hill, the Senate is now pivoting toward the tyrannical federalization of elections legislation.

7) Despite a slight uptick in Biteme’s ratings in some polls, the DemoKKKrats know he is political death, as seen in the New York Slimes column that urges Biteme to announce he won’t run in 2024.

8) . . . while that bastion of pedophilia, CNN, has worries about the Rutabaga’s age and popularity, dropping the names of eleven candidates to replace him in 2024.

9) The spectacularly tone-deaf Botoxic defends stock investment by members of Congress: “we’re a free market economy.”

-Well, we are when DemoKKKrats aren’t in charge.

10) The evil of this administration hits new depths daily: Now the Rutabaga is flying illegal aliens whom Trump deported back to the U.S.

-At first, I thought the headline said Biteme was flying aliens into the U.S. and I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t try that.

11) Another 1,500 documents on the John F. Kennedy assassination have been released, leaving about 10,000 withheld or redacted.

-When 9,999 of those are released with no grassy knoll shooter, critics will say “It’s all in the last document!”

12) The Godzilla of endorsers, Donald Trump has given the finger to establishment types who tried to pressure him to refrain from endorsing Lauren Boebert for reelection after her jokes that Illicit Mullah Omar is a suicide bomber.

-Well, if the vest fits . . .

13) ComanChe wants to expand the Supreme Court by six seats. Wouldn’t it be ironic if they actually passed this . . . in time for Trump to name six new justices with a GOP senate approving?

14) Here’s another woke charity to avoid: “Make A Wish Foundation” refuses to grant a wish to a dying unvaxxed 4-year-old cuz he wanted to go to woke Disney World.



15)  Jesus Carter Part Deux: Administration allies urge Americans to “consciously lower [their] expectations.”

-Will Biteme break out a cardigan sweater next?

16) Broadway collapsing in new China Virus crisis as the most popular shows announce cancellations just months after reopening.

17) Bill Gates has made a mere $35 billion off the China Virus pandemic.

18) . . . while new jobless claims rose last week, defying expectations.

-There are those pesky guys with their always-wrong “expectations” again.

19) File under “I kid you not”: China’s bubble bursting has Wall Street eyeing a 2022 rally. You heard that right. Big banks think they see deals in China’s failed companies

20) Superhero movies still sell: “Spider-Man: No Way Home” defies UK Omicron surge with $10 million opening day haul.



21)A Danish heroine who used immigration post to rescue Muslim child-brides was impeached and now faces jail for violating the Ministerial Accountability Act.

22) Russia and China have formed a united front to counter U.S. influence.



23) The U.S. Navy has started discharging sailors and officers who refuse the China Virus vax.

24) Gog and MaGoogle sets “final” deadline to get vaxxed after 150,000 miss first deadline.

25) Thousands have died from the vax, hundreds of thousands have had serious side effects, and the Rutabaga asks, “What’s the big deal?”

26) Potentially huge: the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission says the China Virus may qualify as a disability under the Americans With Disabilities Act. If so, then wouldn’t those who already had it be “qualified?” And if so, wouldn’t that “disability” preclude them from ever getting the vax? The legal jungle here is mind-boggling.

27) U.S. Sports leagues facing China Virus crisis. Now, just how is that? They are the most vaxxed people on earth and the most tested people on earth?

-Might it be the vaxxes? NAAAAAAAAH.

28) Senator Jean Shaheen of New Hampshire says “Until we defeat the China Virus, we’ll never get our lives back.”

-I’ve had my life back for over a year. Dunno about you.

29) They really do have to try to keep up the fear porn: “Omicron and Delta may strike people at the same time and COMBINE to create an even worse variant.”

-Oh noes! The Klingons and the Romulans are going to join forces!!!

30) The CDC admits Omicron rates highest in the heavily vaxxed states of New York and New Jersey.

31) Finally, Mercedes has withdrawn its challenge to Max Verstappen’s first championship success for Red Bull in Formula 1 racing.

And that’s Today’s News

Larry Schweikart can be found at the Wild World of History and at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @OtherWalls.

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