Rep. Lauren Boebert on Democrats, Firearms, and Hunter Biden

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

In a fiery speech on the House floor on June 29th, Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, serving the 3rd District of Colorado, alerted her Democrat colleagues that their "gun-grabbing rhetoric is encouraging millions of Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights by buying their first, second, or even 100th firearm." 

Taking aim at the hypocrisy of the gun control discourse of the Biden administration and Congressional Democrats, Boebert, who promised to "stand strong for our 2nd Amendment rights," warned that "from the left's riots in cities across America to Biden's threats to strip away our basic constitutional rights, Democrats are single-handedly responsible for the sale of tens of millions of firearms." Slamming the attack on the rights of law-abiding U.S. citizens, Boebert bestowed serious questions upon her left-leaning colleagues regarding the president and his son, remarking:

"Now, I have some questions for these freedom haters. What are you going to do? Call on the chief executive, the basement dweller, to hold his own son accountable for his gun crimes? Hunter Biden lied on a federal firearms application, which is punishable by up to 10 years and a $250,000 fine, of which 10% will not be going to the big guy rules for the, but not for my crack head Parmesan, smoking gun criminal son."

The congresswoman continued, questioning why the secret service was involved in helping find Hunter Biden's firearm after his former lover and sister-in-law, fearful the young Biden might harm himself, tossed his .38 caliber pistol into a trash can behind a grocery store in Wilmington, Delaware. Noting that had President Trump's son done the same thing, we would be witnessing a different narrative, Boebert added:

"If Donald Trump Jr. was involved in firearms crimes and his dad ordered the secret service to cover it up, that's just the start of the hypocrisy. Biden will call widely purchased firearms weapons of war, but then he'll tell you that you need an F-15 or a nuke to keep the federal government in check."

The first-term representative expressed her frustration over the Biden administration's laser-focused goal to eliminate and punish the "so-called merchants of death" while also being willing to "celebrate the 600 abortion clinics across America." Addressing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Boebert roared:

"Madam Speaker, the American people are not on board with the Biden regime's hypocritical gun-grabbing. Instead, they are buying guns at a record rate."

The controversies surrounding Hunter Biden have essentially been swept under the rug by mainstream media and the Biden administration, despite findings in a Johnson-Grassley report titled "Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns." The 87-page report concluded that "Hunter Biden and his family were involved in a vast financial network that connected them to foreign nationals and foreign governments across the globe." At the same time, Joe Biden was vice president and "the public face of the Obama administration's Ukraine policy." 

Hunter Biden also formed partnerships with Chinese nationals associated with the Chinese Communist Regime that "accelerated while his father was vice president and continued after he left office."

Since Biden took office, David Weiss, the U.S. Attorney in Delaware, has continued investigating Hunter Biden. On Jun. 3, Politico reported that the Justice Department is looking into possible illegal lobbying allegations against a firm linked to Hunter Biden called Blue Star Strategies. The firm took on Burisma as a client while Hunter Biden served on the company's board. In late 2019, Senators Grassley and Johnson queried whether Blue Star Strategies "sought to leverage Hunter Biden’s membership on the board of directors for Burisma in its communications and meetings with various U.S. government officials at the same time his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, served as the ‘public face of the administration’s handling of Ukraine.’"

As recently reported by UncoverDC Editor-in-Chief Tracy Beanz, Sally Painter, Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder of Blue Star Strategies was questioned in the Grassley/Johnson investigation into Hunter Biden and Burisma. Blue Star Strategies is a member of the US-Ukraine Business Council, an organization that hosted Democrat “star” witness William B. Taylor, as UncoverDC reported here. Additionally, Painter sits on the Board of Directors of the Atlantic Council, an organization with deep connections to the impeachment of President Trump. The organization noted on Jan. 10, 2021, that "Trump's resignation would be the best path to U.S. healing-and global effectiveness."

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