Democrat “Star” Witness sat on Board of Ukranian NGO with deep ties to George Soros

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

By Tracy Beanz

On Tuesday, the fifteen-page opening statement from William Taylor, who some are calling the Democrats “star witness” was leaked and reported by legacy media outlets. Ambassador William Taylor is thought to be a linchpin in the case by proponents of the impeachment inquiry, while Republicans are stating that he has no direct evidence of a quid pro quo with Ukrainian President Zelensky, and that his opening statement and testimony is rife with hearsay.

In the early pages of his remarks, William Taylor noted the following:

“I had served as Ambassador to Ukraine from 2006 to 2009, having been nominated
by George W. Bush, and, in the intervening 10 years, I have stayed engaged with
Ukraine, visiting frequently since 2013 as a board member of a small Ukrainian
non-governmental organization supporting good governance and reform.”

UncoverDC can report that although it has been scrubbed almost entirely from the web, William Taylor spent several years on the board of a Ukranian NGO called EEF, or the East Europe Foundation, that has a strong partnership with Open Cities Association. Open Cities Association is funded by “Open Governments Partnership” which accepts large amounts of funding from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

William Taylor also has strong connections to other dark power players, many of whom are embroiled in the spying scandal currently under investigation by Attorney General William Barr and US Attorney John Durham. Taylor was a senior advisor to the US- Ukraine Business Council (USUBC), where he often presented round table discussions about policy with David Kramer from the McCain Institute. Evidence has shown that David Kramer was responsible for laundering the Steele Dossier into the FBI on behalf of John McCain, as well as providing the dossier to Buzzfeed. Also a key player at the USUBC is the Atlantic Council, a Washington DC based organization funded in part by Victor Pinchuk, a Ukrainian billionaire who has donated to the Clinton Foundation. Crowdstrike co-founder and CTO Dmitri Alperovitch is also a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. Crowdstrike was responsible for the DNC servers, and claims that it was Russia that hacked the servers and provided the information to Wikileaks. Crowdstrike also held them privately for analysis rather than allow the FBI to forensically analyze them. In the now infamous call with the President Zelensky, President Trump asked him to look for the missing DNC servers suspecting they were in Ukraine.

In addition, the Atlantic Council worked closely with Victoria Nuland, the Obama Administration’s Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. Nuland was embroiled in controversy after a conversation she had with the ambassador to Ukraine at the time, Geoffrey Pyatt, was leaked to YouTube. In the call, the pair are discussing who they wish to install in Ukrainian government. Nuland is also embroiled in controversy regarding 2016 election interference, admitting in testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that she and the State Department had hosted Christopher Steele. Former State Department employees Jonathan Winer and Kathleen Kavalec are also under closer scrutiny.

Additionally, internet sleuths seem to have uncovered who the whistle blower is, as have some in Congress. Eric Ciaramella has been mentioned by Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) in questioning at a hearing on the fiscal control board that governs Puerto Rico’s debt because the Executive Director of that board used to be Ukraine’s finance minister. In photos discovered by Twitter user @CarrollQuigley1, Ciaramella is seen wearing a pin from the US-Ukraine Business Council; the same USUBC that hosted William Taylor as a Senior Advisor, David Kramer, and the Atlantic Council among others. Adding more credibility to the claim, threads on the topic are being retweeted by powerhouse Flynn attorney Sidney Powell.

The Democrats “star” witness appears to be a dark power pawn, working closely with the brokers who have shifted and molded Ukraine policy for years.

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