Demanding Election Integrity: Tracy Beanz Interviews JovanHuttonPulitzer™

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

UncoverDC Editor-in-Chief Tracy Beanz sat down with inventor JovanHuttonPulitzer™ the second half of Friday's Dark to Light Podcast to discuss his ongoing mission to expose and correct the ways ballots are handled, processed and audited in American elections.

Pulitzer is best known for creating and patenting: CQR—a platform that was developed to "help codes talk with each other." Two decades ago, his technology "linked the physical world to virtual, and now unique codes are found to link physical to virtual around the globe." Some have tried to discredit Pulitzer as a failed inventor for his CueCat bar-code scanner but he seemed to be unphased by the claims, saying "it was the most adopted peripheral in history."

Photo/Natalie Caudill/Dallas News

It was his presentation to Georgia State Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Dec. 30 that publicly showed how kinematic artifacts on ballots can expose election fraud. This, simple, and expeditious solution was discussed in an UncoverDC article on Dec. 31. The article explains,

"Kinematic artifacts are “evidence on paper” of folding, printing, and markings on the physical ballots. Every physical process applied to a ballot leaves marks, many of which are invisible to the naked eye. Pulitzer said he could quickly detect many kinds of election fraud by running the ballots through forensic scanners designed to detect these kinematic artifacts."

Kinematic Artifacts/Folds/Machine vs Human Markings

Kinematic Artifacts/Jovan Hutton Pulitzer

The forensic evidence from ballots can detect with "100 percent" accuracy fraud and irregularities on ballots including, where they are manufactured, whether the ovid markings are human or machine generated, which ballots are mailed, which are authentic, whether the ballots were scanned multiple times, etc.

Pulitzer's presentation was so compelling that the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee unanimously approved permission for him to forensically review the ballots in Fulton County. However, he said, when "he was inches away from getting his hands on them," the process was summarily shut down "by the opposing party." They proceeded to "file legal maneuvers" that were then shuttled back and forth in the courts like a "ping pong ball." And when those operations weren't sufficient to halt the process, the Democrats "booted off" the Republicans who approved the forensic review to prevent further scrutiny of the ballots.

Pulitzer described actions by officials in Georgia who used the chaotic election to their advantage to suppress and/or block any actions that might expose what happened in the 2020 election there. He says that state and county official discounted evidence, used punitive force to run investigators out of town, and employed voter intimidation tactics to suppress evidence. They "made examples of people" who were trying to expose corruption and "crucified" any technology or methodology that purported to expose the way the voting machines were programmed. They also "engineered solutions to make you look in the places where corruption isn't." Pulitzer says that even Governor Kemp's office was involved when officials in charge repeatedly told the public "to stop reporting this to us because you are creating a public record."

Also discussed was the idea that the 2020 election was the "most secure in history," as stated by former fired Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Director, Chris Krebs. He also said that the "proof is in the paper, you can't hack paper."

However, Pulitzer said that "it just isn't true." There were people who signed affidavits saying that some liberal counties had ballots with no bar codes. Pulitzer says some counties had ballots with print that was out of alignment and there were variations in ballots where there shouldn't have been. Most importantly, from the time a ballot is placed into the hands of a voter, to the time it is placed in boxes in a warehouse, the ballot changes many hands, opening the process to fraud.

There were also problems in the adjudication of ballots. Adjudication is the process of resolving flagged cast ballots to reflect voter intent. A human being reviews the ballots that cannot be read properly by the scanner and then determines the intent of the voter. He said that in 2016 in Fulton county, the adjudication rate was 1.1 percent. In 2018, it was 2.2 percent, and in 2020 it was 95 percent. Pulitzer said that it is very easy to bend rules in the adjudication stage of the ballot examination process. Simply stated, "it is a system set up for the success of robbing votes."

Arizona's Maricopa County (Phoenix) plans to conduct a forensic audit, finally enlisting independent auditors to examine ballots in February or March of this year. In December, the Arizona Senate issued subpoenas to the Board of Supervisors demanding the board turn over election material, including images of all mail-in ballots, detailed voter information and machines used to count votes, so the Senate could conduct the audit. There was a court fight but eventually the state legislature was recognized as having the sovereign duty to secure election integrity. The original auditor selected was a Dominion employee—a conflict of interest since he would be auditing Dominion Voting Machines.

In addition, says Pulitzer, when they pull boxes from the warehouse for audit, 'they don’t tell you that the boxes have code number. In a transparent audit, we will randomly pull boxes. The people pulling the boxes know what the code means." Often, they are "rigging the districts they know are not cheating. All of it is designed to usurp the vote. All the troubled states are doing it."

The biggest challenge, Pulitzer says, is the "game of smoke and mirrors" that officials play when it comes to investigating election fraud. Their game is to "keep these things from being audited. We'll agree to an audit as long as it is my people, my machines, my ballots and my software. The only thing they want to confirm is that the machine is transferring a ballot." As was seen in the first "audit" in Georgia, the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger(R) essentially authorized a recount which is not the same as a forensic audit by any stretch of the imagination.

Tracy mentioned the recent efforts to demonize anyone speaking about election integrity in the forms of deplatforming, being targeted by law enforcement, and censoring on social media and the internet. "People," she said, "feel overwhelmed" by those actions. Pulitzer maintains that education, transparency, public dialogue, and legal action are the only way election reform will come about.

He says we must "bring transparency and easy educational moments to the American people. They can make better decisions if educated." 

When asked whether he could talk about "good ways to get people motivated" in the face of what many see as a stolen election, Pulitzer spoke about the imperative need for Americans to dig deep:

"You have to make a decision, you either believe in the United States of America, and you are a Patriot and you want this fixed for everyone, or you’re going to roll over and play dead and you are just a battery unit in the matrix. But you have a decision to make about what you are and what you stand for. Remember, this is now up to us. We have waited too long for others to fix it for us. We now have to do this ourselves…. It is not about us. It is about our country, our children, and our grandchildren. And if you want them to grow up in an America that you believed you had and you love then you better get into the battle right now...I believe I can fix future elections so that they will be authentic and not able to be stolen. I want to give the American people their voice back. That is my next big battle...Our eyes are open. We can no longer stick our heads in the sand."

JovanHuttonPulitzer™can be found wherever #jovanhuttonpulitzer is posted. It is his trademark.

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