Click Arrow to Listen It is a busy, busy show today as we talk about China, election fraud, court cases, and more. Listen as we detail what is happening with election fraud and how to make sense of the... Read More.
In 2019, online businesses were noticing a fall-off in China's economic growth. Gross domestic product (GDP) dropped to 6.2 percent in the second quarter of 2019—down from the record high of 14.2 perce... Read More.
Judge Emmett Sullivan dismissed the criminal case for President Trump's former National Security Advisor, General Michael Flynn on Tuesday, just a few weeks after President Trump's "full and unconditio... Read More.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit on Tuesday in the U.S. Supreme Court to challenge the elections in four swing states. The complaint names the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the stat... Read More.
Op-Ed by Rich Gagnier I was drawn in recently by a story that looked to be about a semi-dirty race between two political challengers in a particularly genteel area of my state, New York. The campaign t... Read More.
Building on weeks of criticizing the Trump Campaign’s evidence of irregularities and fraud, this week the legacy media will cite Dec. 8 as the deadline to finalize the election results. The Amistad Pro... Read More.
By Larry Schweikart It’s safe to say those on the right were shocked with the election returns by Wednesday Nov. 4th. In many cases, the results not only confirmed the pollster’s doomsday predictions f... Read More.
In an op-ed penned on Nov. 3 for the Wall Street Journal, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe warned that China intends "to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet economically,... Read More.
A team of seven forensic investigators associated with Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG) were allowed access to Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) machines for about eight hours on Dec. 6. Judge Kevin... Read More.
By Harold Hutchison This is the 4th installment of an ongoing series. No matter how the litigation over Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania turns out, there are still many l... Read More.
by Stu Cvrk It is impossible to have watched the election-related hearings in Arizona, Michigan, and Georgia, as well as to have read the signed affidavits in the lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign a... Read More.
Click Arrow to Listen Today’s Monday show is an important one with an interview of the “Campaign Guru” Dr. Ravi Singh. Learn about how he says he was entrapped by the FBI for creating and implem... Read More.
Op-Ed By Jose Olivera USA Today reports approximately 150 million voters voted in 2020, with a 4.4 million popular vote swing for Biden. For argument's sake, let's call that 72.8 million for Trump and ... Read More.
A video is circulating today that shows Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Freeman Moss allegedly conspiring to hand a USB flash drive to an election worker. The footage shows the two huddled and talk... Read More.
Click on Arrow to Listen Another busy one today as we go over the breaking point in New York, Staten Islanders are speaking out about COVID, and then go into an in-depth review of the Georgia fraud rev... Read More.