President Trump says he cannot support certification of the Nov. 3 election because "the numbers being certified are verifiably wrong." There seems to be growing evidence of election fraud and Trump as... Read More.
Click Arrow to Listen It is the first show of the New Year and we go over the perfect call that President Trump had with the Secretary of State in Georgia. We also talk about the COVID rebellion and mo... Read More.
Let’s set the stage with New York’s fourth iteration of a bill. It's a bill they are desperately hoping to pass that could change human rights and life as we know it. I am going to paint a picture for ... Read More.
By Stu Cvrk and Larry Schweikart Part II of a Four Part Series Part I HERE The Long War Which country is the greater long-term threat to U.S. interests? Communist China or Russia? In economic terms, t... Read More.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) will lead a coalition of 12 senators to object to the certification of electors on Jan. 6, 2021 "unless and until there is an emergency 10-day audit" of the disputed states. A j... Read More.
Expert witness, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, gave a presentation to the Georgia State Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Dec. 30 detailing how he can perform a forensic examination of paper ballots to detect k... Read More.
By Stu Cvrk & Larry Schweikart Part one of a four-part series The View from 2016 Let’s go back just a few years ago to the world as President Donald Trump had remade it. He had canceled or pulled o... Read More.
By Brian Cates At his very first press conference as a newly inaugurated President, Trump boasted of having held a secret meeting with intelligence officials, then watching news of that secret briefing... Read More.
Op-Ed by Daniel Bobinski If you’re thinking Joe Biden will be seated behind the desk in the Oval Office on January 20, put that thought on hold. I’m standing by my Sept. 26 prediction that President Tr... Read More.
By Larry Schweikart Op-Ed For decades, the business model of the motion picture industry (the studios) has been simple: Make your costs back in the first two weeks (later drastically condensed to the f... Read More.
Click Arrow to Listen It is the last show of 2020 and we spend the episode reminiscing and talking about current events, from COVID and masks, to election and superstition. Make sure to join us as we k... Read More.
The New York Legislature called a special session Monday to pass one of the most comprehensive anti-eviction laws in the nation. This action comes just as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's executive ord... Read More.
By Richard Gagnier Op-Ed If you were to suggest to acquaintances in your social circle even a few short years ago the possibility of sex islands used to compromise and blackmail politicians, it’s a saf... Read More.
President Donald Trump signed the massive $2.3 trillion government funding and coronavirus relief bill Sunday night, preventing a government shutdown set to begin on Tuesday. He also sent a clear messa... Read More.