
Election 2024: How to Win Elections With Open Borders
Mayorkas and the Biden administration's policy alignment with HIAS and other NGOs at the border may put a thumb on the scale in the 2024 election.... Read More.
News from Around the Web for Apr 17, 2024
Our picks of the top 10 news pieces from around the web that you might have missed...... Read More.
Tax Payer Funded Gender Reassignment Surgeries Prompt Questions About Military Readiness
The US Government is providing gender reassignment surgery for active-duty military. Is our fighting force ready?... Read More.
News from Around the Web for Apr 16, 2024
Our picks of the top 10 news pieces from around the web that you might have missed...... Read More.
Dark to Light: The Spies who Love us
Happy Free Hug Monday! We have a bunch today, including a follow-up on the "Freaky Friday" segment about the waves in Antarctica, and then we are on to FISA. ... Read More.
News from Around the Web for Apr 15, 2024
Our picks of the top 10 news pieces from around the web that you might have missed...... Read More.
The FISA 702 Battle: Warrantless Searches Here To Stay?
The battle in Congress heats up over FISA 702. According to some Republicans, Americans should not be subject to warrantless searches.... Read More.
Tracy Beanz Joins the Deace Group to Discuss the 2024 Election and Lots More
Tracy Beanz joins the Deace Group to discuss whether 2024 is actually ‘the Most Important Election™’ of our lives.... Read More.
Dark to Light: Crazy Friday
It's a trip down conspiracy/culture lane today for the Friday show! ... Read More.
News from Around the Web for Apr 12, 2024
Our picks of the top 10 news pieces from around the web that you might have missed...... Read More.
Tracy Beanz on Joe Pags: Joining the Military - Getting Gender Surgery on OUR Dime!
Tracy Beanz on Joe Pags: she's uncovered the startling numbers of trans surgeries in the military, and we're paying for it.... Read More.
Tracy Beanz and Del Big Tree Discuss Sex Change Operations in the Military
Tracy Beanz and Del Bigtree Discuss Sex Change Operations In The Military On The Rise on The HighWire... Read More.
Tracy Beanz on the Rich Zeoli Show Discussing the TRANSformation Taking Place in the Military
Tracy Beanz joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss her most recent article, “Military Doctor: Transgender Surgery Uptick Paid for with U.S. Tax Dollars.”... Read More.
News from Around the Web for Apr 11, 2024
Our picks of the top 10 news pieces from around the web that you might have missed...... Read More.
Dark to Light: Transformation Wednesday
It is TRANSformation Wednesday, and not in a good way. We go through a deep dive explaining how our military is funding and performing gender reassignment surgery...... Read More.

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