
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow December 30, 2021
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) Ghislaine Maxwell has been found guilty on sex-trafficking charges, but no names were named and all records sealed. -The conventional w... Read More.
NIH to Spend $1.15B Over Four Years to Study “Long COVID”
NYU Langone Health is leading the National Institute of Health's (NIH) investigation of the long-term effects of COVID-19 ("Long COVID"). Dubbed the PASC (Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection) I... Read More.
Dark To Light: The Last Show Of 2021
We aren’t sharing links today because our discussion was meandering and we want you to just relax and listen. We hit some new information on COVID and we reflect on the year we have just had. We want a... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow December 29, 2021
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) The Rutabaga stunned the vaxiopaths Tuesday by saying there was “no federal solution” to topping the spread of the China Virus. Now the... Read More.
Study: Omicron Could Displace Delta Variant; Signal End Of Pandemic
Recent research from South Africa reveals that antibodies produced after contracting the much-hyped Omicron variant—which is impacting even those triple-jabbed with a COVID-19 "vaccine"—neutralize the ... Read More.
Dark To Light: The Monday Before 2022
We are here on the Monday before the New Year and we talk about a number of things such as Beanz’ journey up north, the Omicron variant, Fauci and air travel, and President Trump. It’s a great discussi... Read More.
‘Feds For Medical Freedom’ Sue Biden Over Vaccine Mandate
In response to the rigid and dictatorial federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates imposed on public servants and government contractors, the national grassroots coalition, Feds For Medical Freedom (F4MF), fil... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow December 24, 2021
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) Ghislaine Maxwell will spend Christmas in a federal jail as a jury fails to reach a decision. -“An acquittal wouldn’t surprise me,” sai... Read More.
Heritage Foundation State Election Integrity Scorecard Puts Georgia At Top
The Heritage Foundation published a state-by-state election integrity scorecard, placing Georgia at number one with a score of 83 on a scale of 100. Hawaii ranks dead last in the 51st spot with a score... Read More.
San Diego Unified School Board To Appeal Court Order Against Mandate
The San Diego Unified School District's Board of Education unanimously voted Tuesday night to appeal Judge John Meyer's Monday ruling that struck down the district's vaccine mandate. When ruling agains... Read More.
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow December 23, 2021
The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow CORRECTION: Yesterday I identified the congressman standing up to the Patriot Day (January 6 committee) as “Rick” Perry, but it is Scott Perry of Pennsylvan... Read More.
WHO Chief: Blanket Boosters Risk Prolonging Pandemic & Killing Children
World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned on Wednesday that blanket booster programs in wealthy countries risk prolonging the world's battle with COVID-19. With many ... Read More.
Jan. 6 Prisoners in Lockdown: Greene Calls for Landerkin’s Termination
The Jan. 6 prisoners are allegedly in lockdown, and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wants Deputy Warden Landerkin terminated due to unfair treatment and abuse of the 38 detainees. Greene and thirteen of he... Read More.
The Voter Rolls are the Key
By now, the term “Zuckerbucks” has become a common use term among conservatives, as it pertains to Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) grants given to local governments leading up to and, in some cas... Read More.
Dark To Light: It’s Right Before Christmas
We did it! The show today is a little bit different with Frank calling Beanz via Skype for Phone but it’s a show nonetheless. General Flynn filed a lawsuit against the January 6th commission and we det... Read More.

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