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The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow May 23, 2022

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow


1) A true bombshell in the trial of Michael Sussmann, when Cankles’ former campaign manager, Robbie Mook, admitted she personally approved the dissemination of false information alleging a covert communications channel between President Trump and Russia’s AlphaBank.

2) New York’s new congressional maps are creating “chaos” for DemoKKKrats, and there are suits, including one from the League of Women Voters, to delay the primaries because of redistricting.

3) New York went from a 22-4 DemoKKKrat map to as good as 16-10 for DemoKKKrats with the new redistricting.

4) There are eight competitive battleground districts now in New York.

5) The Republican National Committee has outraised the DemoKKKrat National Committee by over $1 million.

-It probably isn’t wise to give either of these useless organizations any money.

6) Joe Lombardo, Trump’s endorsed candidate in the Nevada primary, has taken a 20-point lead.


7) File under “Shocked! Shocked, I tell ya!” The Census Bureau grossly undercounted heartland states while overcounting deep blue areas.


8) After it appeared that the Wizard of Oz had taken a lead that would stand up in the Pennsylvania Primary, a three-judge panel of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals said that election officials should count several hundred mail ballots received without a date.

9) Liberal Bill Maher is seldom right but he is right about this: kids are “coming out” as transoids because it is “trendy” and being merely homosexual is “not hip enough” anymore.

-Preach, brother Bill.

10) Illegals released by DHS were not tested for the China Virus before being released on commercial flights.

-Shocked! Shocked, I tell ya!

11) Celebration in New Kabul (New York City) as charges were dropped against C Blu, the teen rapper accused of shooting an NYPD officer.

-Any time I have news about a rapper who hasn’t died, it’s time for celebration.

12) Hunter and/or James Biteme had 150 transactions flagged by U.S. banks as possibly criminal.

13) The Fifth Circuit’s ruling in the Jarkesy v. Securities and Exchange Commission found that key powers and structures of the SEC are unconstitutional. This, folks, is a HUGE ruling.

-Deconstruct the administrative state, one brick at a time!

14) When does life begin again? Scientists have captured a flash of light that sparks when sperm meets an egg.

15) In light of the revelations from John Sloth Durham that Cankles “personally approved” handing the phony Alfa Bank story to the press, there are calls for her to “be held accountable,” or at the very least to testify under oath.

-I have to agree with the pundit who said approving or funding opposition research in politics is not a crime. The crime was that the FBI went along with it. Bring in Comey (Scrotumtoter) and Deep Stroke and McCabre and put them under oath.


16) This sounds safe: U.S. airlines, desperate for pilots are considering cutting training requirements.

What could go wrong?


17) A Virginia board announced it will return the names of Confederate generals such as Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee to two schools.



18) Supply chains are never going to return to normal.


19) Massive state economic intervention led to the new reality of stagflation.

20) Mortgage rates have risen 43.4% with Fed poised to send them higher.

21) Sanctions guarantee that those imposing the sanctions will suffer.


22) The U.S. inflation rate is rising, and expected growth is declining.

23) A welcome pushback against the weaponization of investment funds.

24) Inflation is cutting into profits among major retailers.

25) The Texas state comptroller said that companies “boycotting” fossil fuels could lose state funding.



26) You might want to hold your horses on any kind of conclusions about the war in Ukraine. “Very few of the commentator's party to this discussion have much value to add. In particular, few have experience on the ground against which to evaluate the flow of information out of the theater.”


27) Glenn Greenwald describes and shows how Reuters itself described the Azov division as a neo-Nazi menace prior to the Russkie invasion, then said today that these descriptions (its own) are just Russian assertions.

28) Aussie Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been given the boot in an election. Maybe the ridiculous lockdowns had something to do with it?

29) After shutting down a baby formula plant in the U.S., the Biteme administration is using military jets to fly Nestle baby formula in from Germany.

30) Mitsubishi Electric has developed a technology to print satellite antennas in outer space.

31) Warmonger Minion Romney has called on NATO to prepare for Russkie nukes.

32) Germany prepares for gas rationing as Russia cuts off supplies to Finland.



33) Netflix, rapidly coming to its senses, canceled the whackjob Abraham X. Kendi’s show, “Antiracist Baby.”

34) Faux News reporter Carl Cameron said police will have to start monitoring the network to prevent Tucker Carlson from lying on air.



35) One of the problems with the medical community’s failure to recognize vax injuries stems from the fact that “very few doctors even know what VAERS is,” and therefore never reported them.

36) Powerful piece: In the war against the unvaxxed, “we invented a new rubric for the good citizen [and] fail[ed] to be one ourselves.” We “viciously wished death upon the unvaccinated.”

37) Monkeypox is not very infectious in humans.


38) Always behind the curve, Arizona’s Governor Doug Ducey approved a ban on school China Virus vax mandates.

39) Finally, a South Dakota landscaping firm accidentally destroyed 302 lawns after it sprayed the wrong chemical on the grass.

Sorta like Russell Case in the movie “Independence Day,” except I don’t think they’ll save the universe.

-Then again, with all the UFO talk, maybe we need Russell back.


And that's Today's News

Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE

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