Oh, Jeff. Jeff, Jeff, Jeff. Where to begin? Here's the deal—the reason the Washington Post has lost its chutzpah is a function of those things. It is because, for years, you have acted as an ideological propaganda rag and a tool of the now familiar "deep state" in this country. Your "newspaper" lacks total credibility and has no customers because of the podcasts you chide in your piece as disinformation. You were awarded a Pulitzer for lying about the Russiagate scandal that rocked Donald Trump's first presidency —while people like me were screaming the truth on my supposedly "unresearched" podcast and with my "unresearched" social media posts—posts that, as it turns out, were the truth—and more researched than anything your "journalists" ever published. We deserve the Pulitzer. You destroyed the country while we attempted to save it.
The Russiagate scandal alone could be the only reason for relegating you to the dustbin of history. Its effect on the populace was more dangerous than almost any other story woven together by unnamed sources your "journalists" parroted. It was a coup from within an unelected bureaucracy, something you and your ideological ninnies were all too happy to run with. It was "Democracy dying" in your darkness. But we also have more history, and the COVID pandemic surpassed the SpyGate saga because, in that scandal, people have died—not just had their reputations destroyed, freedoms taken, and lives ruined. They died. How many articles did you write chiding doctors for speaking out about the truth of early treatment? How many articles did you write about "vaccine misinformation" that is, in fact, true? There are too many even to begin to link in this piece. Just search, dear reader, you'll find them… And keep finding them.
You spent your time attacking journalists like me who were trying to save lives while you parroted the state without question. Did your "journalists" realize they were doing this, or were they too braindead to realize it? No matter how you answer, your answer is disqualifying.
And what about election integrity? For a "newspaper" who claims to love democracy so much, you sure did take issue with anyone trying to save it. You and your compadres in the rest of the now defunct "mainstream" media outlets were so scared of independent media that you embarked on a campaign to destroy us; writing hit pieces, working in tandem with shady not-for-profits (Media Matters rings a bell), and doing anything and everything you could to silence us.
We were right. We have been right, we will continue to be right, and you know you have lost your grip on the narrative. You lost. It's too late now. We know.
So, forgive me for being irked when I see some on the side of truth showing compassion for Bezos; for falsely thinking this is some "based" thing he's doing, now, all of a sudden realizing what his "newspaper" has become. WRONG. His concern isn't whether they tell the truth but that they are not believed when they say whatever they say. The last few lines:
"Many of the finest journalists you'll find anywhere work at The Washington Post, and they work painstakingly every day to get to the truth. They deserve to be believed."
No, Jeff, no, they don't. See, we shouldn't be believing journalists. Journalists should present the facts, and the people should make their own decisions based on those facts. Your flowery op-ed isn't "based." It's another attempt to propagandize the American people. If I have anything to do with it, you'll lose.
See, UncoverDC operates on a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of what you've got going on at WaPo, and throughout all your attacks, baseless lies, and deep state-driven attempts, little outlets and supposedly "unresearched" podcasts like mine BEAT YOU. All the money in the world can't stop the truth from rising to the surface. People trust independent media because they report the truth—with sources on record, documents, and integrity, for the most part. You can't buy that. You can't take that, and for the love of all things readers, celebrate your victory—don't hand them a DIME.
Give your money to the people standing in the trenches screaming the truth until they have no voice left—the small "unresearched" podcasts are the future. Is there disinformation out there? Sure. But the arbiter of truth cannot be a quasi-state-run media outlet. It must be YOU.
Elon Musk's purchase of X (formerly known as Twitter, but I digress) opened the floodgates for information to promulgate relatively uncensored to the American people. You are just realizing now, Mr. Bezos, that the majority you all pretended to have over the populace was completely fabricated. It turns out that most of America does not trust you, agree with you ideologically, or like being lied to.
Independent media is here to do the job you were supposed to do. People don't distrust journalists writ large; they distrust yours. And no, they don't deserve to be believed. They lost that right when they attempted to destroy our country from within. Throughout all of your attacks, your attempts to silence me and others, your attempts to take what little revenue we have (and I mean little,) I am still standing here with an American Flag proudly waving. And I implore my fellow truth-seeking friends to slam the door on establishment media for good, use the brain God gave you to discern the truth from the lies, and continue your quest to seek it wherever it exists. That, dear friends, is how we continue to win.
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