The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow November 6, 2023

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 11/06/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow —
Commentary by Larry Schweikart



1) Both President Trump and Governor Ron DeSantis showed up for the Freedom Summit in Florida, where their trajectories are going in different directions.

2) Don’t look now, but there is a major DemoKKKrat divide between Hamas/Israel, pitting liberal Jews vs. whackadoodle pro-Hamas/pro-murder bilgepigeons.

-How seriously do I take this? Not very. The divide is real, but neither group will abandon the Evil Party.

3) Powerline wonders if a Jewish political realignment is at foot.

-I doubt it. Again, I don’t see Jews leaving the party of abortion and illegal immigration, no matter how angry they get. To them, Trump is “Hitler.”

4) Nevertheless, here is Dinobernie rejecting calls for a cease-fire because Hamas is a terror group dedicated to “Destroying the state of Israel.”

-Kinda like you want to destroy the United States, eh, Dino?

5) Big donors bailing on Harvard.

-Too bad its endowment is bigger than the GNP of many nations.

6) President Trump on pace for a gigantic EC win next November, currently leading outside any “margin of fraud in AZ, NV, GA, and PA, up by 2 in WI and tied in MI.

7) And confirmed by CBS, which now has him at 51% against Rutabaga, with most voters seeing President Trump as less likely to get us into a war and ensuring better finances.

8) Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut said he is “concerned” about Rutabaga’s poor poll numbers.

-Get used to it, Lyin’ Dick. They’re gonna get worse.

9) Newly released Patriot Day (J6) footage shows likely fed Ray Epps, saying, “We need to go into the Capitol.”  People immediately recognized something wasn’t right with Epps: “I’m getting weird vibes [from him],” said one. “Something’s off.”

10) A Manganese “bullet” for targeting cardiovascular disease has been discovered.

11) Former president Zero backtracked on his support for Israel over Hamas.

12) Kinshasa-on-the-Delaware will pay $9.1 million to a man wrongfully convicted of killing Barbara Jean Horn (due to DNA).

-These bad convictions happen way too much.


13) Looking at cute dog pictures improves your mental health. OK. So here is one. Stan and Lissa.

14) Aren’t we lucky to have AI? Here are some iconic landmarks as if they were designed by different, well-known architects.



15) Once you start the freakshow, it never ends. A transoid author who “came out as a man” after his wife came out as a “woman” lived in a four-way “open” relationship with other transoids and have a transoid daughter. This is an absolute virus.


16) David Blackmon: “Is the U.S. Offshore Wind ‘Fundamentally Broken?’”

-Yep, if only in permitting problems alone.

17) October jobs report was a 50% drop from September, and one-third of those added were gubment jobs.

18) Dying Oakland restaurants are losing thousands a week from diners leaving mid-meal because their cars were being robbed; locals shun downtown.



19) This time, Israel will finish the job, writes Roger Kimball.

20) Very important piece by my favorite lib, Noah Smith: “The Middle East is getting older.”

-This is important because multiple studies have shown that a youth bulge, as defined in several different ways, leads to more violence and revolution. Iran, for example, had a fertility rate of eight in the 1980s and is now down to 1.5, or not even a replacement level. Median age in most Middle Eastern countries is now over 30.

21) Washington concluding Green Screen Zelensky may have to negotiate.


22) NBC News seconded the report saying Euros also suggested negotiations.

23) The Russkies are advancing toward Adeyevka, a crucial city, “Alarming the West,” according to the NYSlimes.

24) So here’s where that nation-building thing goes awry. In Afghanistan, we permitted the locals to continue to grow poppy seeds and perpetuate heroin because, “gee, they needed jobs.” The Tolly-ban came in and, due to (mostly whacky) religious beliefs, banned poppy cultivation. Now it’s down 95%.

-We could have done that all along.

25) China’s AI Analog Chip is claimed to be 3.7 times faster than Nvidia’s A1000 GPU.

26) Rutabaga and the Hoax News Media are desperate to link Pootie-poot to Hamas.

-Nope. Ain’t happenin’. The DemoKKKrats are the link to Hamas, regardless of what Rutabaga’s “inflection points” are.

27) Ukes are apparently trying to flee, but drones are catching them.

28) Speaking of fine, upstanding people representing Hamas, the Paley media darling Ahed Amini said to Jews, “What Hitler did to you was nothing. We will drink your blood and eat your skulls.”

-Dang, wouldn’t that require, like, 2000 years of tenderizing?


29) Hmm. Looks like even “Five Nights at Freddy's” and Taylor Swift can’t keep the box office up. Sales dropped by $58 million last weekend.

30) More sad and shocking info from the Karen Carpenter bio: she once took 70 laxatives at once and dropped to 77 pounds.

31) Marvel is so desperate they brought back Iron Man. Robert Downey, Jr. is already reportedly back and ready to go for “Secret Wars.”

-They better get some non-woke writers, or even Iron Man won’t save them.

32) In a Netflix documentary about Sylvester Stallone, “Sly,” the actor said that a friend’s input changed his “Rocky” character significantly, making him more vulnerable and less cruel.

-This is an excellent doc.

33) Speaking of Netflix, it has laid off a “handful” of executives in the Drama and overall “Deals” division.



34) Steve Kirsch: Israeli Ministry of Health data proved the vaxxes were killing people, and each additional vax increased your likelihood of death.

35) A new study undertaken at the University of Maryland will, for the first time, look at vax-related injuries.



36) The demand for “unvaxxed” sperm from donors has spiked. Women are turning to shady Fascistbook groups looking for donors.



  • Larry Schweikart

  • Rock drummer

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  • NYTimes #1 bestselling author

  • Political pundit

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Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History, and the new spinoff Wild World of Politics. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @LarrySchweikart and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp, is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE

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