The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow April 27, 2023

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow


1) Nothing but Communists (NBC) network reports that Ron DeSantis is “set to” jump into the race. As in “mulling,” “plans to,” “intends to,” and “perhaps will.”

-These media mush phrases are disgusting.

2) The clueless Nick Knack Haley offered Disney a deal to leave Florida for South Carolina. God, this woman is dumber than my slab of the Berlin Wall.

3) Faux News Tonight only lost 700,000 viewers by the Tuckster’s departure. I’m sure many tuned in, thinking he would at least be around for goodbyes.

4) Farticus (Eric Swalwell) melted down after a GOP rep mentioned his affair with a commie spy, Flim Flam, Yum Yum, or Fang Fang. Whatever.

5) MAGA/America First candidates dominated key races in the Georgia GOP conventions.

6) DemoKKKrat lawmakers are caught on a hot mic mocking parental rights as “stupid” and “garbage.” So? That’s what they think.

7) Michigan, with its fine governor Witless Protection and its lockdown mentality, is among the most moved-from states in the Union.

8) Well, this is chilling. It throws a whole different spin on the notion that 9/11 was an “inside job.” At the very least, it suggests the incompetent CIA and FBI had recruited two of the hijackers into a joint CIA/Saudi intel operation that was since covered up.

9) No escalation here: the U.S. will dock nuke subs in S. Korea for the first time in 40 years.

10) Talk about the Grimmest of Reapers: whether in Ukraine or Sudan, death follows Victoria Nuland.

11) The perpetually useless GOP Chairwoman, Ronna McRomBush has an answer for the ballot harvesting cheats: a fact-checking website.

-God help us.

12) Montana lawmakers banned a transoid from the chamber after he participated in a protest that filled the chamber on Monday.

13) DemoKKKrats are more likely to support a third-party candidate.

-Can’t imagine why. Rutabaga is the greatest president I’ve ever seen for destroying a country.

14) Catholic school board trustees fled the board meeting after parents challenged them on their anti-Christian, anti-male tweets.

-Evil pudgepackers.

15) A Target store in Groomer City has had to lock down its entire inventory due to thefts from ferals participating in Rumspringa.

16) While Portland’s only REI store will close due to the same feral Rumspringa yout excesses.

17) 693 morons, er, college profs at the University of North Carolina, signed a letter opposing required courses on the American founding and the Constitution.



18) Shocked, I tell ya. The U.S. House passed a debt ceiling hike.

19) As I and others predicted, Faux News lost a ton of younger adults in the 8 pm slot formerly held by the Tuckster.

20) Now, Maybelline is the latest stupid woke corporation to see a boycott over the creature Dylan Mulvaney. Go broke, every one of you.



21) Ten years after Chornobyl, the worst case/most drastic projections were (as usual) wrong.  Residents did not have elevated cancer risk, and most got, basically, a year’s exposure to sun. Of the 16,000 projected cancers, only 160 materialized.

22) Dr. Fallacy, the DoD, and the CDC funded deadly pathogen research at the Sudanese biolab.

23) Are the ChiComs trying to broker peace between the Russkies and Green Screen Zelensky?

24) Rutabaga told a press conference he wasn’t concerned about China. Meaning he wasn’t concerned; he would continue to get his “10% for the big guy from the ChiComs.”

25) A North Korean defector was verbally attacked and called a “liar” by so-called students at a Syracuse event.

26) Oral sex is fueling an epidemic of throat cancers in the U.S. and UK, says a doctor. Has anyone checked in on Ms. Lewinsky?



27) The new trend is being “zombied,” which is like being “ghosted,” except the old flames come back from the dead after a few months.

28) Well, you can’t say the “It girl” cuz it isn’t a girl, it is a guy, but the "it thing" is advertising women’s shaving cream by pointing out his own male facial hair.

29) Steven Spielberg regrets editing the guns out of “E.T.,” saying, “no film should be revised for today’s standards.”



30) Aliens could contact Earth by 2029, say scientists tracking a probe 27 light years away.

-Has anyone looked at some of the Euro “health ministers?” They’re already here, my friend. Already here.



31) Given the weaknesses of our anemic military, it is encouraging to hear that a female army commander has been accused of “forcefully kissing” male subordinates.

-Look, any time this group uses force on anything, it’s an improvement, right?



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Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History, and the new spinoff Wild World of Politics. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @LarrySchweikart and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp, is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE


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