The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow September 23, 2022

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

Once again, folks, I will be hosting "This Week's News" on Brighteon TV, "America Unhinged," Friday at 9:00 EST.


1) ol’ Rutabaga was deeply involved in selling U.S. natural gas to the ChiComs.

2) Here, the Rutabaga is completely lost at the UN, unable to figure out how to get off the stage. What a fecal brain. If you gave this schlub a full brain implant he’d still come up 50% short.

3) Kookball fascist NY AG Letitia James cannot prove that one single loan in all of Trump’s empire has gone unpaid.

4) A conservative group has filed legal action against Mark Zuckerbucks for helping to steal the 2020 election.

-And it was stolen.

5) Fetterman Massacre, the Human Ox, wants to “invest in” (i.e., take your money and give to) education but owed his own back taxes to his local school board tens of thousands of dollars.

-If the Wizard of Oz doesn’t run with this he deserves to lose.

6) Trafalgar pollster Robert Cahaly, one of the two best pollsters in America, has Adam Laxalt up 4 in Nevada with Walker (Georgia) and Vance (Ohio) where they are, this would give the Republicans the Senate majority regardless of what happens in Pennsylvania and Arizona.

7) Meanwhile, a far-lefty pollster has Masters down 1 in Arizona, Walker tied in Georgia, and Laxalt up in Nevada. They also have Lake up four in the Arizona governor’s race.

-They know the hammer is about to drop.

8) Disgraced former governor of New York, Nipplepin Venthoarder, has lashed out at Biteme, Zero, and other DemoKKKrats for abandoning him during his sex scandals.

-Ah, poor little Nipplepin: they didn’t send you to the gallows for killing hundreds of grannies, though, did they? Be grateful.

9) Uh oh. I’m doomed. A study shows that those who go to bed before 9:00 p.m. and those who sleep longer have a higher risk of dementia.

10) Richard Baris reports that in Nevada, white educated are making Reno/Washoe bluer, while Hispanics are making Las Vegas/Clark redder, hence Miami-Dade 2.0. He has Adam Laxalt up two there.

11) DemoKKKrat Stacey M1 Abrams claims heartbeats shown in ultrasounds aren’t real.

-Next, she’ll argue that the eggrolls they just brought out to the buffet aren’t real either.

12) Actor Matthew McConaughey says a presidential run may be “inevitable,” but first, he’ll have to climb over such powerful opposition as Liz Clusterbomb Cheney, Mike Tuppence, Cankles, and the perennial challenger Egg McMuffin. Such difficult competition may make his loss “inevitable.”

13) Former Los Alamos scientists later helped the ChiCom military.

14) The so-called “Journal of Democracy” is about a bunch of unelected bureaucrats telling the people what to do.

15) A new report shows that more people are leaving New Mogadishu (SF) than any other Metro.

-NO! Stay there, ya slagwhistles. You broke it, you fix it. Live with your crappy (literally) choices.

16) Nearly half of DemoKKKrats feel less safe since the Rutabaga took office. Do most of you live in New Mogadishu?

17) Oh, ok. After two years, the State Department is “getting to the root factors” of why the border is flooded. Maybe cuz the Demented Pervert told the illegals to come here, and because none are punished, or because maybe you never finished Trump’s wall?

-You lyin’ sacks of excremental pus.



18) Oops. “Smart” thermostats actually have increased electric and gas consumption.

19) Southern Kollyfornia has a housing collapse with a 47% jump in payments.

20) Nvidia CEO says “Moore’s Law is dead,” referring to the “law” that says chip prices will continually fall: silicon wafers to make chips are a “lot more expensive.”

21) New non-dollar exchanges are being developed with high gold content. This will force the Fed and the gubment to live within their means, but it won’t come without pain.

22) Boeing has agreed to pay $200 million to settle SEC charges related to the 737 crashes.



23) The President of Serbia warns of a global war that will occur in the next two years.

-Is this why the globalist spoogenozzles are pushing this war so hard—that five billion people would starve to death in two years? Is that their real goal?

24) The UK may already be in recession, says the Bank of England.

25) A conservative government in Sweden just won. Maybe the fact that Sweden has soaring crime and two bombings in one night helps explain it.



26) What it’s like to be a male escort.

-I told them and told them to keep my name out of this story.



27) The great Steve Kirsch has outlined several key pieces of evidence that are impossible to explain without vax harms.


And finally...

28) And finally, we thought the transoids were weird. Now the “short people who got no reason to live” are surgically extending their legs.

Wait for it . . . a trans-height-trans-sex former fattie will star in “My 600-pound short former wife.”




  • Larry Schweikart
  • Rock drummer
  • Film maker
  • NYTimes #1 bestselling author
  • Political pundit

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Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE

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