The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow September 19, 2022

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

Once again, folks, I will be hosting "This Week's News" on Brighteon TV, "America Unhinged," Friday at 9:00 EST.


1) The political “stunt” of shipping illegals from Texas and Florida to blue hellholes like Benghazi-by-the-Lake and even Martha’s Vinyard has seriously stung liberals, judging from the reactions.

-They have gone from challenging the Christianity of people in Texas and Florida to admitting, as Mayor Beetlejuice did, that it’s a “national problem.” Now a Martha’s Vinyard local has called on the Obamas to open their $12 million home to the illegals.


2) Speaking of illegals at Martha’s Vinyard, Kampchuea Harris has spent more time there than at the border, and she was illegally installed.

3) Meanwhile, the illegals gently rerouted to Martha’s Vinyard went shopping at Target. Appropriate, I guess, due to the transoid bathrooms there.

4) Eric The Red Adams says that bussing illegals is a cover-up for anti-abortion/pro-gun positions.

-First: “You aren’t Christians” (Beetlejuice). Didn’t work.

-Second: “It’s a national problem” (Beetlejuice). Didn’t work.

-Now: “You are covering up anti-abortion/pro-gun.” (Eric the Red). Won’t work.

5) An unforced error on the part of Kari Lake: bussing sends a message but “I don’t favor it.” Won’t hurt her much, but sad such an otherwise good politician can’t see the incredible advantage we gained with this.

6) New Kabul’s mayor, Eric the Red Adams, insists New Kabul is still a “Sanctuary City.”


7) CookPolitical Report just moved the OR governor’s race to a tossup. Yikes! Richard Baris told me Saturday that he thought many of these western races (OR Senate, CO Senate) will be closer than people think.

8) And in Alaska, a new survey showed Lisa MurCowSki leads Kelly Tshibaka by only 3 out of 1,050 votes in the final ranked-choice voting.

9) In the Trump/FBI/Mar-a-Lago docs case, the Court ordered a Special Master of Trump’s choosing to review the docs in what Margot Cleveland called a “huge win” for the President.


10) Glenn Youngkin stepping up in Virginia in school policies. Good for the Gov!

11) In the beautiful and safe borough of Portland, a mother found a homeless derelict in her child’s bed, but the woke DA let the intruder go with no bail.

-You know, gotta make room for the incoming illegals.

12) Transoidism is losing, with those believing in “muh biology” up 22 points from a 2017 survey and is bipartisan. Black views that biology determines sex increased by 3%.

13) Our own Wendi Mahoney writes that Sloth Durham has succeeded in exposing a lot of corruption, but with virtually no results when it came to punishment and that (quoting Tracy Beanz) the people Durham accused can prove Durham’s case against the FBI for him without Durham having to go and actually charge anybody at the FBI.”

14) Ken Paxton and Texas just won a “massive victory” for the Constitution against Big Tech in the Fifth Circuit Court: it “rejects the idea that corporations have a freewheeling First Amendment right to censor what people say.”


15) In New Somalia (i.e., Minneapolis), the demand for private security is booming because police protection there has been watered down to diarrhetic levels.

16) The Rutabaga is pressing FascistBI agents to “find” cases that push “domestic extremism” talking points.”

-Easy. Start with fascist Antifa and Black Looters Matter.

17) “NASDAQ Nancy” (Botoxic) is holding up bills on congressional insider trading.

-Shocked! Shocked, I tell ya!

18) Why were these conspirators in the January 6 Patriot Day cases not indicted? (Hint: they were feds, in high positions of leadership).

-Oh, by the way, you cannot have a “co-conspirator.” You are a conspirator or not. Learn to write, Revolver.

19) Test scores have fallen, and disqualification rates have risen as the woke Army struggles to recruit.



20) Imports to New Calcutta (LA) fell 17% in August.

21) Housing prices in New Mogadishu (SF) are down 20% from peak. Maybe more illegals and druggies there?

22) An Ivy League dropout at age 30 was offered $20 billion by Adobe for his graphic design startup. I am absolutely in the wrong business.

23) Leading medical journals agree that big pharma has manipulated medical research.

24) The Fed is leaning towards another 75 basis-point hike. (Psst: this isn’t going to stop inflation. The gubment must seriously stop spending to do that, and that won’t happen quickly, if at all).

25) Goldman has cut its U.S. growth forecasts for 2023 by .4%.

26) Honda has ordered hundreds of employees at an Ohio factory to repay part of its bonuses because it was “too generous.”



27)  57,000 cows have died so far in Rajasthan from “Lumpy Skin Disease.”

28) Germany’s public broadcaster mandates that all employees support Israel’s right to exist.

-I support Israel’s right to exist, but this is wrong. Gubment should not force views on people. Private companies? Do as you wish.

29) Speaking of the Huns, Chancellor Olaf Scholz vowed to transform Germany’s military into the “best equipped” on the continent.

-Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

30)Social unrest” is possible if Europe sees a cold winter.

-Oh? People don’t like to starve and freeze? Who knew?

31) Four leading Italian scientists say a climate emergency is not supported by data.

-Yeah, duh.

32) Global greenweenieism is causing fertilizer shortages, just as they planned. (Harari: We don’t need this many “useless people.”)


33) China has doubled down on coal as the energy crunch sets in.

34) The Ukes sold off their best farmland to outsiders.

35) Argentina is raising interest rates to 75% (that’s right) as inflation nears 100%.

-Maybe it’s all those former Nazis there who lived through the Weimar period?

36) The Rutabaga committed U.S. forces to defend Taiwan.

-This won’t play well. The last DemoKKKrat president to send troops to an Asian battlefield, John F. Kennedy, initiated a war with 58,000 dead Americans.



37) The U.S. has a $100 million classified “Space Warfighting Center” to protect the U.S. against ET.

-I wonder if sales of “Starcraft” went up $100 million recently?



38) Disney could face disaster as customer complaints mount.

39) The star of the Oprah network reality show called “Welcome to Sweetie Pie” is convicted of murdering his nephew to cash in on a $450,000 insurance policy.

-At least he wasn’t a rapper. We’re losing way too many of them.

40) Sad news. A plus-size Philadelphia drag queen died during a performance at a homosexual bar, killed by obesity and diabetes. But was she vaxxed?

41) Star Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te’o made a hero’s return to Notre Dame after a catfishing transoid ruined his life.

42) Even Bill Maher occasionally gets things right and agrees with me that there is real history with real facts that are pretty indisputable, regardless of your desire to turn Joan of Arc into a transoid.

43) Kanye West takes a step down and compares himself to Moses, having formerly compared himself to Jesus Christ. Pretty soon, he’ll be comparing himself to Yertle or the Rutabaga. He’s about that coherent.

44) Woody Allen has announced his retirement. Sorry, I thought he retired in the 1980s.



45) Another vax side effect: transplants are rejected. Remember, they wouldn’t let you GET a transplant unless you first had the vax.

46) The China Virus vax coverup in Israel, by Steve Kirsch.

47) Kirsch also tracked the new report from the Liberal Party in Canada that shows the vaxxes have no benefit for those under 60—except, of course, to kill and maim many.

48) Broad data sets prove the negative effect of the vaxxes.

49)  . . . while the correlation between athlete collapses and vaxxes is undeniable (1323 cardiac arrests and 900 dead after a vax).

-Yet not a single person yet is even facing charges for this yet, let alone swinging. And I don’t mean as in throuples.

50) And there is a higher death rate than pre-vax, and it’s getting worse. (Maybe cuz the vaxxes have a long-term as well as short-term kill rate?)

51) Even the excess deaths in Italy early on may have been the result of the lockdowns, not the China Virus.

52) Unvaxxed USAF officers grounded despite court order.

53) Hong Kong will extend its China Virus vax pass scheme to five-year-olds.

54) New Kabul has fired another 850 teachers and teaching aides after they failed to get the China Virus vax—a total of 1,950 terminated by the Department of Education since the vax mandate took place. This sounds cruel, but


-This would bring about the necessary collapse of New Kabul public schools sooner rather than later.


55) And finally, no, this isn’t a “news” story, but gotta tell ya, finished season five of “Cobra Kai.” While this isn’t “Breaking Bad’ “The Shield” or “The Wire,” this is a darn good series with extremely limited (if any) wokeness, little cursing, and family values out the wazoo. Good fun entertainment, and remaking bad karate boy Johnny Lawrence into not only a likable but a lovable character was a stroke of genius.




Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE

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