The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow August 23, 2022

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow


Once again, folks, I will be hosting “This Week’s News” on Brighteon TV, “America Unhinged,” Friday at 9:00 EST.


1) Citizens of the world, rejoice! The Great Thanos has announced that Dr. Fallacy will take his place as Fallacy announced his NIH resignation.

Seriously, this scuttlebucket should be sued til he doesn’t have a penny, then thrown in the Sarlaac Pit.

2) Dr. Fallacy’s partner in crime, the Scarf Queen Birx, said the CDC is at an “inflection point” and expects real change following the admission it lied. No, real change would involve gallows.

3) The same magistrate who approved the search warrant at Mar-a-Lago has formally rejected the Department of InJustic’s plea to keep the entire affidavit sealed. Robert Barnes views it this way: if he denied the request entirely and opened up the affidavit, it would be very damaging to the Deep State; and if he approved the request, it would make him look terrible; so he took the middle road and allowed DoJ to redact, redact, redact. The magistrate has admitted it.

-You know what Mr. Miagi said: “Walk down left side of road, ok. Walk down right side of road, ok. Walk down middle of road get squished like grape.”

4) Shocked, I tell ya: A former FascistBI agent has pled guilty to destroying records in connection with a former state senator’s trial.

5) Here is the decision on the Clinton records saying the president, not the archivist, has sole control and authority over records being classified or unclassified or remaining in a president’s custody. Oops.

6) Kushner haters are deeply disappointed as Jared Kushner says the Mar-A-Lago raid was a ploy by Trump’s enemies who want to take him down because he’s a fighter.

7) A conservative Trumper, Don Bolduc, is about to upset party favorites, causing the GOP consultant class to whine they will lose the general election—as they do every time a conservative is nominated and then wins.

8) Yet another poll shows a majority of Americans believe there is an “invasion” of the southern border.


9) Rasmussen finds that a majority now see the FascistBI as Rutabaga’s “personal Gestapo,” with the total rising by 7% since last December.

-Hmmm. Just noodling’ . . . what I wonder caused the change?

10) Another calm and tranquil weekend in Benghazi-by-the-Lake (Chicago) as 37 are shot, four fatally. A rather quiet time.

11) A new model shows that the ancient megalodon could swallow a great white shark whole.

-And the modern Meg can sink an entire family dynasty whole.

12) The American Historical Association, better known as the Race/Class/Gender Association, has closed its Twit account to responses because so many historians and others were destroying the hoax 1619 narrative.

13) Kollyfornia State University has struggled to graduate black students. Maybe stop admitting students who don’t have skills or scores, and you’ll graduate the ones you do admit.

14) Here is another piece, by our own Tracy Beanz, arguing that we have hit an inflection point with the globalists/elites and that now their sole objective is no longer “winning” but escaping.



15) Money velocity is slowing as the Treasury debt in the second quarter exceeded $10 trillion more than GDP.

16) Wind turbines are destroying the planet through sex trafficking, terrorism, and deforestation requiring “massive amounts of rare earth metals” and leading to “radioactive lakes” with high cancer rates.

-Thanks, greenweenies!

17) Nearly half of small retail businesses might close by the fall, 59% say they are at risk of failing.

18) U.S. natural gas has spiked 81% in just seven weeks.



19) Desperate to distract Brits from their economic collapse into a Third World country, an official publication advised the British Army to prepare relatives for dispatch to “war with Russia.”

20) Surprise: Pootie-poot has contained sanctions on the Russkie economy.



21) The half-sister of Megxit, wife of the Ginger Duke, has sued the Duchess of Sex, er, Sussex for defamation.

-I don’t know what Megxit said, but really, with modern song lyrics and the like, is there such a thing as defamation anymore unless you’re a Sandy Hook family suing in Austin?

22) Poor Gary Busey is back on the crazy train: He put his face near a woman’s breasts and asked where she got them, tried to unlatch her bra, and was seen with his pants down on a public bench.

23) Singer Shakira was reportedly very angry after seeing her ex kiss a student 12 years younger than him.

-That’s ok, Shaky, just whatever you do, don’t go to Spain. There is a warrant out for your arrest there for $8 million in back taxes.

24) President Trump saw downloads of his TruthSocial app increase 550% after the FascistBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid.



25) A new study by the Global Life research group shows high mortality associated with the vaxxes.


And Finally

26) And finally, doctors removed a steel cup from a man’s rectum in India. (Actual headline). Question: why did he have to go to India to have it removed? (Of course, it’s just badly written).

-But seriously, why didn’t he use biodegradable? And finally, I can think of several candidates in Washington D.C. who I would like to introduce their backsides to something a little more, er, volatile than a mere steel cup.




 And That's Today's News...

Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE

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