The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow July 12, 2022

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow


1) Senator Dick Turbin says it’s “not realistic” to consider impeaching Justice Clarence Thomas.

-Correct. Or to consider “packing the court.” Gee, little spoogemonkeys, you’re just figuring out that all that power you gave to the court has come back to bite you.

2) Biteme falls to his lowest level ever with the New York Slimes/Sienna Poll: 33%. He ticked up a single point in Civiqs—out of the 20s—but he’ll return soon.

3) And the RealClearAverage of polls has him also at his all-time low there, 38%. Come on, 20, Rutabaga. You can do it.

4) This is rich: from the people who literally stole an election, “How the Supreme Court could make it Legal to Steal the Next Presidential Election” (more on the pending Moore case. They are admitting they cannot win a fair and honest election.)

I sure miss Rush Limbaugh. He’d rip these people a new one, daily.

5) Backstabber par excellence Ru Paul said he doesn’t normally cry, but “found himself sobbing” watching the Patriot Day (Jan. 6) festivities.

-That’s because he realized he ain’t never gettin’ back in gubment again. Ever.

6) Squalid illegal migrant campgrounds for the Hamptons’ rich and famous coming to a location near you.

-You didn’t think all those household employees and gardeners in Silicon Valley were gonna drive four hours one way to work, did you?

7) Another White House official, Kate Bedingfield, is bailing on the Rutabaga.

8) A 17-year-old girl who “transitioned” to a boy has become a girl again and revealed how puberty blockers and surgery have “irreversibly and painfully” ruined her body as she supports the Florida law blocking medical interventions.

-Very sad we allowed it to get this far.

9) Transportation Secretary Buttplugs has defended protestors disrupting Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s dinner.

-Great. Now you have free reign to go disrupt Buttplugs and his “husband” when they are eating. Ready, set, go!

10) Showing she is almost as demented as the Pervert, the Senior Skank, Jilly, said that Hispanics are as unique as tacos.

11) “Progressives” (i.e., fascists) are pushing the Rutabaga not to run in 24.

-Run, Ruty, Run!

12) And “whispers” of Cankles running again in 2024 have surfaced. I can think of nothing that would give me greater pleasure than to see his horrid hag goblin beaten twice.

13) Meanwhile, Biteme flounders with an abortion response, knowing he can’t beat the Supes.

14) Lib author Joe Klein warns DemoKKKrats that if they don’t listen to Trump voters they will be doomed. He then proceeds to whine about Trump. What a snotnugget.

15) A teenage college student, Kaitlyn Ruch, aims to flip a House seat in Montana held by a DemoKKKrat.

16) Hunter Biteme’s degradation continues as he now “could” face prostitution charges for transporting hookers across state lines, spending $30,000 in five months on ladies of the night.

-Of course, no Justice Department under Grand Moff Garland would ever dare investigate this Human Hepatitis Petrie Dish.

17) Ol’ Hunter could learn some things from former Yankees star shortstop Derek Jeter, who gave his one-night stands gift baskets filled with sports memorabilia.

-I tried that once sending female friends used drumsticks after a gig. Didn’t work out.

18) The sham Patriot Day (Jan. 6) committee has avoided asking White House counsel Pat Cipollone any questions that would implicate their goofball witness, Hopalong Cassidy Hutchinson, in perjury.

-Cuz, well, the dorfplodder flat lied.



19) In something we’ve always known, electric vehicles are worse for the environment than the evil gasoline-powered cars.

20) Having backed out of buying Twit, Elon Musk may face all sorts of penalties including a court battle and even jail, according to one so-called host on CNBC, which is to say, according to one janitor they shoved in front of a camera.



21) The latest episode of “Power to the People” features mass protests in China by bank depositors wanting their savings back, which, of course, was met by the gentle ChiCom cops.

22) India is poised to overtake China as the world’s most populous nation by 2050.

23) Are the elites in Germany getting anxious over the new Kaiser Olaf Scholz? Allegations that women were given date rape drugs at the party’s convention imply they were looking for a way to dump the Oaf.

24) Shinzo Abe was not the anti-globalist hero we have been led to believe, claims James Corbett.

25) Euros reject higher prices to support the Uke/Russia sanctions.

26) New records show that ISIS planned to unleash chemical attacks in Europe.

27) Now, think about this headline: “British Army officer teaches Ukrainian soldiers rifle handling and marksmanship after the first of 10,000 . . . troops arrive for training.”

-Color me old-fashioned, but I thought “rifle handling” was one of the first things they teach troops in any army. What did the Ukes teach their troops? Acting?



28) Here is an interesting look at a Marine lawyer commenting on “A Few Good Men.”



29) Dr. Paul Alexander reports that there are higher rates of cardiac arrests and acute coronary syndrome associated with the vax.

-Shocked! Shocked, I tell ya.

30) And finally, I guess this is the Indian version of “The Sting,” as Indian conmen trick wealthy gamblers with a phony online cricket match. Course, now that it’s out in the open, these conmen might soon be reenacting some other movies, like “Saw.”


And That's Today's News...


Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE

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