The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow June 10, 2022

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow


1) DemoKKKrats have blocked a bill providing additional security for Supreme Court justices. You know, just like they blocked Trump’s request for national guard troops on January 6. They want blood. They need blood.

2) Biteme’s base is abandoning him. Thank God. These people were quasi-deludetoids to begin with.

3) Now Biteme is at only 38% in NPR/Marist, a totally lefty pollster using a D+6 sample!

4) Seven new Hunter Biteme scandals the useless Hoax News media refuses to cover. These people are evil incarnate.

5) The number of researchers with dual-China-US affiliations is falling. Good.

6) The “fine people” at the FBI have arrested Ryan Kelly, the leading GOP candidate for governor in Michigan for charges related to Patriot Day.

7) The U.S. Supes has ruled against a man who sued a Border Patrol agent for excessive force.

8) A memo shows that Trump offered National Guard troops for the Capitol on January 2.

9) Under intense public pressure, the Napa County District Attorney has reversed her decision not to charge Botoxic’s hubby, Paul and he will be arraigned on Aug. 3.

-Good, but “public pressure” should not be necessary for these fecal piñatas to do their damned jobs.

10) When the AARPies are getting this in their inbox, heart attacks are sure to follow.

11) Liz Clutterbucket Cheney trails her GOP primary opponent by 28 points and 70% of Wyoming Republicans view her as unfavorable. The other 30% are arms makers.

12) Biteme thinks he will use executive orders if the Supreme Court follows through and overturns Roe. This is how little of a brain this toadstool has.

13) The Patriot Day (Jan. 6) hearings have no “shocking revelations” and will only recap what has been reported. Obviously, the committee will leave out the hundreds of hours of video that does not support their bear-dump of a case.

14) Say what you want about “Van” Clyburn (and his daughter, the steak, Mignon): he knows political reality and is virtually screaming at DemoKKKrats that they are about to be crushed. “Stop all the sloganeering,” he said.

-Sorry Van. Dey kain’t hep it. It’s in dere blood.

15) Our own Wendi Mahoney writes that Robby Starbuck’s case was appealed by the Tennessee Republican Party and now will head to the state supreme court.

16) Delusional Botoxic insists she has “no intention” of losing the House.

-(Yoda) But lose it you will. Lose it you will.



17) Who gained the most from Stimulus Mountain? Why, the top one percent of course.

18) Diesel prices are up 117% and gas is up 106% under the Rutabaga.

19) In a CNBC poll, every single business leader expects a recession...

-Thanks, Rutabaga.

20) An “inflation storm” is devastating U.S. households making fuel, power, and food “unaffordable.”

-Just as they planned it.

21) The head of Trafigura says oil prices could go “parabolic” and put the whole global economy in a critical situation.



22)  “Jurrasic World: Dominion” reviewed as “awful” and as an “extinction-level event.”

-Dinobernie Sanders still wondering why he wasn’t offered a starring role.

23) The mob apparently wanted to hit Frank Sinatra because he could not get Bobby Kennedy, the Attorney General, to get off their backs.

24) Groomer Disney is trying to figure out why its Star Wars hotel flopped and is even paying former customers more money to figure out why. Oh, they’re paying those who agree to participate in a focus group in . . . Disney credits.

25) Deshaun Watson allegations continue to pile up without a word from the NFL.

-Sorta like the Harvey (MeToo) Weinstein situation, huh?



26) A Ukrainian official admits she lied about the Russkies committing mass rape to get more weapons from the West.

27) Bulgaria the latest nation to bail on the Ukes.

-Bulgaria is done with Uke support.


28) Record UK gas prices see biggest daily surge in 17 years. Yeah, but you know, wind and solar gonna fix that, right?

29) Prince Harry (i.e., the Ginger Duke, hubby of Megxit) says he is owed an apology after the Royal Family ignored the non-power couple.

-We all feel like we’re owed an apology for having to read about you when we could be reading about Captain Jack Sparrow and Amber (“don’t poop the bed”) Heard.



30) Pfizer quietly admits it will never manufacture the vax that was FDA approved but will substitute a different one.

31) Finally, a Cincy cop got fired after having “Pure” and “evil” tattooed on his knuckles. I can see that. Maybe “Take” and “This” would have been more appropriate.


And That's Today's News...

Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE

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