The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow May 12, 2022

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow


1) America’s best governor, Ron DeSantis of Florida, just keeps winning: the latest victory vs. Groomerland Disney.

2) Las Cruces public schools have confiscated THC-infused snacks from the black market.

So, does that mean taxed THC-infused snacks are ok?

3) In the garden paradise of Kollyfornia, transoid child molester Hannah (Harold?) Tubbs has been hit with a fresh murder rap.

4) Only 57 House Republicans voted against the Uke pork bill. No DemoKKKrats voted against it. This is more money spent on the Ukes than we spend on all U.S. roads and bridges per year.

5) We here at WILL NOT BE STIFLED: see Tracy Beanz’s complete coverage of True the Vote and Election Integrity.

6) This is on Dr. Fallacy and Biteme, as the U.S. has surpassed a record 100,000 overdose deaths in 2021.

7) From the Heartland Institute, a poll shows a staggering 82% of voters are worried about rising energy prices.

-BTW, Heartland is a great place. Was just there last month giving a speech on Dragonslayers.

8) On the subject of polls, a new Trafalgar Poll shows that three-fourths of Americans do not support publishing addresses of Supreme Court justices.

9) No free press in America. Moronic New York Post headlines “Trump suffers loss in Nebraska” when Herbster lost by 3 points in a gubernatorial primary.

-Yeah, “loss.” Trump is 58-1.

10) Senator Dick Turban calls protests outside Supreme Court justice's homes “reprehensible.”

COMMENT: Yesterday my court source, Zen Master, mentioned the Pelican Brief, John Grisham’s book where an evil company assassinated two Supreme Court justices to obtain a favorable ruling. With a 1-vote edge thanks to Kampuchea Harris in the Senate, he was concerned that a shooter such as the DemoKKKrat whacko that shot Steve Scalise on a baseball field might be activated to take out a justice before the final vote. Zen Master strongly encouraged the Court to put out the final vote now, with “written opinions and dissents to follow.”

11) A developer has offered to build a $1.4 billion seawater desalinization plant in Huntington Beach. Of course, Kollyfornians desperately need water. And of course, environmental weenies oppose.

12) Conservative Mike Flood replaces a RINO who resigned in Nebraska.

13) Trump-backed Representative Alex Mooney defeated RINO David McKinley in West Virginia’s primary for the 2nd Congressional district.

14) A bullet traveled through the Virginia Attorney General’s window after he promised to prosecute leftoid extremists. But, you know, the “party of toleration.”

15) A guilty verdict was rendered in the first illegal alien trespass trial in Texas.

-Good, but this absolutely isn’t the way to go. There is no way the justice system can become a repository for millions of illegal cases.

16) Fact-checkers are having trouble debunking “2000 Mules.”[/embed]

17) A passenger landed a Cessna on a flight from the Bahamas to Florida when the pilot passed out. Straight out of the movies, an air traffic controller guided him using a printed picture of the cockpit controls.

18) The members of the Supreme Court are meeting Thursday for the first time since the Roe leak. Will they put out the decision immediately to deflect further assaults on their houses?



19) Mortgage purchase applications have risen as apparently, homebuyers are scrambling to beat monetary tightening and even higher rates.

19) Record airfares and soaring food prices are behind today’s CPI. Thanks, Biteme!



20) The collapse of Sri Lanka is a perfect example of another communist failure. When will these spoogepuppets learn? (Answer: they already know, and don’t care).

21) A huge Australian sheep that ran wild for seven years was finally captured and shorn of 22 kilograms of wool.

-Then it was discovered it was actually a porcupine that wandered into a cotton ball factory.



22) Megxit and the Ginger Duke apparently thought their Netflix shows would simply be “signed off” without vetting.

23) In the three-ring circus that is the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard defamation case, legal experts have said Depp’s courtroom behavior could jeopardize his case because he isn’t likable.

-He really should have shown up as Captain Jack Sparrow.

24) Rapper “Young Thug” was accused of founding a violent street game that committed multiple murders, promoting them on social media.

-Ya think maybe the name was a giveaway? It wasn’t Bambi McTinkerbell.


25) From our own Michelle Edwards at “Vax expert: ‘A moratorium on mRNA vaxes is needed.”

26) Eight out of ten of the most vaxxed states are in the top ten for cases.

-Shocked! Shocked, I tell ya.

27) The problem is not that they are lying any longer, but that they’ve gone mad. If vax side effects cases were treated the same way as “long COVID,” vaxxes would be pulled tomorrow.

28) Want a look at the Pfizer docs and the incredible hoax that they involved? One study had a “survey” of 4,500 Argentine patients in three weeks, apparently conducted by one researcher.

29) Finally, this restaurant in Guadalajara, Mexico serves hot dishes 13.5 seconds after the order is placed. No supply chain issues here.

-Reportedly, the chef’s name is Karnak.


And that's Today's News

Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr at @OtherWalls and SOON on TruthSocial!

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE

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