The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow May 4, 2022

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow


1) A rather convenient Faux News poll on abortion showed that those saying abortion should be illegal now have a 54/44 lead; 52/46 with blacks; 51/46 with women.

-I had a good discussion with America’s Pollster Richard Baris yesterday on this topic. Bottom line: this isn’t the 1990s anymore. Younger Americans don’t support abortion the way the old Libs did. If the DemoKKKrats think they can run on this issue in the fall, they are badly mistaken. Trump ran and won on the abortion issue.

2) In his decision, Samuel Alito referred to the legal reasoning of . . . Lawrence Tribe, the biggest lefty-spooge lawyer in America. Stick it in, Sam! Stick it in.

-In his killer line, though Alito wrote “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled.” There are celebrations in heaven today.

3) For now, this is what the new abortion law map would look like. However, although this is a massive victory, it still sidestepped the issue of life. This will continue to be challenged. The Court will ultimately have to rule on the basis of civil rights of the unborn—it will be no different than with slavery. As Lincoln said, "a nation could not be half-slave, half-free, nor can it be half-life, half-death..."

4) Right on cue, Oklahoma bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy.

5) A big victory for the populist right as Trump-endorsed J. D. Vance won the Ohio Republican Senate primary against not one, not two, but three establishment candidates.

6) Vance and Donald Trump, Jr. lead a purge of neocons.

7) Say “Thank You President Trump”: Greg Pence, Mike’s brother, won his GOP primary after Trump’s endorsement

8) Senator Rand Paul blocked the confirmation of Kenneth Wainstein for Under Secretary of Homeland Security over concerns about the so-called “Disinformation Board”—you know, the Propaganda Ministry of Der Demented Fuhrer.


9) Republican Mike Harris has defeated DemoKKKrat Kent Douglas in MI State House 43. It’s a hold. Harris won by 13% (was R +10 in 2020).

10) Ex-Trump aide Max Miller has won a house primary race in Ohio.

11) Mitchell Kaye (R) defeated James McCormick (D) in a special election for GA State House District 45.

12) Q-Anon supporter Robert Regan lost a race for Michigan’s 74th district after comments about rape and Dr. Fallacy. Turnout only 18% in a district Trump won by double digits.


13) A NASA simulation showed that . . .now hear me out, cuz I know it’s a shocker . . . some volcanoes may warm the climate.

-I know, wild, right?

14) Republicans have expanded their lead on the generic ballot to seven.

15) Give ‘em credit for consistency: Manchin-on-a-Hill and Enema say they will not change their positions on the filibuster in a blow to the Rutabaga’s call to pass an abortion law.

16) A Capitol Hill cop was suspended after accidentally firing his weapon in the breakroom of the Cannon House Office Building.

-Meanwhile, Michael Byrd, who deliberately shot the unarmed Ashli Babbit walks around as free as a bird . . . no pun intended.

17) The George Lincoln Rockwell Project (aka, Project Pedo) has come out in defense of Roe. These are the “principled conservatives” whose principles are 100% in line with whackadoodle bilgepuppet DemoKKKrat haters.



18) Russia returning to the gold standard is big economic news and China is going to be next. How ironic that the Russkies and ChiComs are doing what Libertarians such as Ron Paul argued for?

19) Fertilizer prices are skyrocketing. Get ready for higher food prices.

20) Brian Parsons, in The American Thinker, points out that the impending economic crash is 100% the fault of governments that made one China Virus or green policy mistake after another that we are feeling the impact from now—and to solve it they are hurling money at it, which will produce stagflation worse than the 70s.

21) The Fed is expected to raise interest rates today. Hello, recession!

22) Natural gas up 216% under Biteme.



23) The Ukraine army is in bad shape but the West won’t allow Zelensky to sue for peace. The Ukes lack the men to field western weapons now shipped to them.



24) Hollywood celebrities have demanded nationwide protests over the Roe case.

-It wasn’t reported if they wanted these protests to take place in Ukraine. Checking.



25) A victory in a Kansas case involving vaxxing a minor child.

26) Beat that dead horse: the CDC has reinstated its recommendations for maskies on planes and trains after asking the DOJ to appeal the federal judge’s ruling.

27) A German study found those suffering severe complications after taking the China Virus vax are a mere 40 times higher than previously recorded.

I’m sure it was only a math error.

28) Finally, scientists say the universe could start shrinking “remarkably” soon, as in 65 million years.

-And here I thought the universe began shrinking when “I Love Lucy” went off the air. Who knew?


And that's Today's News

Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot's History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the  Wild World of History. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr at @OtherWalls and SOON on TruthSocial!

Larry's latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE


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