The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow
1) According to two DemoKKKrat policy analysts, the party is engaged in a “new politics of evasion” that could lead to a presidential loss in 2024 which would have “catastrophic consequences for the country.”
-They really meant to say “catastrophic consequences for the DemoKKKrats, but it’s the Wa Compost and they can’t afford proofreaders.
2) Trump’s TRUTH Social tops the download list with a massive backlog while the shares of Digital World Acquisition Corporation funding the venture have skyrocketed.
3) File under, “But I thought Trump was toxic”: DemoKKKrats don’t know who to run against and are afraid of invoking Trump.
4) A rather shocking result in the Duval, Florida special election for city council at large, where the Republican completed a 12-point swing from 2018.
5) Another canary in Connecticut State House District 7, where the Republican William Pizzuto won his seat by 47 points (in 2018, he won by 22).
6) Mike Shepard, who tracks all things polling, noted that the RealClearPolitics ballot aggregate now shows a GOP 4.5% lead—the highest since Biteme took office, indicative of a blowout.
7) Biteme sits in silence and picks his teeth after being asked if he underestimated Pootie-poot.
8) Yeah, the Rutabaga is really tough on the Russkies: America’s trade deficit with Russia is up 93.9% in 2021.
9) Now even lib MSNBC hostess Andrea Mitchell is questioning the Rutabaga’s “defensive” ego-driven approach to the Russkies.
10) Shocked! Shocked, I tell ya! The Google “fact-check team” is a handful of Indians with no journalism experience in a small town near Bangladesh.
11) Twice in a week, Emerald Robsinson nails it: “What Happened to Hannity?” How the Faux News talk show host became an empty suit hurting the MAGA cause.
12) The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case on religious liberty of a web designer who won’t work with same-sex couples.
13) In the city formerly known as Baltimore, now New Bangladesh, a high school student has graduated from Baltimore City schools without learning to read.
14) A vote among New Calcutta, i.e., Los Angeles prosecutors found 98% wanted to recall the Soros-backed D.A. George (No One Spits Like) Gascon.
15) One thousand trucks start their 11-day drive from Kollyfornia to D.C. today to protest China Virus mask and vax mandates.
-I’m telling you folks, I don’t have a good feeling about this. They want another Patriot Day (January 6) to crack down before the elections.
16) The Pentagon is considering calling up national guard troops to deal with the U.S. trucker convoy.
17) Volkswagen is deep in talks to buy Porsche.
18) Wal-Mart prepares for price protest demonstrations.
19) Don’t look now but the Dow has dropped nearly 3,000 points since the evil Biteme became president, meaning people cannot sell equities just to keep up with inflation. And yesterday’s 700-point drop did not help.
20) The Rutabaga announces sanctions on Russia over Ukraine, promises gas prices will rise, sends troops to the Baltic states.
-This is one big cover for the crashing economy and soaring inflation.
21) It looks as though the globalists may have their war. Ukraine has declared a state of emergency across the entire country; Russia orders blood supplies.
-(They better make sure those blood supplies aren’t from Russkies who have been vaxxed).
22) As the U.S. finally begins to tighten all abortion laws, Columbia has legalized abortion.
23) Teen Tik Tok star Ava, whose father cop killed an armed fan/stalker, is now due to testify against another stalker . . . but stays on Tik Tok for the $1,700 per video payday.
-This has Dorothy Stratton written all over it.
24) Another Tik Toker, Finnish swimmer Elina Makinen, built a million-strong following by digging ice holes and jumping in.
-I think there are some American politicians we’d like to see follow her into an ice hole. Some others are ice holes.
25) The Metaverse app allows children as young as 13 into virtual strip clubs, and can expose them to grooming.
No one saw this coming.
26) Here is a story of someone who survived Blood clots: they aren’t just “mild” as the CDC would have you think.
27) The Hong Kong Film Festival has been delayed because of the OhMyGod surge.
28) Finally, a female candidate for Texas Railroad Commissioner posed naked riding an oil pumping jack, saying “I have other assets” than money, then accused critics of “slut shaming.”
-That’s certainly one way to get name (and other) recognition.
And that's Today's News
Larry Schweikart can be found at the Wild World of History and at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr at @OtherWalls and SOON on TruthSocial!