The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow February 17, 2022

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

1) The White House cries “Uncle” on the China Virus, announcing it is no longer a “crisis.”

-Hard to believe. The whole Rutabaga administration has been a crisis of competence.

2) One-time leftist Mickey Kaus describes the “Coalition of the Ascendant” as the “Worst Idea of the Decade” and gives 14 reasons why.

3) Even as billybats like Yertle try to run away from “social issues,” the DemoKKKrats find the culture attacks “alarmingly potent” as internal DNCC polling finds voters think DemoKKKrats are “preachy” and “judgmental.”

4) The “fine people” at the CIA knew the “Muh Russia” collusion charges were false and did nothing. Evil, evil organization.

5) Having done nothing but pump the phony “Muh Russia” collusion scandal for years, now the New York Slimes claims the story is too complex for its readers since it involves Cankles.

-Knowing the Slimes readership, anything more complex than an “Archie” comic book is probably too complex.

6) More canaries: in deep blue Bergen County, a county that went for Biteme by 17 points, a Republican has won the council race.

7) The first DemoKKKrat, Tulsi Gabbard (Hottie-Hawaii), says Cankles and “her warmongers must be held accountable” for spying on Trump.

Love ya, Tuls. Now get about 200 of your fellow brownshirts to go along and we’ll see some justice.

8) Some DemoKKKrats who fail to understand what Durham is doing are fulminating, as an NBC analyst says Grand Moff Garland needs to say to Durham, “What are you doing and when are you done?”

-That would be the last thing the Grand Moff wants to say, so long as a single “fine person” at the FBI is still on the hook for “Muh Russia.”

9) The Hill reports the obvious: “DemoKKKrats face blowback over China Virus policies.”

-You see now why Biteme and most DemoKKKrats outside of New Kabul (New York) and Benghazi-by-the-Lake (Chicago) are running from these policies that they created.

10) File this under “Trump has lost his juice”: Republicans spurned by Trump in the primaries still embrace him.

11) A Texas A&M basketball coach is attacked over wearing tight pink leather pants and high heels to a game. She responds by citing racism—“a black woman in a power position.”

They may have a point: her red mask definitely doesn’t fit the rest of her attire. She should be ashamed for not wearing either white or pink.

12) A BLM group has posted bond for a suspect accused of trying to murder Louisville mayoral candidate.

-But, you know, Canadian truckers are “terrorists.”

13) A Washington school district is holding racially segregated meetings to hire a new school superintendent.

14) The NFL has hired Obama AG Loretta Lynch to defend it against fired Dolphins coach Brian Flores racial discrimination suit.

15) Can you say “mistrial?” Jurors in the Sarah Palin libel lawsuit case received push alerts of the judge’s decision to toss the case while they were deliberating.



16) Wolf Richter estimates that the “brutal” increase in rents will add 1% more inflation to the already soaring trend per year.

17) The fourth safety investigation of Tesla cars in three years has begun after complaints of “phantom braking.”



18) U.S. Secretary of Defense—you know, the guy who goes around with the full face shield and a mask, looking like Darth Vader in blue—says that it’s too early to attribute blame for the cyberattacks on Ukraine, but . . . Dammit it’s Russia! We all know it’s Russia! Come on! Get behind a war!

19) New Zealand has begun fining people for not wanting to take a China Virus test and subject them to arrest if they do not.

20) Prince Andrew the Pervert has been reported “relatively chipper” after the Queen ponied up 1.2 million pounds sterling of his 12 million pound payout to Virginia Giuffre, who claimed Andy had sex with her after being ordered to do so by Jeffrey (“he didn’t kill himself”) Epstein when she was just 17.

-You know what I mean?

21) Brit foreign secretary Liz Truss says Pootie-poot is “testing our mettle” and that war games could last for months.

-Wait, these are “war games” now, not an invasion? I’m corn-fused.

22) A U.S.-bound cargo ship carrying 4,000 Porsches and Volkswagens has caught fire in the Atlantic.

-Authorities described a Mercedes employee seen rowing away as a “person of interest.”



23) One year after he has left us, Rush Limbaugh still instructs on how to deal with the left.

-And no one has come close to replacing him.

COMMENT: Because Rush always knew that his ability to talk about politics was subject to his value as an entertainer, hence his ability to draw an audience, he mastered two key elements when it came to his show: First, he always had a mix of the number of stories—not too many, not too few. Second, he always had a mix on the subject of stories, from sports to culture to business to entertainment. Those who didn’t like to hear him talk football or golf knew he would be onto politics or economics in minutes. He remains the greatest political commentator of the 20th century.

24) Scandal-plagued CNN has recorded its worst ratings in seven years.

-Still a ways to go, people, still a ways to go.



25) Even in Porky Pritzker’s Illinois, lawmakers are throwing in the China Virux towel.

26) Probably what should be the top news story of the day, insurance companies have increased mortality expectations by 300,000 due to the China Virus and “indirect COVID,” i.e., the vaxxes.

27) A judge has blocked Boston’s first responder vax mandate.

28) Outrage as James O’Keefe’s “Project Veritas” has exposed a Biteme official admitting that forcing an annual China Virus shot would be a “recurring fountain of revenue” for drugmakers.

29) Finally, a Florida woman used her pandemic loan to hire a hitman to murder the rival for her boyfriend’s affections.

-I dunno, the Mob called this “seed money.”


And that's Today's News

Larry Schweikart can be found at the Wild World of History and at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @WallsOther and on Gettr at @OtherWalls.

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