IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) We ask who is running? Trump dominates the GOP primaries leading by 56% over Mike Pence, but Ron DeSantis leads by 5% if Trump doesn’t run." /> IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) We ask who is running? Trump dominates the GOP primaries leading by 56% over Mike Pence, but Ron DeSantis leads by 5% if Trump doesn’t run." /> IN POLITICAL NEWS 1) We ask who is running? Trump dominates the GOP primaries leading by 56% over Mike Pence, but Ron DeSantis leads by 5% if Trump doesn’t run. 2) … while Cankles is trying to inject herself back into the"/>

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow December 13, 2021

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow


1) We ask who is running? Trump dominates the GOP primaries leading by 56% over Mike Pence, but Ron DeSantis leads by 5% if Trump doesn’t run.

2) . . . while Cankles is trying to inject herself back into the 2024 race according to former Trump political adviser.

3) Biteme continues to flail about politically: he pushed major league baseball to pull the All-Star Game after Georgia’s voter law, but won’t push businesses to drop Olympic sponsorship.

4) Not surprisingly, the number keeps rising. Now 34% of the public says Biteme cheated in 2020: 61% of Republicans and 13% of DemoKKKrats.

5) And the exodus from the Biteme White House continues, as head of personnel leaves for UNICEF.

6) Arizona high school halts transgender spirit week after outcry from parents.

7) More CNN scandal: CNN producer is accused of luring mom and a 9-year-old to his Vermont ski home to “train’ the minor to be sexually submissive.

8) One of Biteme’s megadonors has scored a $500 million federal loan for his solar company.

-Shocked! Shocked, I tell ya!

9) File under “Walls Don’t Work,” Grambling State University proposes an $18 million fence around the campus to keep out crime.

10) Michael Nesmith of “The Monkees” has died at age 78.

-He has taken the last train to Clarksville. R.I.P.

11) Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro refuses subpoena in House China Virus probe.

12) DemoKKKrat lawmakers have unwittingly offered a path for Patriot Day (January 6) political prisoners to sue the federal government to recover damages for constitutional violations.

13) Illegals streaming into the U.S. through the “Yuma Gap”.


14)  Amtrack is temporarily stopping some services due to staff shortages created by the vax mandates...

15) Used car prices may never return to 2019 levels says Cox Automotive.

(From the memory hole: Remember Zero’s “Cash for Clunkers” program where perfectly good cars were destroyed with acid? Gee, what if we had those cars available now?)

16) Biteme’s admin releasing a federal strategy to build 500,000 charging stations for electric vehicles across the country.



17) Finland has ordered 64 Lockheed F-35 fighter jets becoming the 14th nation to purchase the aircraft.

18) Taiwan says a Chicom invasion would be “very hard.”

-Remember, the bear can eat the porcupine any time, but it won’t be pleasant.

19) It looks like Belarus blinked: Over 3,500 migrants transported from Polish-Belarusian border to Iraq.



20) 552 fully vaxxed Oregon residents have died of the China Virus, with half receiving the Pfizer vax.

21) Israeli study: Natural immunity is more protective over time than China Virus vaxxes.

-Shocked! Shocked, I tell ya!

22) File under “Somebody tell the Rutabaga”: DemoKKKrat Governor of Colorado, Jared Polis, declares the China Virus emergency over. “Everybody had more than enough opportunity to get vaxxed.

23) Middlebury College, with a 99% vaxxed rate, has to shut down due to China Virus surge.

-But, “trust the science.”

24) Despite increased testing, South Africa seeing a decline in China Virus cases.

25) Is this how they finally extricate themselves from this ridiculous China Virus mess? Two common over-the-counter compounds reduce the China Virus replication by 99% in early testing (antihistamine and milk).

26) While the “pandemic” raged, 75 lawmakers bought and sold stock in companies that made vaxxes, treatments, and tests.

-Shocked! Shocked, I tell ya!



27) A “crashed flying saucer” is spotted on Mars from NASA images 15 years ago. The object is at the bottom of Candor Chasma, a large canyon, and looks like a long strange trench with a “perfect disk” at the end of it.

-Why are these objects always disks and never look like the spaceships on “The Expanse?”

28) . . . while Las Vegas police arrest a man attempting to steal a jet so he could get to Area 51.

29) And finally, President Vladimir Putin reveals he moonlighted as a taxi driver to make ends meet following the collapse of the USSR.

-Seems KGB-like skills of murder and espionage were not in high demand.


And that’s Today’s News

Larry Schweikart can be found at the Wild World of History and at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @OtherWalls.


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