The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow
1) There are calls for Blind Lemon Don of CNN to be the next fired. Don is facing his own sexual harassment cases.
2) Trump rebuts notion that Melania won’t return to the White House if elected:
“Not true. . . More fake news.”
3) Trump claims the Chicoms’ hypersonic missile tech was handed to them during the Obama administration: “Someone gave them...everything we had.”
4) Chief congressional staffer arrested for bringing a loaded gun into the Longworth House Office Building.
5) Roger Stone defies the January 6 Patriot Day committee.
6) Florida continues to be a beacon of liberty as Governor Ron DeSantis vows no lockdowns: “We’re not gonna let them.”
7) Foreseeing an absolute DemoKKKrat disaster (“an emergency”) MSNBC talking head calls for “federal takeover” of elections in GOP states.
8) Kari Lake, a GOP candidate for governor in Arizona, wants refunds for students forced to learn Communist Racist Theory.
9) Columbus, Ohio leaders express outrage over shooting death of 2 children and a man.
10) Conservatives kill woke provisions in the Defense authorization bill, including “red flag laws” that would discriminate against service members’ Second Amendment rights.
11) Biteme’s administration skipped a federal hearing on closing Guantanamo Bay.
12) As if Kollyfornia isn’t fascist enough, the state now considers $500 fines for water wasters amid the worsening drought.
13) Secularist group targets decades-long tradition of laying wreaths on soldiers’ tombs.
14) Don’t look now, but the United Nations just put up a giant statue in New York that resembles the “beast” described in the Book of Revelation.
-They aren’t even hiding it anymore, folks.
15) Debt-riddled Chinese company, Evergrande, formally defaults on $300 billion in debt as Chicoms prepare to protect economy from consequences in a “controlled demolition” of the giant real estate firm.
16) Another 4.2 million Americans quit their jobs in October as White House touts lower “unemployment rate.”
17) The Demented Pervert says sending troops to Ukraine “not on the table.”
-Now, if he can only remember which table that was . . . .
18) In Turkey, President Tayyip Erdogan says the country should trust his new economic model as the lira falls.
19) The U.S. embassy in Japan warns of “suspected racial profiling” by Japanese police.
20) Is nothing sacred? A Saudi Arabian beauty contest for camels has had to crack down on “enhancements” including Botox injections and other cosmetic enhancements.
21) Glenn Beck on Tucker Carlson’s show reveals that the National Institute of Health claims joint ownership of the Moderna vax and started working on it before the pandemic.
22) 500 Los Angeles school employees were placed on leave in mid-October when they did not get the vax and have been fired this week. Given the court stay on all vax mandates last week, this will likely become the centerpiece of a suit.
23) . . . while a New York Hospital fired 100 unvaxxed employees who had received religious exemptions.
24) Almost one-third of Massachusetts nurses plan on leaving the field soon.
25) Ultra-vaxxed France (76%) has massive spike in new China Virus cases.
26) Dr. Fallacy predicts changes from two vaxxes. Says that mandate opponents need to stop selfishly thinking of themselves or things will get ugly.
27) Pilot deaths have increased 1700% just in the first nine months of 2021.
28) And finally, a boat with “Let’s Go, Brandon” decor won a boat parade in Yorktown, Virginia, only to have the prize snatched away later because it had an “overt political message.”
-What? I thought this was about some race car driver. That’s what the Hoax News told me.
And that’s Today’s News
Larry Schweikart can be found at the Wild World of History and at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @OtherWalls.