The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow
1) Yertle caves to the DemoKKKrats to avoid the dreaded gubment shutdown, will not force the issue over vax mandates.
2) Fifteen RINO senators—predictable names—vote with Yertle to keep spending.
3) Trump’s 2024 VP carousel already spinning: “They’re all begging me.”
4) Did Simone Sanders provide info for the Harris hit pieces? She is the fourth Harris advisor to jump ship in a month.
5) Looters raid San Jose jewelry store as Kollyfornia smash-and-grab wave continues.
-Except we aren’t supposed to use that language, so “Well-meaning wealth distributors assist poor with gifts as social equalization wave continues.”
6) In another version of smash-and-grab, taxpayer funds went to DemoKKKrat-led attempt to overturn an Iowa election.
7) U.S. Senate candidate in Ohio, Josh Mandel, says the supply chain problems prove the importance of bringing back Trump’s America First agenda.
-Preach, brother.
8) File under “they never give up,” having had its previous tax on guns ruled unconstitutional, Cook County, Illinois institutes a new gun tax.
9) Another DemoKKKrat criminal: Steve Pigeon, pal of Bill and Cankles, charged with six counts of child rape.
10) As more stories emerge that the U.S. military couldn’t fight Lower Slobovia, a new AP story: “Racism plagues US military academies despite diversity gains.”
-(Basis of the story is a painting).
11) Queen Elizabeth had to tell Barack Obama to beat it at a state dinner as he hung around forever: “I want to go to bed.”
12) In the trial that isn’t happening (according to the media) “Imperious” Ghislaine Maxwell handed out a 58-page manual to Epstein’s staff that instructed them to stuff his car with $100 bills and “see nothing, say nothing” of his pedo activities.
13) Visitor logs show Epstein visited the Clinton White House 17 times, including a dozen in 1994 and twice in one day on three separate occasions.
-Guess the effort by Comey’s daughter to make this about Trump is flopping.
14) Illegals crossing into the US on the Texas border in record numbers (psst: they’re . . . UNVAXXED!)
15) File under, “Who would have predicted this?” George Floyd’s nephew arrested for intimidating Rittenhouse jurors.
16) DemoKKKrats now think the Transportation Husband is their new Great White Hope.
17) In mental illness news, so-called actor Seth Rogen claims “white supremacy” is to blame for his abysmal Christmas show failure.
18) The 1619 Project receives a $250,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities . . . for ISRAEL.
19) Washington State University claims farmer’s markets, food charity are “white supremacy” in action.
20) President Trump gets it right: “January 6 was a protest,” and the “real insurrection” took place on November 3.
21) Russia drills 700 snipers near Ukraine border as Kiev expects January attack.
-It seems to me the longer we see “demonstrations” and “exercises,” the less likely Pootie-poot will invade: if you want to invade, invade. They don’t need the cover of winter.
22) Do you think something is coming? CEOs and insiders sell a record $69 billion of their stock and the year isn’t over.
23) Powell, Yellen say they underestimated inflation and supply snarls (as M1 grew 369%).
-I guess “some money did something.”
24) DemoKKKrats want to prevent new oil/gas drilling in most U.S. waters.
-Of course they do. They hate America and they hate capitalism.
25) Biiteme’s economy continues to collapse: adds only 201,000 jobs in November, 340,000 below expectations.
-Little Red Lyin’ Hood learns the news live on air, can’t comment, points to “good trends.”
26) More than half those who lost their jobs during the China Virus say they have no plans to return—many to take another six months off.
27) The momentum against vax mandates continues as a federal judge halts the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services mandate nationwide.
28) New York City prisons are facing a massive staffing shortage thanks to the vax mandate.
-That’s ok: you really want to let all the criminals out anyway, don’tcha, DemoKKKrats?
29) Poor little Dr. Fallacy complains that Fox News host compares him to Dr. Mengele.
-He may have a point. Dr. Mengele only wanted to experiment on Jews.
30) Analysis: DemoKKKrats setting up to lose on the one issue that has kept them afloat, the China Virus.
31) Twitter puts unsafe label on a warning from the American Heart Association about the mRNA vax.
-So, guess we are no longer supposed to “trust the science?”
32) Over 23,000 medically confirmed adverse reactions revealed in just the first batch of Pfizer vax documents.
33) People with allergic conditions including hay fever, asthma have up to 40% lower risk of a China Virus infection.
-I knew living 100 yards from a hayfield was a good idea.
34) Spanish investigation shows vaxports have no impact on infection rates and sends the wrong message that the vaxxed cannot spread the virus.
35) Finally, according to Alec Baldwin, “I let go of the hammer and ‘bang,’ the gun goes off.”
-Or, shorter version: “Some fingers did something.”
And that’s Today’s News
Larry Schweikart can be found at the Wild World of History and at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @OtherWalls.