The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow November 16, 2021

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow



1) Steve Bannon is officially arraigned, saying “Biden basically ordered my prosecution,” and “we’re going on offense.”

2) Republicans gain heavy house edge in 2022 as gerrymandered maps emerge.

-A little cheese with that whine, NYSlimes? The media didn’t have a problem with this from the 1970s-1990s when the DemoKKKras gerrymandered an overwhelming number of states.

3) Kollyfornia city of Oroville declares itself a constitutional republic in a stand against Newsom’s China Virus mandates.

4) White House preps lawmakers for a “disappointing” estimate from the CBO showing Build Back Bolshevik won’t be paid for with tax revenue.

-Shocked! Shocked, I tell ya.

5) Botoxic met with NextEra Energy Chairman Jim Robo in October and got a deal for energy. Was it a quid pro quo for the company getting its employees vaxxed?

6) American Greatness: Trump is necessary to restore two-party rule.

7) Infowars’ Alex Jones found guilty by default of defamation for claiming Sandy Hook school massacre was a “giant hoax.”

8) Ohio’s attorney general Dave Yost filed a suit against Facebook (i.e., “Metabeta”) for violating federal securities laws.

9) Students who launched a joke petition to restart slavery sue for civil rights violation after suspensions. (The dirty little secret is that many students would willingly sign such a petition if it were aimed at conservatives or the unvaxxed.)

10) Scottsdale, AZ school board president removed after compiling dossier on parents who opposed mask mandates. Kudos to local radio host James T. Harris for blowing this story up.

11)  . . . yet he refuses to resign, so parents demand new school board election.

12) Republicans look to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level.

13) No, you cannot just rename Communist Racist Theory (CRT) as “SEL” (Social Emotional Learning) and think parents won’t notice: pushback against SEL programs.

-Kudos to Christopher Rufo for leading the charge on this.

14) Maryland mayor charged with 50 counts of “revenge porn.” (No political party mentioned, so you know which one it is.)

15) Speaking of public virtue, that fine example of humanity Marilyn Manson “had a small, soundproof glass enclosure called the ‘Bad Girls’ Room” that he used to lock up and torture dates.



16) It seems German regulators hate energy as much as American bureaucrats do: German regulator suspends Nord Stream 2 (pipeline) approval process.

17) The US military continues its decline as Hudson Institute’s Michael Pillsbury (from “Charlie Wilson’s War”) says we are headed for a “Chinese-led world order.”

18)  . . . and this is echoed by the CEO of Northrop who says we “can’t assume” the US defense sector will remain the best in the world.

19) Yet China’s Shenzhen’s sinking industrial profits are a bellwether of China’s economy.

20) Belgium’s most vaxxed province has the highest number of China Virus cases.

21) The great world sage known as Sting says “we’re in a very dangerous political climate.”

-How can you compete with such depth?

22) Russia considering prohibitions on sexual deviancy in film. Tell me again why Russia is always doing what we should be doing?

23) Britain and NATO vow to stand by Ukraine as Russkie troops mass at the border.

-I’m sure Ukraine now is quite relieved.



24) The economic adviser for the Biteme regime says the answer to halt inflation is to vax children.

-Wait, what about a “WIN” button?

25) End of lockdowns and GBI (the Great Biteme Inflation) have been “cutting into Americans’ TV habits” with half of US adults set to cancel streaming in next six months.

26) Since 2008, inflation/monetary policy has cost US savers $4 trillion.

27) Some 2,000 Disney employees moving to “business-friendly” Florida as company relocates jobs from sagging Kollyfornia. All are paying “cash, it’s all cash” as difference in Florida and Kollyfornia median home price is over half a million dollars.

28) US retail sales accelerate . . .

29)  . . . but so do import prices.

30) How the Fed could blow the inflation response (Psst: It’s not about the Fed. It’s about the White House, and there is nothing the Fed can do about it)


31) Did the White House Chief of Staff destroy the vax mandate with one ill-advised tweet? (Ron Klein’s “work around” tweet).

32) A 19 year old Aussie equestrian star has blood clots days after getting vaxxed.

33) UK now says three vaxxes will be necessary to be “fully vaccinated.” So if you don’t have blood clots now, well, just hang on.

34) Big: Oklahoma bill would allow employees to sue for $1 million over mandated vaxxes.

35) In MI, Witless Protection vetoes bill to forgive, refund China Virus fines.

36) Finally, a bitter Scottie Pippen says Michael Jordan “ruined basketball” by ending team play.


And that’s Today’s News 


Larry Schweikart can be found at the Wild World of History and at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @OtherWalls.

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