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Project Veritas Exposes Alleged Elder Abuse

  • by:
  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

Project Veritas (PV) allegedly exposed elder abuse and medical fraud at Aegis Living in a new video released Tuesday. Project Veritas reports that "multiple insiders" have come forward from the Issaquah, Washington eldercare facility. They reported alleged falsifying records, forcibly injecting the COVID-19 vaccine, and lying about what was being administered.

One of the whistleblowers, Cassandra Renner, told PV:

"[I] came to Project Veritas because I believe that Aegis Living is grossly taking advantage of severely vulnerable adults through fraud on care plans. I don't think that the neglect is coming directly from the care managers, as much as it is coming from the facility making the choice to be short-staffed."

Renner also revealed that one of the patients was deceived about the shot she was receiving and later died.

“I had overheard a chemical restraint being given to one of the residents I worked with in order to get her to take the COVID vaccine. They had given her a PRN, like Xanax, and they were successful after giving her the PRN in order to get her to take the COVID vaccine,” Renner said." 

“The resident was lied to about what shot she was receiving. She was told that it was the flu shot. She's no longer with us and in her last moments of life, she had to have her dignity removed.”

In the full video featured below, multiple staff at Aegis lay out what they see happening at the facility:

Another insider, Jonathan Schlect, recounts that he was required to forge signatures to indicate patients had received care when, in fact, they hadn't. Other employees told him in group texts that falsifying documents would "pay off."

“I was told by the care director, Jen, if I didn't [forge signatures], I would be out of compliance with my job and not following her direction, and I'd be written up.”

Care Log/Project Veritas/Aegis Living

Averi Robinson, Associate Care Director at Aegis, said she has job security because the facility is so short-staffed:

“The people we do have are there [at Aegis Living] because we need a heartbeat and not because they're actually capable caregivers. They [Aegis Living] literally cannot afford to fire any of us. If we have anything, it’s job security.”

Project Veritas is well-known for exposing secrets and bringing the truth to light. Most recently, UncoverDC has reported on several Project Veritas projects, including vaccine hesitancy, conditions for illegals in Texas border detention centers, CNN conference calls, and Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar and her alleged ballot harvesting projects—to name a few. The organization has long battled censorship and defamation.

In March, James O'Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas, won a defamation lawsuit against the New York Times. O'Keefe also sued Twitter for defamation when they removed his account because of the CNN exposé. He released a video poking Twitter for the removal.

Project Veritas' Mamaroneck, New York headquarters were destroyed on Sept. 2 by Hurricane Ida. However, they were elated to find that their "Wall of Shame" survived the flood.

O'Keefe posted a video later in the day with details of the flooding during which he asked for donations. An excerpt follows:

"We are still in the field reporting on stories and a very resilient organization, perhaps the most resilient people of any organization anywhere. And we often find ourselves rising, like a Phoenix out of the ashes—repeatedly over the last decade. Continuously attacked by external forces, since the beginning when we were nothing but a laptop and a Yeti microphone on the second floor of an old carriage house. Sometimes devastation begets bigger and better things," he continued, "We too will rise again."

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