Election Integrity: Look Ahead America’s ‘The Georgia Report’

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

Look Ahead America, the non-partisan, non-profit organization that came to life following the uncertainty of the 2020 General Election, continues its mission to get answers to questions surrounding election integrity in the United States. On Apr. 19, Executive Director Matt Braynard announced the release of The Georgia Report, which he says "proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the deserved winner of the state of Georgia's presidential electoral votes in the 2020 General Election is unknowable."

Motivated by President Trump's first inaugural address, where he declares, "Through loyalty to our country, we will rediscover loyalty to each other," Braynard, who has been repeatedly harassed by Dominion Voting Systems, and his team of over forty individuals initiated the Voter Integrity Project (VIP). The team has dedicated hundreds of hours of work and nearly $100,000 in crowd-sourced funding to run the experimental analyses that make up the report, which identifies six tranches of illegal ballots in the state of Georgia

The Georgia Report

As reported by UncoverDC, Georgia like several other key battleground states, exhibited many instances of election fraud. Voter registration is one such instance. Like most states, it is illegal in Georgia for voters to register using a residential address where they do not live. However, using extensive methods described in the report, the VIP identified 1,056 individuals in Tranche 1 that registered illegally to vote. 

Tranche 2 explored the National Change of Address (NCOA) database maintained by the United States Postal Service (USPS). The USPS is responsible for matching the EABCINV database against the NCOA. Braynard and his team identified 15,700 individuals who, more than a month before the 2020 General Election, filed permanent, out-of-state residency changes. Again, using comprehensive procedures detailed in the report, the VIP concluded with 95 percent certainty that 6.5 percent of these votes were cast illegally. When projected to the 15,700 individuals identified above, the report calculates 10,651 illegally cast ballots in this category. 

In Tranche 3, the VIP examined EABCINV to out-of-state subsequent registrations (OOSSR). After comprehensive matching against numerous databases, they identified 4,926 ballots in this category. With 95 percent confidence, they concluded that 17.4 percent, or 840 ballots, were cast illegally with a margin of error of 5.7 percent. 

Limitations of time, the inability to access the necessary government databases, and budget constraints made it impossible for the VIP to analyze Tranche 4, 5, and 6. Nevertheless, the report explains:

Given our findings in these samples, there appears beyond a reasonable doubt that one will find many more illegally cast ballots in the tranches that we could not examine due to limits of manpower, time, budget, and access. In nearly all cases, the state government, if it chose to, could research these tranches that we could not as it has a full arsenal of tools at its disposal (full dates of birth, voter registration records, etc.).

The Georgia Report

Under the pretense of the pandemic, the unprecedented changes to voting practices across the nation wreaked havoc on the November election. After examining multiple faults in the election, Look Ahead America has listed in their report critical policy objectives that it believes will restore the public's trust and confidence in future elections and restore faith in our electoral system. Each objective holds the following key requirements: (1) eliminates vulnerabilities in our election system, (2) is in harmony with current state and federal laws and established legal precedence, (3) practicality of implementation. The following is a summary of recommendations provided by Look Ahead America and can be found in detail in their report:

  • A single machine-readable thumbprint on the affidavit envelope of an absentee ballot will limit the ability of an individual other than the voter of record to cast that ballot and allow for easy detection of multiple ballots cast by one voter.
  • Mandated and Public Voter List Hygiene to ensure the list of registered voters contains only those legally eligible to cast ballots. The findings will appear in the publicly available voter lists, allowing citizen organizations to ensure only legally cast ballots are counted.
  • Ban on the Use of “Black Box” Voting Equipment. Only election equipment that uses open-source software and design available for inspection and review by the public and technology organizations will be allowed.
  • Appointment of a Citizens Elections Supervisory Committee. Members will have access to the election process and will be responsible for documenting the lawful execution of the election at every level.
  • Creation and Sufficient Funding for a Dedicated Voter Fraud Investigation Division within the State’s Attorney General’s Office
  • Equitable Distribution of Private Contributions to Election Operations. While private individuals and corporations may choose to sponsor improvements to election operations with direct donations of funding or material to government election agencies, these contributions may not target geographically (e.g. by district or precinct) and must be distributed equally throughout a state based on voter populations.

Look Ahead America is not stopping with Georgia. They plan to release similar reports for Wisconsin and Arizona in the coming month. And this summer, the group will focus on states that have elections this year—Louisiana, New Jersey, and Virginia—to identify ineligible individuals in the voter databases.

To support Look Ahead America, please go to https://www.lookaheadamerica.org/donate.

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