The Sad Tragic Tale of George Papadopoulos

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

Brian Cates


I attended the recent American Priorities Conference, called “AMPFEST 2019” at the Trump Doral hotel in Miami, Florida where I met a person I've been writing regularly about for more than a year:  George Papadopoulos.

Papadopoulos sits right at the center of the beating heart of the origin of the FBI's counterintelligence investigation of the Donald Trump presidential campaign during the 2016 election.

To hear top officials of the Obama DOJ/FBI tell the tale, Papadopoulos is central to a massive illegal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government of Vladimir Putin.  Trying to hide his culpability in this plot against the integrity of the 2016 election, Papadopoulos lied to the FBI, was convicted of perjury, and was sentenced to fourteen days in jail.

At least, that's the official story that the Mueller report relates.  What actually happened is far different. To learn what really transpired, I highly recommend the book George wrote recounting how as a young, low level adviser just beginning to make his way into the world of politics, he ended up right in the middle of the biggest political scandal of all time.

I got to briefly meet George at the closing party on the final night of the AMPFEST conference, but during that brief encounter, he illustrated for me, as people milled around waiting to have their picture taken with him, how clumsily Alexander Downer had gotten out his cell phone and held it in front of him as he recorded their conversation back in May 2016 inside the famed Kensington Wine Rooms.

George's demonstration caused me to articulate something I'd been thinking for some time: that the SpyGate plotters knew quite well what they were doing in seeking to manufacture a fake conspiracy between Trump's campaign & the Russian government was highly illegal, and would cause a massive scandal if the truth ever got out.  For this reason, they couldn't use normal channels. Since the entire operation had to be kept off-the-books, the number of people that could be involved was incredibly small.

Downer is a career politician and a diplomat. He's not a trained intelligence agent.  Yet there he was, being pressed into service during this strange encounter in a clumsy attempt to get Papadopoulos on the record about Mifsud's fake offer of Russian aid to the Trump campaign, so the plot could proceed.

As Andrew McCarthy relates in his new book, “Ball of Collusion”, when the SpyGate plotters decided in early 2016 they wanted to manufacture a fake Trump/Russia conspiracy, they needed a point of contact to whom they could send their “OCONUS LURE” to make the fake offer of Russian help.

They picked George Papadopoulos.

Living Well Actually IS the Best Revenge

They picked this young guy, a low-level adviser, to be a disposable patsy.  They would frame him for 'accepting' a fake offer of help from the Russians, then convict him & discard him. If the history books mentioned him at all, it'd be as some loser who had a promising career cut short for selling out his country.

But that is not what is happening.  Papadopoulos brilliantly went off their script. Instead of retreating into ignominy, he's flipped the tables on these Deep State rats that targeted him.

He went public with his story. A true story in which he is the victim of a vicious crime by an organized cabal of some of the most powerful government officials across the globe.

I hope that perhaps someday George can recover & move on with his life after being the victim of such a mean-spirited crime by such a powerful group of elites spread across multiple governments & intelligence agencies.

Perhaps after a few more years traveling the world with his hot model wife & the dump trucks full of money from the bestsellers and the forthcoming movie based on his life that will doubtless be made shall allow him some small measure of comfort.

Well that and getting to watch from the exclusive hotels and fine restaurants he now frequents as every single one of the SpyGate plotters who tried to ruin his life is dragged into the light of day and held accountable for their rampant crimes against him and so many others.

They say living well is the best revenge, and from what I saw at AMPFEST, George has just about become a living personification of this saying.

RussiaGate Was Fake; SpyGate Is 100% Real

There is no documentation or any other evidence that exists anywhere that Papadopoulos related the supposed offer about the emails from Mifsud to anyone in the Trump campaign.

Mueller did not charge a single person with anything found in the Steele Dossier or in relation to any meetings Papadopoulos had with Mifsud...or anyone else.

Recall when he finally sat before Congress to be questioned under oath, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller seemed to not even remember exactly who Mifsud is and why his meetings with Papadopoulos mattered.

As I related in an earlier column at The Epoch Times, Mifsud’s role in launching SpyGate is crucial and central to the entire thing.  He’s not a fringe player in this, he’s right in the middle of it all.

The mainstream media has been currently trying to shift its coverage of Mifsud in a futile attempt to do damage control ahead of the release of DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s next report, which is currently expected to be made public at the end of October.

RussiaGate is dead, and nothing is going to bring it back. SpyGate has been the real scandal all this time.  For two years the Fake News Media relentlessly pushed the RussiaGate Hoax while mocking SpyGate as a 'bizarre conspiracy theory'.

This is why IG Horowitz's report is going to stun so many people.  That report will not only establish through mountains of documentary evidence that RussiaGate was indeed a hoax all along; it's also going provide incontrovertible evidence that SpyGate is real.  Far from being a convoluted wild conspiracy theory, SpyGate is what really happened.

Many Democrats in Congress & the Fake News Media either know or strongly suspect what is coming, which is why they're chanting “Impeach!” over and over again frantically in a panicked mantra.

They're scared.

Well, good.

They should be.




Brian Cates is a political pundit & author who lives in South Texas. He is a regular contributor to both UncoverDC & The Epoch Times.  He can be followed on Twitter at @drawandstrike.


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