Grisly Facts Unmask And Weaken Big Abortion

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  • Source: UncoverDC
  • 09/19/2023

Written By Celia Farber

For days I’ve studied the complicated story of the legal war between anti-abortion activists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt (Center for Medical Progress) and the government in California, led by Attorney General Xavier Becerra. A preliminary hearing is underway in San Francisco Superior Court, brought against Daleiden and Merritt, and set in motion originally by former California AG Kamala Harris. If convicted, Daleiden and Merritt could face up to 10 years in prison for faking their identities and recording damning undercover videos that exposed the abortion industries darkest secrets. The charges include 15 felony counts of illegal taping.

By now, we all know this much:

For many years abortion clinics, including but not limited to Planned Parenthood, have partnered with biotech companies to "procure" parts of fetuses after abortions. Biotech companies then obtain these fetuses for very little and sell them for astronomical prices. A haze of palatability, futurism, heroic medicine and even morality hang over the whole thing as soon as we hear the words "stem-cell research."

To get a sense of the macabre reality and details, one can download and read a Senate report titled: "Human Fetal Tissue Research: Context and Controversy"

Page 3 spells out the grim business.

"Since 2010, Three Companies--Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc.; StemExpress, LLC, and Novogenix Laboratories, LLC--Have paid Planned Parenthood affiliates to acquire aborted fetuses, and subsequently sold the fetal tissue to their respective customers at substantially higher prices than their documented costs."

The details are harrowing and heartbreaking.

On "one day" in June of 2014, the report states, " ABR technician obtained a 20-week-old fetus at a Planned Parenthood clinic, for which it paid the clinic $60. From that one fetus, ABR sold its brain to one customer for $325; both of its eyes for $325 each ($650 total) to a second customer, a portion of its liver for $325 to a third customer; its thymus for $325 and another portion of its liver for $325 to a fourth customer, and its lung for $325 to a fifth customer."

ABR, the report says, "procured" the fetus at 9:00 am at a Planned Parenthood Clinic, along with three others. By 1 pm, in a four-hour window, ABR earned $6,825, if you include "...service fees, shipping, disease testing, cleaning, and freezing (where applicable.)"

The ABR technician, paid a mere $15 an hour, earned $60 during this time. Planned Parenthood's defenders in the legacy media have pointed out that PP only charged the bio-tech companies modest fees to cover the cost of procurement (about $50 per specimen). But apparently, the companies themselves do all the procuring with their own technicians on site, which means Planned Parenthood does in fact profit.

Journalists on Trial

Mr. Daleiden began his massive research project sometime after 2012, lifting the lid on a very dark and burgeoning field. His awakening happened after watching a 20/20 documentary that year, in which a procurer-turned whistleblower said that he would get aborted babies still alive, cut open their chests and find their hearts still beating. He also told perhaps the single most crushing abortion story ever to see the light of day: Two twins who survived an abortion, were moving, and cuddling each other. They were drowned by the abortionist, who then harvested their organs. That did it for Daleiden.

He knew what he would do with his life, and he planned carefully.

Daleiden and colleague Sandra Merritt went undercover, posing as a biotech startup seeking business, and recorded video-taped conversations in which abortion executives admitted to many gruesome practices. They haggled over the prices for the parts, and most disturbingly, sounded utterly detached from the reality of what they were actually discussing.

The hearing in San Francisco (which the AG tried to gag but failed) is getting very little media coverage beyond a few Christian outlets. Those outlets are doing an excellent job. Strangely, considering the revelations, those reports are not pooling back to either legacy or new media.

Daleiden woke up to the central dark secret of the abortion and procurement industries, when he spoke with two stem cell scientists, who explained to him that a fetus needed to be born alive for specimens to be viable for research. The common practice is, we all know, for a fetus to be killed in the womb. Stem Express, the biotech company at the heart of the scandal, partook in a Stanford study in which an old "perfusion" technique called the Langendorff method, long used for extracting living hearts from animals, was applied to human fetuses. In other words, it was documented openly in medical literature that beating human baby hearts were being extracted for research purposes.

The identities of the abortion professionals are concealed in the trial.

Daleiden testified that one of the providers, known as "Doe 2", "...talked about changing [an] abortion technique to harvest intact parts in order to meet demand from companies selling human fetal parts." Former Stem Express procurer Holly O'Donnell confessed that she had dismembered a 25-week-old fetus and been forced to cut open the baby's face to procure its brain. "Prior to doing that," CMP tweeted, "her supervisor showed O'Donnell the baby's beating heart." O'Donnell testified that she was distressed and didn't want to move forward.

"I came to suspect Stem Express and Planned Parenthood of Mar Monte of homicide," Mr. Daleiden said in court last week. One imagines pin-drop silence in the courtroom at that moment.

It seemed during the trial last week, that the testimony was pointing toward many people engaging in activities that are at the very least depraved, if not criminal. If so, why are the two journalists on trial? This will bring us squarely back to the ways Mr. Obama weaponized the DOJ during his administration.

The Smear

Planned Parenthood, for its part, unbelievably, hired Fusion GPS to discredit Daleiden and Merritt. Their 2017 report claimed to have "forensic evidence" the videos were edited to create a false narrative and even contained audio manipulation. This claim has been proven untrue.

Daleiden testified that prior to going undercover, he consulted with lawyers to make sure he could legally record conversations. He learned he could, under California penal codes 632 and 633.5.

One StemExpress witness testified that she sold a single vial of stem cells from an aborted baby for $17,000. In 2012, the scientific director for Stem Express made public remarks at a conference revealing that StemExpress went from a $15,000 "loan company" to a multi-million-dollar company in just two years.

It was President Obama's DOJ that made the decision to go after the whistleblowers rather than the potentially criminal elements of the organ procurement and abortion industries.

Brian Caldwell, a Special Agent from the California DOJ, curiously first testified on September 10th that Loretta Lynch wrote to then California Attorney General Kamala Harris asking for an investigation into Daleiden and Merritt. But on September 12th he changed his testimony and said the letter came from four members of Congress to Lynch and Harris. Representatives Jan Schakowsky, Zoe Lofgren, Jerry Nadler, and Yvette Clarke sent the letter, requesting that they investigate Daleiden and Merritt to determine “whether any laws were broken," in what they called " elaborate, multi-year scheme," on July 21, 2015.

Various chapters of Planned Parenthood donated a total of $81,000 to Kamala Harris political campaigns up to that point, and she was an open advocate and ally.

Harris could have taken the pro-life group's damning videos and pursued a criminal investigation of the body parts industries and Planned Parenthood, but instead, she chose to turn the hose on them for the damage they did to Planned Parenthood's reputation and business.

Livid over the published sting videos, six Planned Parenthood executives called a private meeting with Kamala Harris in March of 2016, and 2 weeks later, Daleiden's apartment and vehicle were subject to a violent search and seizure, in which 40 terabytes of data were seized, unlawfully.

According to David Daleiden:

"In April 2016 at the behest of Planned Parenthood, Kamala Harris ordered a search warrant served on my home in Orange County," he said in an interview with EWTN TV. "I think it was a total of 11 agents of the California Department of Justice, sent by Kamala Harris came in, and overturned my entire one-bedroom apartment. They seized all the video recording equipment all of my computer equipment. Everything. All of the electronics equipment that was used to do the undercover filming. Primarily they were looking for the videos and they were looking for the original videos we now have in the investigator notes from the Attorney General's office. Now, they reported in their case notes-- Planned Parenthood specifically requesting of Kamala Harris‘s office that they would specifically go in and seize the videos from me. So they were trying to take all the raw footage away and trying to do a huge cover-up they weren’t successful in doing that but that’s just one of many things that Kamala Harris as Attorney General of California is willing to do to put the powers of her law-enforcement office at the service of the interest of a powerful and favored political backer at Planned Parenthood."

Daleiden also said in several interviews that Kamala Harris herself was hell bent on destroying him.

The abortion clinics which have sued, claimed that Daleiden's videos placed them at risk, (though they never produced any evidence of any threats) and that he had heavily edited the videos to distort the truth.

Horrific Details, Captured on Tape

The conversations heard across the din, with the fetal organ resale company called Stem Express, are macabre and shocking. They sound like something Anthony Burgess himself could not have dreamed up: Different organs at different gestational ages discussed casually, price haggling, all manner of discussion was captured. Planned Parenthood executives even angle for higher bids--one snaps "$50 is like 12 years ago," and then says, as she laughs, "I want a Lamborghini."

"What kind of volume do you need," asks Mary Gatter, Council President for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, "and what gestational ages?"

They all sound as matter of fact as if they were in the plastics business.

The shocking things the pair caught on video include conversations where a technician admits she knew how to manipulate a fetus on an ultrasound to get it into a breach position in order to secure an intact head removal, discussions about how to get intact fetuses-including with beating hearts- procured and preserved, and how to "tear" a head from a body. They also captured conversations explaining what to do when a baby survives an abortion. This has been a hotly debated topic as of late, and in some states, babies born alive must then be transferred to a hospital. In addition, the pair captured conversations involving direction on how to make sure the specimens come from highly desirable fetuses, and how to "pay attention to who is in the room," to make sure nobody present has a breakdown and interferes with the capture of the specimens.

They also include testimony from a Planned Parenthood whistleblower who speaks of being turned away at a Fed Ex office by an employee who asks, "What's in the box?"

"Does it matter?" comes the reply.

"I'm not shipping that," he says, revealing he knows what is in the box and that it violated federal laws against shipping human body parts in the mail.

In the end, the package is sent, but from another FedEx office. The two Planned Parenthood staffers discuss the fact that they were not aware it was against the law. The whole thing is sad, squalid, and downright bizarre. [All of the videos can be seen at and at their YouTube channel.]

Is Journalism Protected?

In 2015, Daleiden, who changed the status of his not-for-profit “Center For Medical Progress” to a journalistic outlet once he'd shot the videos, began to post them Project Veritas style.

This made him a journalist, which would become significant. Under California law, journalists are permitted to create ruses to get information, and it is against the law for a journalist's "unreleased work product" to be seized by the government.

Right now, there are two cases in the San Francisco courts-- a criminal hearing and a civil hearing. In the latter, brought by Planned Parenthood, Daleiden and Merrit face RICO charges. Daleiden's lawyers, meanwhile, have filed a Motion for Return of Property against present CA Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who picked up where Harris left off.

Abortion Industry Whistleblowers Facing Prison

Outside the courthouse, where Daleiden and Merritt face the 15 felony charges brought against them by the state of California, Horatio Mehit, attorney for Merritt, said in an interview with LifeSiteNews: "Planned Parenthood is under the misapprehension that they are going to put Sandra Meritt and the other co-defendants on trial. What Planned Parenthood fails to realize is that it's actually Planned Parenthood that's going on trial. This trial that they brought against Sandra Merritt and the other co-defendants is completely meritless and frivolous and the only thing it's going to succeed in doing is bringing these videos back to light, showing this jury...the gruesome things, the unlawful things that Planned Parenthood did behind closed doors."

This is a preliminary hearing, and while Harris and the state of California brought the suit, Planned Parenthood is losing a catastrophic PR battle every time a new witness testifies. The judge will decide if it should go further to a criminal trial, in which case Daleiden and Merritt could face up to 10 years in prison. The names of the 14 plaintiff "Doe’s" who have accused Daleiden and Merritt of eavesdropping and recording confidential information are sealed by the judge's order.

Meanwhile, Daleiden's videos prompted three Congressional investigations into Planned Parenthood, and one Federal. Planned Parenthood, for its part, sent out emails "instructing everyone to file police reports in their local jurisdictions”. In December of 2015, Jacqueline Barbic, owner of a late term abortion clinic in Oakland, CA, sent a letter to the Attorney General "demanding DOJ action against Mr. Daleiden, accusing him of "an effort to put us [abortion providers] at risk" of violence, according to legal papers filed by Mr. Daleiden. As of 2017, StemExpress and one other bio-tech company, ABR, along with several Planned Parenthood affiliates in California came under Federal DOJ investigation "for the sale of fetal body parts."

In other words, the government did not deem it legal for these entities to be trafficking in fetal parts. In the Congressional investigation that prompted the DOJ probe, Barbic's clinic "...was found to be in "systemic violation" of HIPAA for providing patient medical files to unlicensed StemExpress workers in order to target women with the most marketable fetuses."

Two bio-tech companies, Da Vinci Biosciences, LLC, and DV Biologics, LLC, eventually admitted guilt and settled with the Orange County DA's office for $7.8 million.

Planned Parenthood's lawsuits against Daleiden have brought the entire matter into the open.

Most Americans, including those who are pro-choice, are horrified to learn of this sub-culture and industry, and we can expect the abortion debate to undergo a sea-change as a result of Daleidon's and Merritt’s investigations. But why did it take citizen journalists to expose the practices fully known by the HHS?

On a Facebook thread, a friend on the far left posted about Daleidon's findings. His FB friends, mostly pro-choice, insisted it was not real, was the stuff of The National Enquirer or worse. Lies. They didn't say there was nothing wrong with it, they said it wasn't true. If that is a representative sample of how the pro-choice majority will react, it doesn't look good for the abortion industrial complex going into the next decade.

A final thought struck me: Isn't it interesting that the left, which is pro-choice, is more "socialist" than ever? And isn't it interesting that their most cherished institution, abortion, turns out to harbor precisely the kind of predatory, deranged “capitalism” Karl Marx, their Godhead, warned against in Das Kapital?

If you follow the money, you run right into something that may or may not be against the law but transgresses all boundaries of decency and humanity. If the left wants to stay on this sinking ship, all it will achieve is to convince the undecideds that yes, the left has lost its humanity, along with its green-grass mind. And abortion, far from just being a "woman's right," is a lucrative business, and one which depends utterly upon our collective de-sensitization, to flourish.

The videos, and legal files, can all be seen at:


Celia Farber is half Swedish, raised there, so knows "socialism" from the inside. She has focused her writings on freedom and tyranny, with an early focus on pharmaceutical industry and media abuses on human liberties.She has been under ferocious attack for her writings on HIV/AIDS, as a psychological operation and rooted in fake science. She is a contributor to and The Epoch Times, and has in the past written for Harper's, Esquire, Rolling Stone and more. Having been gravely injured in legacy media, she never wants to go back. She is the recipient of the Semmelweis International  Society Clean Hands Award For Investigative Journalism and was under such attack for her work she had to at one point seek protection from the FBI and NYPD. She is the author of: "Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS," and the editor of The Truth Barrier, an investigative, and literary website. She co-hosts "The Whistleblower Newsroom" with Kristina Borjesson on PRN, Fridays at 10am. 

You can reach Celia at the following social links:

Twitter: @CeliaFarber







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